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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hutt Ball, Hutt Ball, Hutt Ball


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Seriously, why does it seem this warzone is what i get 90% of the time. Guess the devs really think everyone loves this warzone.


I wish I could queue for a warzone I want. Or at least when it pops it should display the warzone I'm about to enter this way I can just pass and not have to wait for the extremely long load times between ending a warzone and going back to where i was when it entered.


Sorry, Im raging im just tired of hutt ball. Dont really think that warzone has anything to do with stars wars. It just seems like it was thrown in. I'm sure alot of ppl like it, but I just wish had an option to choose. If I did I would only enter the other 2.

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The reason you are getting Huttball over and over again is that your faction outnumbers the other faction on your server.


If you could queue for individual WZs, you'd probably be frustrated that your queue times were so long. If you want better queue times, you might want to consider making a Republic character. They probably have instant queues with no Huttball.

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On our server, Helm of Graush, Republic is getting a lot of huttball since 1.1. I had 4 Repub vs Repub huttball today alone. And several other Repub vs Imp huttball matches.


All our Imperials are out farming Ilum it seems.


The other thing of note is that Imperial teams are really melee heavy. I've never seen so many Juggs and Marauders in a warzone as I have since 1.1.

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Since some days it has become even worse. 50 Warzones, and 45 out of it are Huttball... thats just stupid ****. I really hope they do something about it, because im sick of huttball, it sucks, it sucks really. Playing ONE *********** WZ all the time as a PvP player is just no content at all. And no, i am not rerolling rep on my Server, Then i will never get huttball but can never finish Ilum Missions.... Edited by nodq
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I actually want to play hutball. keep getting the other two WZ way to much.





"These are the rules of huttball".. lol love that.:D


When you have ONLY huttball every day for WEEKS on lvl50, maybe 2 or 3 other Warzones a day. Then you wouldnt love it, trust me. Im also sick of playing against same faction all the time.


BW failed so hard at this. AION did that great, they locked the Servers if one faction had more than 4% than the other, and reopened it when it was again 50/50. You had really really really good balance between factions in AION on almost every Server. At least in the EU.

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