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Operatives: An Education


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Now, we all know about what's coming in the next patch. Most of us are pissed, some of us are surprisingly cool with it.


The biggest issue, I believe, is that the nerf is coming as result of incessant QQ and hyperbole here on the forums. Aside from people who whine and exaggerate, a large number of people have never played our class and do not understand how it works. These people get their information on our class from the QQ'ers.


I propose that we compile a few simple rebuttals to the most common arguments and complaints against our class, and use them when and where we can on the forums, to educate people and shut the QQ'ers up.


Instead of saying l2p, we need point-by-point rebuttals against ridiculous charges. Fight the disinformation and exaggeration with calm, cool, intelligent arguments.


After all, it's what the Imperial Agent would do.

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We're never going to shut up the QQ man..it's just not how the internet works (see my sig). People who were and are whining don't WANT to be educated on how the class works, and they've obviously never even played an Operative/Scoundrel to 20, let alone 50. Unfortunately, we are a very under-represented class and so Bioware just nerfed us because they could, not because they should.
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