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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Am I the only one that used Jorgen all the way through?


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I've been working through the companions based on who I wanted affection with next. I'm combat medic spec, so I can pretty much use anybody as my tank except Elara (in which case I'm the tank). I started with Aric as he was the romance option for female troopers, then moved on to Yuun because he was very easy to please and gave slicing bonuses. ;) I'm nearly done with Forex now, then it'll be Vik and Elara last.
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Ever since getting Vik I've been using him as a tank. I find I can keep up with heals fine, and he can hold aggro better then some of the others.


It did suck on Hoth getting -81 whenever I turned in a quest. heh


Combat medic btw

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Ever since getting Vik I've been using him as a tank. I find I can keep up with heals fine, and he can hold aggro better then some of the others.


It did suck on Hoth getting -81 whenever I turned in a quest. heh


Combat medic btw


So before turning in a quest send him away and take out a companion that will appreciate the way you do things. A win win for you with both toons.

Edited by Rhyys
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My vanguard is only 35 right now, but I've been running with Jorgan since the very beginning. I'm sure it's partially because of my fondness of the actor (Detective Lassiter from Psych), but I would personally rather kill faster and risk dying than take forever to kill anything. For PVP I'm considering using Yuun though, since melee DPS companions seem to be more effective than the ranged ones (because of inductions/channels mostly, from my experience). My intent is to at least use Jorgan until his affection is maxed though, since the companions you start with are always the hardest to max.
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Used Jorgan myself up to about lvl 45 and then started mixing it up with M1-4X just to start getting Affection with him. Playing a Gunner and had Armstech so both my and Jorgan had current lvl epic guns since lvl 15 basicly and mobs under Golden usualy went down to fast to do any dmg. Didn't start using Dorne until Correlia and then again to grind affection and get the romance option. Gone back to Jorgan now though at 50 and full affections when grinding due to the insane dmg output he got.
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I used jorgan all the way to 50, and even after that. played vanguard and it worked great with tank/dps. i was able to survive the fights so using jorgan to make them go down faster dosen't make me cry :p i now use dorne for solo heroics, works very well.
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I love Aric's personality and find him extremely useful in combat (commando medic). Why wouldn't I use him all the way through the game? :)


As for people saying he's a jerk at the start, I just think he has high standards. Right from the beginning, my trooper wanted to meet those standards rather than resenting them. Better to have a commanding officer than demands a lot of you rather than one who is content with second best. When the command situation reversed itself, my trooper was delighted that she had a subordinate who would never make things easy on himself but would always push for the best possible result.

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I've used Aric most of the time and I'm lvl 38 now. He is the romance for my trooper, so Ima keep him around always. 8D I like the guy, his personality and the fact I like Cathar in general. Not to say he really fits my character, they have the same ideas.


Also I'm a vanguard so having a dps around is nice.

Edited by Nerana
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I switched between Jorgun and Dorne. However, at around level 46 I saw I liked the extra damage that Jorgun could do. I am a commando gunner and my heals are adequate enough to keep him alive. The combined DPS just makes him and I a walking death team. Lately I have been upgrading 4x in an attempt to use him. I dont do much with Yunn or Tanno Vick. Edited by LPwookie
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I just got M1 myself, decided since i had an actual tank I would switch to healing to start learning it. I was surprised by how squishy he was even after I crafted some max level parts for him. I actually think Aric takes more damage, with the added bonus he melts the crap out of stuff. I used Dorne for awhile but it was just too slow.

I just wish Aric wasn't such a petulant little nub. He honest to god reminds me of a Corporal I used to know that had been busted down a couple ranks for insubordination. Same grouchy, woe is me, not taking responsibility for his own bs. I sometimes wish i could duel my companions hehe.


Wish M1 was a bit more useful, he does have pretty good aggro control, the problem is he just can't take the damage to make it worth the loss in dps.

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I used Aric all the way up to about Hoth, where the mob damage output went up significantly and also the mobs took a lot longer to take down (more mob health). I switched to Dorne (healer) so minimize downtime between fights, I hate having to stop and reload between each pull. Fights may have slowed down but Dorne keeps her and my health full.


Also Dorne is essential when taking out elites. They may take longer to kill with only you doing the dps (Dorne doesn't attack much even when in damage stance), but you don't need to stop to heal yourself or your companion.


At level 50 with no new gear for myself the mobs are even harder to take down so I am still using Dorne to just smooth everything out, so I can chain pull.

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