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Having troubles getting updates in Ilum Republic?


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I will keep posting this, but a simple fix for now would be to change the cap on Ilum.


Make it so you can't walk into the PvP part anymore. If you take the taxi it should check the pop cap before letting you in. If there are 10 of one side you should be able to have more than +5 on the other. So 10 of one - 15 max of others. 20 of one 25 of others. to a max of 60 on each side.


Yes, this will cause a waiting game at the taxi for now. But when you get in ilum it will make the world PvP the fun it should be. I would much rather wait with this, than not. AFK timer would be a problem.

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They need to stop forcing open world pvp. It needs to happen naturally. Give some reward system that is not based in gear and then give it a high risk vs reward.


I come from EQ2 where there was a fame system. Eventually PvP quests were added in which started this zerg fest, but before that, bodies dropped 1-3 tokens each encouranging solo play to garner more tokens. Along these same lines, there was a fame system. With fame, you could kill people 1 level above or below and equal ranks to gain fame. Fame brought titles and "respect". I never once look back on that old PvP and think it was a dumb idea.

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