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The lightsaber <...>


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Weapon of the jedi knight... Symbol of the knowledge of our world, and all worlds beyond. Sentinels are a paradox, in that the style of combat includes not a single lightsaber, but two.


What dose this mean to the branch of our order? Not all jedi follow a path of combat, yet that is a large part of the talent of a sentinel... It is not all that we can preform in terms of force ability. A single lightsaber permits a greater connection to the force, the use of two, has very direct purpose. As you see in many of the expert duelists who are hallmarks of the sentinel path.

Edited by Knightless
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That is what I was trying to explain about the sentinel path. it is far more effective to uphold the old agreement. to use only one lightsaber at a time. it is a far more effective tactical decision, to choose your moment...


It is often a good decision to ghost the AI that way, when you deal with a scaled system full of droids, that use that sort of target priority... Unless you can make your blues look like greens.

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The sentinel path is legendary, not because of the ability to use two lightsabers, it is a legend because of the ability not to. some know more or less of this.


It is not the jedi way to seek conflict, though to protect the innocent, our path is often set before us. It is for this reason that I remind you the council acts in your place. It is not given to a single jedi to take the measure of destiny, and neither should it be.


To devote ones self to mastery as a physical adept, is as much a part of the danger of the sentinel path, as a unique talent. It is not only to master one lightsaber, or two. Also, other forms of dedications in the application of lightsaber use, besides combat disciplines. A sentinel should choose the moment to use two sabers. That simplicity, often turns the flow of combat in the favor of a sentinel, who has become a master with the force.

Edited by Knightless
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The use of two lightsabers is only "offensive" based on the form used when in combat. Any form can be adapted to any style of lightsaber, and this roleplaying thing is kind of weird.


The use of two lightsabers does one thing, take up the offhand which you might use the force with: that's it. Martially, the use of two lightsabers would give you MORE of a defensive threshold if you perhaps used a defensive form such as Shii-Cho.

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Are you trying to roleplay? Where are your thee's and thou's.



I dost see a maiden in distress!


I lol'd.


Anyway OP, you're making half this stuff up. Many, many times in canon sources (books and comics) Jedi are seen using two blades. In the new Legacy comics, there's a couple who use them all the time. Luke and a bunch of other EU characters use them in the NJO-era books at times. Anakin even used them in the movies when it was available.


Our class is the Jedi KNIGHT. The ones that are studying the Force deeper are the Consulars. We're out there to chop up bad guys, and sometimes the most efficient way to do that is to have two choppy swords.

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