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Leveling as a healer?


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Since i love to heal in pvp and instances, i find it kinda hard and slow to level while in healing spec, and since there is no dual-spec and the respec costs are too damn high, im forced to ask anyone with experience on how i should level as a healer.


Wich companion should I use? Im using Forex because im a Cybertech and i have him geared up, is that the right choice?

Should i heal only or should i assist with dmg? (tough that makes me run out of ammo real quick!)

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I would use Aric, completely different experience but supposedly Operatives/Scoundrels are the weakest healers going at the moment but when using my dps companion as full heal specced I was able to solo 2 player heroics and champion mobs. That extra DPS will make things go a lot smoother than using a tank companion - In my experience.
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My Commando hasn't left Coruscant yet, but I do have a heal specced sage and can say that compared to WAR (only other mmo I've played) that levelling as a healer is significantly easier. Just by the simple fact that unlike WAR and I'm guessing other mmo's that both dps and healing abilities share the same stat - whether it's willpower or aim. Edited by Iyesissa
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As a full specced healer, I geared up both Aric and Fourex.

I used Jorgan for regular mobs and questing, and Fourex for difficult fights / last bosses where I needed a hard-hitting mob to be tanked.



Only issue with Fourex as a tank for last bosses is that he is pretty damn dumb. Some NPCs have insane AoE that you should move away from, that does tonnes of damage. Fourex just stands right in the middle of it at takes a beating, meaning I have to toggle passive on and off all the time to get him out of it.


But yeah, basically if you're a healer, you want a nice amount of DPS to get through the mobs faster. Jorgan is kinda tanky, while still dishing out some huge damage, and definitely the preferred companion most of the time.

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There is no need to go full healing while leveling. I went 13 points into combat medic and picked up some of the most pivotal talents with that. I then went back into gunnery through to grav shot.


Grav shot is more than enough dps while leveling and you have abilities like kolto bomb and supercharge cells for healing. I've done several flashpoints over the last week like this and it has been fine.


13 points in medic and the rest in gunnery is the way to go.

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There is no need to go full healing while leveling. I went 13 points into combat medic and picked up some of the most pivotal talents with that. I then went back into gunnery through to grav shot.


Grav shot is more than enough dps while leveling and you have abilities like kolto bomb and supercharge cells for healing. I've done several flashpoints over the last week like this and it has been fine.


13 points in medic and the rest in gunnery is the way to go.


Can you make a link to that spec?

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I used Jorgan until Vic. When I got Vic I geared him with DPS gear rather then tank gear, used his DPS stance and left his taunts on.


Worked okay I guess.


Generally I'd focus on getting 30 charges with hammershot (usually DPS, keep you companion alive as need be), activating supercharge and unload 1 ammo cost charged bolts. Since your gearing as a healer you should end up with some decent alacrity (and first responder) allowing you to spam charged bolts pretty quickly.


Generally I found levling as healing to be 25% slower then as DPS. Healing took me ~4hrs/level and Gunnery ~3hrs/level.

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All of our pets are viable when leveling as a healer, and provide a different feel to the playstyle.



M14X and Tanno Vik are tanks, ranged and melee, and playstyle is as you would expect. For things to die quick, you need to help with the dps. I prefer 4X for his personality, and I'm a Cybertech, so I tend to use him over Vik, although both get the job done. Be aware that Vik likes to break CC with his AoE and 4X likes to use Tow Cable, because it makes sense to give ranged tanks an ability that forces a mob into melee... You can turn those off, but currently they turn back on on their own, which can be annoying.


Jorgan and Yuun are dps characters, and can make short work of the enemy. They need you to heal them more though, since they lack shields and you probably aren't gearing them for defense. You can put some tanking gear on them, but only +defense rating, as absorption and shield rating are worthless without an equipped shield and a tank stance.


Dorne is out pocket healer, but she is also a viable option. I pulled her out once just to see how she did, and wound up running exclusively with her for about 8 levels. She can really help out in tough fights since she stays at range and doesn't draw much aggro, and she can heal you when you have Adv Probe and Bacta Infusion on cooldown, allowing you to only use your efficient heals even if the damage coming in would normally call for more self-healing spam. If there isn't much damage coming in, she can do reasonable damage, and has a damage stance that decreases her dps cooldowns by 25%. She also has an extra CC, and it looks like 1.1 just improved her AI on it.


So pick how you want to level as a healer:

Heal a tank and dps: Take Tanno or 4X.

Mostly heal a dps companion: Jorgan or Yuun.

Mostly dps and "heal tank": Dorne


Also, none of the trees have any upgrades to our AoE abilities, so Combat Medic does the same AoE as a Gunnery Commando. Use Mortar Volley to start fights whenever you can, and don't be afraid to run in, hit Pulse Cannon, then sticky grenade the guy in the middle. Plasma grenade hits a decent area and incapacitates normal mobs.


For single targets where you need more dps, don't forget that Charged Bolt becomes only 1 Ammo if you pop Supercharge Cells, so you can put out a fair amount of dps in that burst.

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I used Aric until I got Vik, then Yuun.

I kept Vik's gear up to date, only because it was so easy to do group quests. Need a tank and a healer for some Heroic 4 quest? No problem, got both. And Yuun is just an excellent dps overall. When I was doing more solo stuff, I used Yuun.


Overall leveling as a healer wasn't bad whatsoever. You can survive much better (obviously) and you really don't suffer that much from the lack of damage.

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