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Really guys. "Haleigh" isn't a valid name?


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Dear Bioware,

We have contacted customer support already and it has been over a day now without a reply in reference to the name Haleigh. If it is not too much trouble, can this thread please be moved back up to the Customer Support forums? I dont think this thread is beneficial to new players as it seems to be more of a customer support topic. Thank you for your time if you read this :)

Edited by Philstalker
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Update, got a reply to my second ticket from Bioware:


############### BEGIN TRANSMISSION ###############


Greetings GoldSquadGirl,




I am Protocol Droid N7-J1 of Human-Cyborg Relations, and I have received your transmission.




Thank you for contacting us regarding the naming issue which is preventing you from selecting your preferred name.


I can confirm that the name has not been taken, it is being blocked by our filters.


Your report has been forwarded to the relevant department, who will investigate further. We regret we will be unable to provide you with further updates on this issue, but recommend checking future patch notes for any up to date information.




We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.




Galactic Support is our specialty...








Protocol Droid N7-J1 (aka Enda)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service

############### END TRANSMISSION ###############


Guess Lanfear and I will be checking future patch notes for a filter fix.


Note: During a recent convo with my guild, someone pointed out that "Hale" was part of my name, thus I might have been filtered because of the voice actress (Jennifer Hale) who does the Female Trooper voice.


But I was able to make a toon with the name "Hale" which is a nickname people give me.

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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As far as I understand, customer support are supposed to be there to support customers, regardless of whether the problem is a problem with the game, a problem with the players, etc. This is certainly an issue for customer support. Perhaps you mean this isn't an issue for technical support?


Also, people haven't determined WHY the name is being blocked. If it's that the name filter is playing up, then this is a technical problem. Say if the problem was to do with 'Hale'. If the intention was to block names like HaleSoundsCrap and it's also blocking Haleigh, I'd call that a problem with the game.

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I'm having the same problem with a name I want to use as well. I sent them a ticket about it but haven't heard back from them yet and it's been about 5 days now. I really think it's something with their filters because alot of these names they have been blocking are not from Star Wars and none of them are "Bad" in any way so I feel your pain. Hopefully they will sort it out because it is very annoying.
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I found a solution you for:


Pick another name. This isn't in Customer Support because it isn't a problem. It's not that you can't pick any name. It's that you can't pick the specific name that you want.


I -did- pick another name. I went back to using my Age of Conan name, Asphodel.


I updated this thread because there were at least 2 other people with the same problem.


Thanks for reading it tho :)

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While I understand your frustration, I will say this. You said you were mainly playing this game to hook up with old friends. Why not create an email address specifically for friends to contact you, and they can do the same? That way when a new game is released that you want to play together, you don't have to go through all this. It would simply be a matter of having them email you and you could give them your character name and server, or vice versa. Not only would it alleviate any issue, it would also be easier on your friends. If they are actual friends they should have no issues with this. I understand the appeal of being able to use the same character name in every game. However, you have to understand that it is a name and thus you do not own it. I personally have been using my mothers name, Isabella(or Bella), as a character names since July of 2000 when I started Everquest. However, ever since those Twilight books and movies, I almost never get the name anymore. I don't mind, I just use other names.


I do feel your pain though and I sympathize. I just realized this post sounds kinda rough and that is not what I intended. I was merely making a suggestion. Anyway good luck!

Edited by zippermikey
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lol Yeah I had a similar issue, I tried to get plain Jeff. Guess what Invalid name.


Easy way to tell if someone has it or not. It will say That Name is Unavailable if someone already has the name. It will say Invalid if the name is filtered.


Lanfear would be filtered because its the name of a popular character in the Wheel of Time.

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And one other note.... I dont think the NPC name or reference is the case because if that was, Haleigh should not have been able to use the name "Haleigh" during beta weekends. Since the same rules applied to the name selection. So because of that, I dont think there were any NPC or SW Reference in terms of the name Haleigh that would break any rules.


Haleigh has been using her name for over 7-8 years now. She used it during beta weekend too, and To be honest, I really would like to know the reasoning behind not making that name available.


I don't think the filter was working during beta I saw a Boba Fatt and numerous lvl 1 darths running around.

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lol Yeah I had a similar issue, I tried to get plain Jeff. Guess what Invalid name.


Easy way to tell if someone has it or not. It will say That Name is Unavailable if someone already has the name. It will say Invalid if the name is filtered.


Lanfear would be filtered because its the name of a popular character in the Wheel of Time.


I have seen some other popular characters from The Wheel of Time used in game. In fact I'm using one myself so I don't know why Lanfear would be blocked and not the others. Kind of odd.

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Maybe ther is a BW,EA or LucasArts employee named Haleigh.

If so, this would apply

You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


While I can understand blocking people from using the full names of employees, blocking people from using any part of their names rather limits the number of real-life names people can use. Are we sure it's working that way? Because that's enough people to take out a big chunk of your average name dictionary.

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While I understand your frustration, I will say this. You said you were mainly playing this game to hook up with old friends. Why not create an email address specifically for friends to contact you, and they can do the same? That way when a new game is released that you want to play together, you don't have to go through all this. It would simply be a matter of having them email you and you could give them your character name and server, or vice versa.

I have been communicating with 30 or so friends through email. I've even given my personal email out to other players since I started gaming.


It's not a lot to go through. But it is really stoopid that I see names like "*******" running around the game but "Haleigh" is filtered, and the CSRs can't do anything about it.


See, even the forums know the difference. ^


As I mentioned a few posts up, I've gone back to using my Age of Conan name, "Asphodel", instead. Hopefully the updated info I provided will help a few other people with their name issues as well :)


Anywayz, I posted this thread on the Customer Service forum after my first ticket response ... why some mod decided to move it to the New Player Help forum where it does nothing but stir up the community is beyond me :p

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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One of the names I use on wow is Galeia, and I couldn't get that name either. My guess, it's because it has the word "leia" in it, clearly, "lei" is enough.


Possibly, but I play on the same server as the OP, and I saw someone running around with the name "Hadleigh"

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