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Really guys. "Haleigh" isn't a valid name?


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I filed a ticket just minutes after the server went up on the first day of Early Access.


The name doesn't work on any server. My friends have tried it too.


I have filed two tickets and updated them twice each.


First ticket took 25 hours to answer and they told me to "try again" and "provide a screenshot".


I don't know how to upload a screenshot through the help system, lol. I did put one on my site and put the link on the ticket.




I've had this name in SWG since 2003, I have never, ever had anyone think my name was offensive. I also used it through ToR beta, it was allowed then.


I am not playing ToR because it's a great game. I am playing to meet old friends I knew in SWG, and I have thousands, that is not a stretch. Please tell me how I can fix this.


Thanks muchly! :)

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It's possible the name is in use by an ingame NPC.


Most MMO's add NPC names to a "blacklist" of names that aren't allowed to be used by players in the character creator, along with any names deemed offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate for use by players.


The errors messages with such 'blacklisted' names often aren't specific to the reason the name is blacklisted, which can lead to confusion. For example I've had some MMO's tell me the names "Bob" or "Shadow" were 'offensive' when in fact what the game meant was "sorry these names are in use by NPC's and can't be used by players". :)

Edited by Amarinth
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Yeah sadly this issue has been popping up quite a few times. My name (Vigma) is also blocked for some reason beyond me. I've used this name for years with no complaints, nor have I ever seen this name used in any MMO I have played. I haven't received an answer as to why names are blocked, especially those that were used in beta like yours and mine.
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ive read somewhere or watched a video that you cant use a name that "impersonates" a star wars character in the game or movies idk maybe it has something to do with that. :confused:


That's also a major possibility. Haleigh just didn't strike me as a name from major SW lore, but if it is, then that's probably why it's not allowed. The use of "Lore names" is usually a big no-no in large well-guarded IP's like this.


LOTRO has a similar system, where any name that is in the lore, even if it's just a place name, is not allowed to be used as a character name.

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Yeah, Thanks for the extra thoughts guys. Im still very perplexed myself about this. And uhmm.....I just noticed this thread has been moved to the "New Players Help" section. Shouldnt this issue be with customer support where it was originally posted in? :p


*looks at the post "Have you been wandering by yourself again? BAD!"* :D

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And one other note.... I dont think the NPC name or reference is the case because if that was, Haleigh should not have been able to use the name "Haleigh" during beta weekends. Since the same rules applied to the name selection. So because of that, I dont think there were any NPC or SW Reference in terms of the name Haleigh that would break any rules.


Haleigh has been using her name for over 7-8 years now. She used it during beta weekend too, and To be honest, I really would like to know the reasoning behind not making that name available.

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First of all Thank you guyz soooo much, for the feedback. This community rocks. :)



I did some research on google for you guys if you type the names you want and star wars together they both have some sort of reference to the game so it may be why.

I played SWG for 8 years, a total /played time well over a year, none of that AFK. I'm pretty well known across all servers. If there was some Star Warsian reference to my name that wasn't because of me, I would have heard it. I've heard everything about Star Wars by now lol. But I did a search to be sure.


Google of "Haleigh" "Star Wars"


The top 20 results are all references to me, or my webpage, or a ship that a roleplayer friend named after me, etc.

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Interesting. I did a Haleigh Star Wars search like was suggested. All I came up with the first page from Google, was Haleigh Comette, from Star Wars Galaxies.


I'm going to have to agree on what one of the other posters said, and guess that Haleigh is a name taken by an NPC.


Once we have access, shall we begin the Great Haleigh Search? See if we can, at all, find an NPC that is on the Dark Side or Light Side NPC's?

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And one other note.... I dont think the NPC name or reference is the case because if that was, Haleigh should not have been able to use the name "Haleigh" during beta weekends. Since the same rules applied to the name selection. So because of that, I dont think there were any NPC or SW Reference in terms of the name Haleigh that would break any rules.


Haleigh has been using her name for over 7-8 years now. She used it during beta weekend too, and To be honest, I really would like to know the reasoning behind not making that name available.


Do we really know for sure that the same naming rules were applied to the beta as the ones applied to launch? I saw people running around with names like "God" and other names that would be among the first to be put on any blacklist post-launch, which leads me to believe the naming restrictions were much lighter or even non-existant during beta.


All I can suggest really is to send a ticket into the email support directly and ask them if there is a concrete reason why the name is suddenly not allowed. These forums are unlikely to produce a concrete answer from Bioware as usually their reps are much too busy with other things to post on the forums.

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Found the reason......




Guess you can't name a toon after a Guild ....


That is a post to me, on my own guild hall.


Guild is called "Rebels of the Republic". :p


Thanks for trying to help tho!


P.S. I did try to phone them but their phone lines are down lol.

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How about changing one of the letters/adding a letter in Haleigh?


Maybe something like Hayleigh? or Haileigh?


It ought to work. I had the same problem once before (in AoC), and the workaround was successful then.

Wouldn't work in my case, but good idea. I really did consider doing that.


Two problems:


1) I've had no less than 20 people roll copycat alts in the past, spelled every other way except the way I made it at SWG launch, trying to confuse people. Any variant spelling would match one of the obnoxious phonies people remember lol.


(Some of those were frickin' hilarious btw. Just, I always told people if it isnt spelled this way, I promise it isnt me!)


2) You can't search names here like that. People will log in and /tell Haleigh XXX and if they don't find me, they will assume they have the wrong server. I stuck with my main in SWG because I had old friends log in every day and "find" me. I'm playing ToR mainly to hook up with old friends.


Judging by the insight on this post, it looks like Bioware may have blacklisted the name because a search engine will link the name to SWG lore. The thing is, that only happens because of me.


I shouldn't be barred from playing under a character name just because I have used it in a Star Wars game for so long that it now shows up on Star Wars databases. :p


P.S. Seriously, thanks everyone for the help! :)

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Yeah...I think the name "Haleigh" is synonomous with Haleigh. If I were to attempt to have contact with a friend of mine from another game, I would first try to PM or find that persons name when I know they were known for it.


For example, if Haleigh were to be called "haleighe", I would not have ever guessed it was Haleigh, so I wouldnt even look for her. That, and there are so many people from SWG that tried to imitate the name and the character, It would not surprise me to think that "Haleighe" is another person trying to be like the real Haleigh, when in actuality it might be really her.


Also, the reason why all the top returns/results from google about Haleigh and Star Wars is due to all the feats and accomplishments that she did from her time in SWG. It is only fair and fitting to allow her to retain that name in SWTOR.


Its pretty clear to me right now, that Haleigh should be able to retain her name.




A) There doesnt seem to be a NPC that has the name haleigh

B) There is no Star wars and Haleigh correlation other then that accomplished by Haleigh during SWG( which again, should be reason enough alone to allow her to keep her name)

C) Its not in violation or offensive.

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Wouldn't work in my case, but good idea. I really did consider doing that.


Two problems:


1) I've had no less than 20 people roll copycat alts in the past, spelled every other way except the way I made it at SWG launch, trying to confuse people. Any variant spelling would match one of the obnoxious phonies people remember lol.


(Some of those were frickin' hilarious btw. Just, I always told people if it isnt spelled this way, I promise it isnt me!)


2) You can't search names here like that. People will log in and /tell Haleigh XXX and if they don't find me, they will assume they have the wrong server. I stuck with my main in SWG because I had old friends log in every day and "find" me. I'm playing ToR mainly to hook up with old friends.


Judging by the insight on this post, it looks like Bioware may have blacklisted the name because a search engine will link the name to SWG lore. The thing is, that only happens because of me.


I shouldn't be barred from playing under a character name just because I have used it in a Star Wars game for so long that it now shows up on Star Wars databases. :p


P.S. Seriously, thanks everyone for the help! :)


How about putting a ' somewhere in the name, since SWTOR accepts both the - and ' in names. So for example "Ha'leigh". Not exactly elegant, but as close as you could get to the name without adding additional letters. Ofcourse I'm not sure how this would stop copy cats from putting ' marks in other parts of the name... At least you'd be fairly certain no one could pretend to be you under "Haleigh" since that's forbidden... :D


Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered creating an alternate username/identity just for such occasions and make it known to the people that matter that BOTH represent you, and that the alt identity is used in cases where the main identity is unavailable or taken?


I found that a much easier solution that trying to come up with a custom solution everytime someone beat me to my usual username somewhere. Given that Haleigh isn't that farfetched, it might not be a bad idea to have a 2nd known name ready.

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Wouldn't work in my case, but good idea. I really did consider doing that.


Two problems:


1) I've had no less than 20 people roll copycat alts in the past, spelled every other way except the way I made it at SWG launch, trying to confuse people. Any variant spelling would match one of the obnoxious phonies people remember lol.


(Some of those were frickin' hilarious btw. Just, I always told people if it isnt spelled this way, I promise it isnt me!)


2) You can't search names here like that. People will log in and /tell Haleigh XXX and if they don't find me, they will assume they have the wrong server. I stuck with my main in SWG because I had old friends log in every day and "find" me. I'm playing ToR mainly to hook up with old friends.


Judging by the insight on this post, it looks like Bioware may have blacklisted the name because a search engine will link the name to SWG lore. The thing is, that only happens because of me.


I shouldn't be barred from playing under a character name just because I have used it in a Star Wars game for so long that it now shows up on Star Wars databases. :p


P.S. Seriously, thanks everyone for the help! :)


Then the devs should be making a special case for you! It's as if James Earl Jones decided to play SWTOR, and Bioware blocked him from naming his character Vader.

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Dang, thats a bother, Haleigh... I hope you sort it out with BW. Sounds like something in their system is being a wee tad touchy about something it shouldn't. I did see some NPC names in the game that players had used, so that shouldn't be the case.


Good luck in your efforts! :sy_star:

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