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Please fix 31 pt TK and 31 pt Bal


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Full Balance is garbage. Period.


Khadroth and Op are 100% correct in their opinion and views.


Faction's PVP videos are not nearly close to what a hybrid build can put out. Although I do appreciate Faction taking some time to make PVP videos

Edited by VonSoot
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I tried full balance the past two days, gave myself time to work into it.


I will take back part of what I said. It is definitely more viable than TK. I generally put out bigger numbers than with my hybrid spec, because the DOTS keep running after I go down.


That being said, things do die slower, and more importantly, the loss of the protection skills and the loss of unlimited force hurt more.


So probably switching back to 23/18 or 21/20 (I do the latter to PVE, the lifting of 3 critters is nice, plus you get stun more often for pvp).


But yeah, its a face melting spec, just more unnoticed till they realize they are dying. I like it, but a bigger problem is on my server I am enemy number one anytime I show up, so I either have to be able to kill faster, escape better, or be full heal with protection.


But yeah, 31 pt Bal works, and if you want big numbers in WZ is much more likely to give it to you.

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I tried full balance the past two days, gave myself time to work into it.


I will take back part of what I said. It is definitely more viable than TK. I generally put out bigger numbers than with my hybrid spec, because the DOTS keep running after I go down.


That being said, things do die slower, and more importantly, the loss of the protection skills and the loss of unlimited force hurt more.


So probably switching back to 23/18 or 21/20 (I do the latter to PVE, the lifting of 3 critters is nice, plus you get stun more often for pvp).


But yeah, its a face melting spec, just more unnoticed till they realize they are dying. I like it, but a bigger problem is on my server I am enemy number one anytime I show up, so I either have to be able to kill faster, escape better, or be full heal with protection.


But yeah, 31 pt Bal works, and if you want big numbers in WZ is much more likely to give it to you.


I'm glad you tried it and found it wasn't useless. It's not for everyone and neither is your spec I'm willing to bet.


I've been looking at trying another hybrid style spec. Sage dps has several good talents which can provide different styles of game play.

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My hybrid pve/pvp build right now http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600ZbsMMdMrZcrcRsMkz.1


I see a lot of builds put points in inner strength instead of mental longevity, from my experience so far, telekinetic effusion plus psychic barrier offer unlimited force, so i rather have the 20% force increase instead of the 9% power cost.


I tried speccing for sever force but telekinetic colapse and force wake are so much stronger in pvp, not to mention the luck of telekinetic wave and effusion.

Edited by Rhamnous
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The amount of debate going on in this thread makes me happy.


It proves that, at least so far, there is no 100% agreed upon best cookie-cutter spec.


You can slice (no pun intended) it any way you want, but the fact that people are disagreeing about which spec is best makes me smile because it means BW has achieved compelling configurations that people prefer and find more fun based on their playstyles and preferences.


I know that eventually there will be a spec that is proven to do the most DPS... but I really enjoy how, as of now, people are arguing for the specs they believe is best based on their experience - and it's so awesome that people have found different specs viable. We don't all have to be clones after all :)


To me, that is the golden nugget I'll take from this thread... I appreciate Bioware's ability to accomplish this.

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just wondering, since everyone is discussing builds..


i run full balance atm.. it seems the healing component is broken after the big patch a lil while back.. either that or my dots just aren't critting anymore..


but besides that.. what's the point in even discussing any form of tk build if kinetic momentum isn't even working properly?

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Easy Solution to PvP outside of bugs and imbalance:

1. give players a gear score

2. rank players based on valor rank and the gear score

3. group servers into "battlegroups" so when you Q for a warzone you Q with many other servers.

4. some *********** entry level pvp gear (player made gems/gear)

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TK Momentum works at least with 1 pt in it, so a lot of folks (me included) go at least that far.


There is discussion, but I havent seen firm testing that the 3 pts will still let tremors proc, but you dont see any damage from the Momentum second cast.



And overall, I think we all agree 31 pt TK is not viable for PvP.

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I have all champion gear, 11.96% expertise values, and do just fine with hybrid spec.


And I guarentee it burns someone down faster than 31 balance, and MORE importantly, with the force wave stun and the collapsing bubble stun from TK and the instant force lift from balance has a TON more survivability than pure 31 balance.


But you go on assuming everyone is scrubs, rather than presenting intelligent data (tooltips you dont like? give better data) or other arguements, calling people names is much easier.


Oh, and it is rarely 1v1 in pvp. Which is why the survivability of the hybrid spec I mention above matters so much more.


I agree with you 100%. I am a hybrid spec in almost full BM gear. Even though a majority of my attacks are AE based, the damage outperforms a full balance tree by a vast amount.


Until there is a 1v1 arena, or I want to post my amazing pro 1v1 videos from WZ's on YouTube, I'm not worried about specing full balance.

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I'm also glad that are a variety of possible and very workable spec options. I think bioware did a great job designing the trees for the sage/sorc.


I am curious how they feel that many of us who have been 50 for awhile now, are not using the 31pt talents in favor of more efficient hybrid builds.


Sever force is useful, especially in 1v1 encounters against melee. I believe it loses out to a few of the common hybrid builds in overall utility, survivability and usefulness in pvp and pve.


Arguably both pure balance and hybrid can spec for an equal amount of utility. But I think the glaring difference in the spec options is the hybrid spec will never run out of force unless they are forced to heal exclusively. For me this tends to tip the scales, especially in pve encounters where force management in the balance tree can get tricky - and dps goes down as a result.



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