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Please fix healing in warfronts.


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I rolled a Scoundrel for the original intention of being a Sawbones healer for pvp. This has been quickly dismissed due to very poor construction of the medals system.


As a healer I am limited to 4 Medals. (2 if you are under 50 with the exception of "maybe" getting 300k once in a great while)


300k healing done

75k healing done

2.5k heal

5k heal


As it stands on my 41 sawbones if I go into a warzone with the pure intention of healing I leave with 2-4 medals (depending on if I get 1k and 3k defender) Whereas if I go in as a dps spec I leave consistantly with 7-9medals. And tanks leave consistantly with 8-12 medals (cause of the easy 4 or whatever extra they get from their shield).


The biggest problem I see is the fact that we can not get the 4 following (easy to attain for dps) medals.


Get a killblow

Get a Solo Kill

Kill 10 players

Kill 25 players


My proposed solution to this is to alter the mechanics slightly and add in 2 additional medals.


Make it so that when you heal a player that is dealing damage to an enemy player the healer receives damage credit on the enemy player to trigger a "kill" for them. This will allow players to attain the kill xx players medals.


Also add in 2 medals to be a mirror of sorts for the kill blow and solo heal.


Heal a player who is under xx% health (dots don't count and it would be like 10-15-20%)


Heal a single player for xxxxxx amount in 1 life (similar to the tanks shield one to shield 10k damage in 1 life)


Of course these two medals can be changed was just trying to come up with something to propose. And I would suggest making so that if you attain these meals you can not attain the dps counterparts.


For example if you get the Heal player who is under xx% health then you can not get the Get a killblow medal. As they count as the same medal essentially to prevent this from being exploited by hybrid players.


As of right now I will NEVER be healing in warzones again until something is done. I should not feel the need as a healer to have to dps just so I can attain medals to get coms/valor. Especially when healers rarely ever get up votes for mvp since the votes always go to the top damage players.


Now with you destroying out scrapper line for pvp. Can you at least fix it so that our only viable line left (healing) will be of some use in pvp so that not all the scoundrels/ops have to reroll?

Edited by Moriath
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You DO understand that there are specs that will never get any of these:


300k healing done

75k healing done

2.5k heal

5k heal


Like my Sentinel. So, what, please Bioware buff my damage? Healers get on my nerves... they somehow feel they should be special. If you want to play a healer, do your friggin job and do it the best you can. Dont want to heal? Dont play a healer.


Always the same thing; in that "other" MMO it got to the stupid stage where 4 dps couldnt down a single healer. Give it a break already.

Edited by Soulaufein
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If you want more medals, fire your rifle or knife someone once in awhile. It doesn't take much damage to get medals.




P.S DPS medals are easy, not solo kill. It's medium-hard to get a solo kill in a team game, 'cept for operatives coming out of hiding.

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I've put some thought in this myself, but to be honest, I just don't see it. Whenever I do warZONES, I like to sort by most damage done, most healing done, and most objectives, etc. to help me determine my MVP vote. When I have most healing highlighted, it rarely shows someone with less than 5-6 medals.


Of course, I haven't done any warfronts in this game, so that might be another issue entirely.

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i totally agree man, the fact that medals ARE important to getting your cent gear means most healers roll DPS so they can farm medals.

before 1.1 with my van i got 10-12 medals per game lol my healing buddy would get 4. and HES the reason i can get 10 medals >.>


unfair system and it results in a large % of healers not healing. but then again lol would you expect anymore for the clowns who brough us ilum??!


ill give you a tip tho bud, just tab and hit every red you see once each, even aoe groups if you can, maybe 2 more medals here for ya.


but keep healing man, HEALERS WIN FIGHTS!! lol


and btw, dont listen to most of these fools, they dont have a clue what theyre talking about.

Edited by DVSvictim
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This is a new MMo with a different combat system then other mmo's. Standing there just healing is not going to cut you need to also dps. Don't like it? then maybe this style of game play isnt for you.

Yep because dps for heals hasnt been done within the last ten years :rolleyes:

Indeed their combat system is so different :rolleyes:

Edited by maximusedward
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I see this sort of thread constantly. If you are playing properly as a healer you will get 6+ medals. Some are probably not possible, but you can easily get some of the dps medals.


You should be getting

- 2.5K heal

- 5K heal

- 75K healed

- 1 killing blow

- 10 kills

every single game without exception.


Then you may get

- 300K healed

- 25 kills

- 1K defender (Huttball + Alderaan)

- 3K defender (Alderaan)


Rarely you can get

- 75K damage

- 1 solo kill


How do you get them?


The 2.5K heal and the 75K healed you will get automatically just doing your job as a healer so don’t worry about those.


The 5K heal is tougher for me, but expertise buff + power trinket + crit will get me to over 5K so I try to get this one once per game if I can.


1 Killing blow. But wait healers shouldn’t be killing people… Wrong, kill an enemy on low life and you prevent him from doing damage to your teammate or being healed which helps everyone. So if you see someone close to death, finish him off and pick yourself up this easy medal and another +1 kill towards the next 2 medals. It might take 2-3 enemies to get this, but it’s not hard and you should be getting this every match. So that’s 4 medals now.


10 Kills. Again this is easy one, toss out some aoe dps. Anything that does aoe damage is good, as a sage I use my knockback and forcequake a lot but other classes have similar abilities. If the person you are healing isn’t in danger do a bit of single target dps to someone which helps kill the enemy and give you credit for the kills. So we now have 5 medals and those 5 you should be getting in every game.


25 kills. As above but it takes longer. You should get this in Huttball and Voidstar. So you now have 6 medals. In Alderaan you may not get this, but you will get the 1K defender and 3K defender easily so 7 medals.


1K/3K defender. In huttball kill the enemy ball carrier. In Alderaan defend a base.


300K healing. Heal your little heart out. I get this a lot of premade games, but less so in pugs. AoE heals on a group is good for picking up a lot of healing done.


75K damage. I’m currently around 40-65K per game so I fall short on this one in most games and don't usually waste my time trying for it.


1 solo kill. Ok now this one is hard as a healer. The only way I can do it is stumble across someone who is out of combat and on low life and then finish them off. Rarely get this one.

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Lasica just solved PvP. Seriously, I give my MVP vote to a healer 95% of the warzones I play, unless someone else did a really, really good job and was obvious about it. MVP votes give an extra commendation and a lot of extra valor. A medal is worth 5 valor, MVP votes can get you several hundred. More importantly, a TEAM VICTORY will get you about double the valor and commendations, and if you are healing you are a big part of making that happen.


I've never met anyone who wanted to heal for the glory of it, people who heal (and do it seriously and enjoy it) know they are the unsung heroes of any PvP or PvE. If you want to be at the top of the scoreboard, be an operative or a hybrid inquisitor.

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You DO understand that there are specs that will never get any of these:


300k healing done

75k healing done

2.5k heal

5k heal


Like my Sentinel. So, what, please Bioware buff my damage? Healers get on my nerves... they somehow feel they should be special. If you want to play a healer, do your friggin job and do it the best you can. Dont want to heal? Dont play a healer.


Always the same thing; in that "other" MMO it got to the stupid stage where 4 dps couldnt down a single healer. Give it a break already.


I did once get the 75k Healing medal in a Huttball game though I do play a Watchman Spec Sent so all of the DoT crits will be proccing a heal, then there's Zen which spame a heal proc on the entire group..


It only happened once but it is entirely plausible that you could get a 75k healing medal as a Watchman/Annihilator Sent/Mara. I usually only average 25k healing though.

Edited by IronFirewind
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Yea healing is broken in pvp atm hopefully more medals will be added, like 200k healing or such would make it abit better


Healing ones I can get:

75k healing

300k healing

5k heal

2.5k heal

1 killingblow

1 solokill happens kinda often for me

10 kills

1k defender

3k defender

25 kills doesn't happen as often cuz u run out of force if u are healing and dmging

= 10 medals


Now lets see a dps or tank:

2.5k hit

75k healing

2.5k heal

1 killingblow

10 kills

25 kills

1k defender

3k defender

1k protection

3k protection (not 100% on these but it is 2 atleast)

5k hit

5k heal

75k dmg

300k dmg

1 solo-kill

= 15 medals (yea not all specs and classes can get them all but still)


Looking at me as a jedi sage vs my friend jedi shadow he gets 10-12 medals each warzone then he gets 2-3 mvps I get 8-9 sometimes less (depending on how team is doing overall) and 2-5 mvps he ends up with 1.5k valor and me 1k-1.3k valor. = mostly he as a dps gets more valor and commendations. = dps is easier to get pvp gear and get to battlemaster valor.

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Getting constant 6+ medals as sage healer, don't see any problems really. 4 medals are granted by just doing your job as a healer, everything else are just extra, like defending points, finishing off low hp targets running away(killing blow/solo kill and kill medals) Sometimes even hitting 75k damage done.


Things I get most are 2,5k/5k heal, 75k/300k healing, killing blow,10/25 kills. Not adding defence medals since they are based on maps

Edited by Aseria
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Do know that damage dealers got 4 medals?


2.5k hit

5k hit

75k damage

300k damage..


guess how many medals tanks got`?


Anyway, to be bit more fair, should make a system that gives the healers kills, that will add 2 more medals to them, and would also fix issues with solo healers in opem world

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Yea healing is broken in pvp atm hopefully more medals will be added, like 200k healing or such would make it abit better


Healing ones I can get:

75k healing

300k healing

5k heal

2.5k heal

1 killingblow

1 solokill happens kinda often for me

10 kills

1k defender

3k defender

25 kills doesn't happen as often cuz u run out of force if u are healing and dmging

= 10 medals


Now lets see a dps or tank:

2.5k hit

75k healing

2.5k heal

1 killingblow

10 kills

25 kills

1k defender

3k defender

1k protection

3k protection (not 100% on these but it is 2 atleast)

5k hit

5k heal

75k dmg

300k dmg

1 solo-kill

= 15 medals (yea not all specs and classes can get them all but still)


Looking at me as a jedi sage vs my friend jedi shadow he gets 10-12 medals each warzone then he gets 2-3 mvps I get 8-9 sometimes less (depending on how team is doing overall) and 2-5 mvps he ends up with 1.5k valor and me 1k-1.3k valor. = mostly he as a dps gets more valor and commendations. = dps is easier to get pvp gear and get to battlemaster valor.


screenshot of that shadow AFTER 1.1, or it didnt happen... im gonna explain why after 1.1


after 1.1, no healing gained from medpack.. that takes away 2.5k heal, 5k heal, and most likely 75k heal (if your not specced tank), and if you are specced tank, you wont be getting 5k hit, or 300k damage (unless you stay in combat entire *********** game) Shadows donig a good job average 8-10 medals per game.. healers is normally getting 7-9 for donig a good job (inculding the 1 +3k defender), no reason to add the 200k medals for the kids feeling special for rolling a healer


Do add mechanism were healers get rewards for healing players that kill players, rather than having healers doing damage and trying to get the alst kill of another person ><...

Edited by Zilrota
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Sage healers seem to be able to do double the amount or more that a sawbones in WZ's not sure what it is but I can heal my socks off and still not come close to a Sage healer :(


I can hit 300k at the moment in my champion gear but then again I do go after the objective as well... so that cuts healing time down.

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Do know that damage dealers got 4 medals?


2.5k hit

5k hit

75k damage

300k damage..


guess how many medals tanks got`?


Anyway, to be bit more fair, should make a system that gives the healers kills, that will add 2 more medals to them, and would also fix issues with solo healers in opem world


so kills aren't medals all of a sudden ?

tanks = 1k def, 3k def, 1k protection, 3k protection (not sure on numbers but still), 75k dmg, 10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo (mostly), 1 killing blow so 9 still more than any healer can get unless lucky

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Sage healers seem to be able to do double the amount or more that a sawbones in WZ's not sure what it is but I can heal my socks off and still not come close to a Sage healer :(


I can hit 300k at the moment in my champion gear but then again I do go after the objective as well... so that cuts healing time down.


Sage healers have to spec hybrid for this. 21/2/18 I believe, which is actually a stronger dps than healing spec.

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so kills aren't medals all of a sudden ?

tanks = 1k def, 3k def, 1k protection, 3k protection (not sure on numbers but still), 75k dmg, 10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo (mostly), 1 killing blow so 9 still more than any healer can get unless lucky


protection is 2k in one life; 5k total ; 10k in one life and 50k total ; not quite as easy as you are assuming.

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