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PvP with Carnage spec


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Hello everyone,


Typically I never post on here since I'm usually at work when I read these forums, but I wanted to share my Carnage pvp story since so many seem to be big on bleed spec.


Don't get me wrong I have nothing against it and it's great for constant pressure, but I love the burst of carnage, especially when stacked with surge rating. I go for as much surge and power as possible stat-wise more than crit due to the insta crit scream thanks to skill tree.


Add in the fact that the tree adds bonuses to our crit dmg and lowers the cd of scream. Mix in a couple ravages with gore up and carnage gets fun.


This is the spec I'm using currently, let me know what you all think.



Oh and just an FYI this is not a "my spec is better than your spec" type thread just my take on carnage pvp.

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While I do not roll Carnage, as I feel that the top end DPS side of it is not enough to compete with lvl 50 geared pvpers I will post keep my specific responses to your specific spec.


When I rolled Carnage, I found that I have reduced surivivability. In order to compensate for that, I would have put 2 points in defensive roll rather than 1, given the AOEs that are often around in Warzones.


While I typically don't use ravage in PvP, I find that in Carnage it is viable, especially because it immobilizes the target while active.


Finally, I would have put points in erupting fury rather than stagger, but this I think is a preference.


Kika would be the guy to discuss Carn as he seems to have the most experience with it.

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Been messing with Carnage until they fix the bleed crit bug. Not particularly happy with it. The immobilize effect on force charge/leap and savage/master strike is waaaay too unreliable to use consistently for its purpose, especially considering that immobilize is supposed to be exempt from resolve. I think I've seen force charge/leap actually immobilize someone for its intended time maybe 1 out of 10 in PvP, and never seen savage actually immobilize someone despite having 2 points in Overwhelm.


Carnage has some serious issues.


That and for the life of me, can't figure out which of the dozen icons or character procs that appear in combat that is supposed to be combat trance, blood frenzy or towering rage.

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Been messing with Carnage until they fix the bleed crit bug. Not particularly happy with it. The immobilize effect on force charge/leap and savage/master strike is waaaay too unreliable to use consistently for its purpose, especially considering that immobilize is supposed to be exempt from resolve. I think I've seen force charge/leap actually immobilize someone for its intended time maybe 1 out of 10 in PvP, and never seen savage actually immobilize someone despite having 2 points in Overwhelm.


Carnage has some serious issues.


That and for the life of me, can't figure out which of the dozen icons or character procs that appear in combat that is supposed to be combat trance, blood frenzy or towering rage.


True that on the watching procs, I find my best success by just memorizing when things should proc, provided the sync/delay doesn't kill it. With current setup massacre follows gore, it procs the blood frenzy which gives me crit shout, I'll end that rotation with a ravage.


Also note part of my plan due to survivability, if mob isn't all the way down after burst I'll run and come back in a bit. I have no pride :)

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At least once a month someone puts a K in my name D:



I do gore first so I get the benefit on the massacre as well as the scream, and also ravage if lucky timing.




Scream and Ravage both do a ton more damage than Massacre and, as such, should be prioritized during Gore.


As Carnage you'll find yourself a bit more mobile due to the Ataru speed increase but you have a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to personal defense.


If you have any specific questions either PM me of hit me up in-game.

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