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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Emotes, the community has spoken!


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Dear Bioware,


We love you and your game, however the comminuty has cut out the middle man and the great brains at your organisation, to bring to you a list of emotes we would like to see. If I have missed any, please post below with your emotes you really want Bioware to impliment!:


/sleep or /lay... not just the orange emoted text, but actually a lay down feature.

/die ... an emote saying they bleed profucely, and an animation that is the knocked down one.

/shuffle ... an emote saying "is shuffling everyday", followed by an animation to match a real shuffle dancer.


Please add and ammend to this list.


Thank you.

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How about an emote where you are standing there with arms crossed or the same thing but leaning against a wall or object. They have the animation for it since a lot of the NPCs are doing.


One specific Star Wars emote I'd like to see is the talking to the holocom. You see a lot of NPCs in various places standing there talking to a generic holo in their hand.

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With the lack of basic features in this game, there shouldnt even be emotes yet. They should be working on more important things.


^ This, please fix combat responsiveness prior to emotes. It's more important that you don't have to mash a key 8 times for an ability to go off than for me to be able to /die. I do that just fine when my panic keys don't fire without the aid of an emote.


PS The community hasn't spoken, I am part of it and you don't speak for me! :D

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