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Is it just me or does Bounty Hunter Healing need a buff for PvE


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There you go one BH Healing Bonethrasher.


I have watched this guys videos over the past week when I started my second BH and went heals.


Angeryn shows that a BH can heal HM's as well OP's pretty good.



I have news for you.. there is someone else healing this group.. you can see other health bars go up on the targets the bounty hunter isn't healing this fight solo


its a good video, but that bounty hunter isn't solo healing this fight, it can clearly be seen when one person is out of range around 2:40ish and is getting heals.



I'm not disagreeing that heat management is not something you shouldn't be concerned about.. i'm saying that all healers are simply stronger healers then the bounty hunter case in point the sorc all their heals are very similar but better.. see my previous post where I compared their resurgence to our healing scan same heal same cooldowns but sorcs is better their aoe is better as well and they can put a shield up to completely stop damage on multiple targets.


I've tried to add some constructive posts here in an effort to strengthen the bounty hunter as a healer.. again i have seen a sorc and an operative in my guild solo heal 8 man ops which again a bounty hunter cannot do.. not the "whole" op but entire boss fights. And all I've gotten are some agree, but then mostly people coming in here to say well you're just not a good bounty hunter healer.. I can deal with that but this isn't a thread to say you're better then the person above you


Again see my previous post about resurgence vs. healing scan.. these abilities work exactly the same between the two classes.




That is a valid point. BHs are weakest at healing multiple target damage. I will try to single heal next time and see.


I have a challenge for you, take an under-geared tank into pretty much any tank and spank fight and see how long a sorc or operative can keep him up after enrage timer. Now see how long you can do it with Merc.


I've found that I can manage it much longer than our sorc or operative healers personally. IE Paladin vs Priest and Druids.



Since the last patch enrages are pretty much a group wipe so this no longer matters.. at one point it did, but It depended on the boss... every boss except the padawan for example on BT and tank was dead for me on an enraged boss. Since the patch an eranged boss Padawan included = wipe.. test it for yourself.




At any rate this was an attempt to buff the bounty hunter heals to be more on par with operative and sorc... rather then posting that sorc/op heals need a nerf to be more in line with us.

Edited by Shammus
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I have news for you.. there is someone else healing this group.. you can see other health bars go up on the targets the bounty hunter isn't healing this fight solo



Um ya I understand the fact that doing a Op is like doing 2 FP's which would require 2 healers. But it seems to me that you are suggesting that with a Sorc you'd only need 1 healer considering the thread is to an extent comparing a sorc healer to a BH. News for you a sorc cannot heal an 8 man alone, they will need another healer, so what exactly is your point. It really can't be about another healer there as we all know the BH is not the only healer there.


As for the other video's i see only one healer, 1 tank and 2 dps, doing HM's which does show that a BH can heal without problems keeping people topped up.

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Um ya I understand the fact that doing a Op is like doing 2 FP's which would require 2 healers. But it seems to me that you are suggesting that with a Sorc you'd only need 1 healer considering the thread is to an extent comparing a sorc healer to a BH. News for you a sorc cannot heal an 8 man alone, they will need another healer, so what exactly is your point. It really can't be about another healer there as we all know the BH is not the only healer there.


As for the other video's i see only one healer, 1 tank and 2 dps, doing HM's which does show that a BH can heal without problems keeping people topped up.




I'm not saying an entire 8 man can be solo healed.. but keep in mind my goal was to heal in this game, but I find myself respeccing dps because I feel other classes are better suited to heal take soa for example.. we took two bounty hunters on this and everytime my other bounty hunter healer would start getting concerned as well as myself during healing the encounter. However when I took a sorc the next day and one shotted it the sorc never felt concerned the whole fight.


Of course there are some areas where 2 healers are going to be needed, but on the majority of the boss fights I feel 1 healer that isn't a bounty hunter could do the job


Bonethrasher, Sorn and Jarg, Foreman, maybe 2 on xrr3 and pylons in EV

haven't done past foreman yet


but I'm pretty confident a healer can do this job solo on all the bosses I listed.. as long as its not a bounty hunter.


Maybe we watched two different videos I watch a video of a bounty hunter healing bonethrasher with another healer in the group



The point of my thread is that I feel bounty hunters are weaker then the other classes healing... I cannot speak for an operative but I have seen an operative pull groups out of extremely hairy situations that I know I couldn't do as a bounty hunter



I compare the bounty hunter to the sorcerer because I've played a sorcerer up to level 40 and have a better idea of what they are capable of.

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On that fight, yes a sorc can solo heal it.


Easily. We have done it.


BH healers do okay - but compared to the other healers they do not match up. Sorc healers heal for more while being way more efficient. Op Healers are just 10 times more efficient while being able to heal for just as much.


We don't even try to bring merc healers to raid anymore, it's just not worth it. We bring merc dps for sure, but for heals we run 2 sorcs and one operative in our 16 man raids, and when we do 8 mans it's one sorc or one sorc and one operative.

Edited by Iandayen
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I really don't think you guys are giving the credit that BH's deserve, and here is why:


BH is not underpowered. It's not OVERpowered, but it's not really underpowered as you all are making it out to be. I read the forums a lot and I tend to see a lot of "Wahhhh, I cast my biggest heal 5 times and I'm at full heat~~@#%%^^". I'm just going to start by saying that heat is a resource that you have to MANAGE. If you want to play a class where you can just spam your biggest heal and never go oom (or in this case, overheat) go play a holy paladin in Wrath of the Lich King.


Bounty hunters definitely differ from the norm of healer. Our spells are pretty bursty compared to other healers, but if we burst too much, we have to relax for a second or two (or maybe five). BH spells sync so well with eachother, you just have to use them (and if you ask me, Supercharged Gas is op!) Reading this forum made me dig through my fraps folder and upload this:


Hardmode Bonethrasher (1-11-12 kill)



TOO LONG; DIDN'T WATCH(Also, your music choice sucks)!

This is a video of me solo healing Hardmode Bonethrasher as a Bodyguard BH. If you don't think this is hardmode, just go check the health values. Not once do I ever get close to overheating(I don't even go over 50 except for maybe once). I don't even have to use my vent heat cooldown at all and I even get to dps the boss (not heavily, but a little!) as well as stun one of the adds. The play in this video is actually pretty sloppy, too. It is by no means perfect, and you'll even see several derps, me failing to use my adrenal a second time, not using kolto missile enough, etc etc.



Also, I guarantee this is going to come up so I'll just address it now:


But Troqt, I see people healing when they are out of range! There is clearly another healer!

--Bioware put these wonderful things in the game called medpacs. Could we have killed it without these medpacs? Yeah probably. If you are going to count medpacs (1.5 min cd) as another healer, then I say don't even bring any healers to raid! Just medpac through everything! As I said I never even had to use my vent heat cooldown. However, medpacs are your friends and your healers will love you if you carry them. If you look at my hotbar, it's the icon just after my flamethrower (number 8 on the bar). This was the icon before patch 1.1, and I believe 3 people total in our raid have the Rakata medpac, the rest just have...well..regular medpacs.


I see bubbles on people! Proof of a sorc healer!

--Likely wouldn't have needed these either. They just gave a small buffer during the ground slams. This isn't another healer in the raid. Both Sorcs are dps'ing as much as they can, putting a shield on only themselves during a ground-slam-thingy (in which they still take quite a bit of damage. However, they don't do any healing).


This is not trying to flex my epeen and say OMGUGUISESUKLOL I SO GUD, I was merely baffled when someone said that a BH could not solo heal anything, then continued to seemingly glorify Operative healers and Sorcerers. Could a Sorcerer or an Operative healer have done this? Yes. Would it have been easier for them? Well, it wasn't particularly that hard for me. We tried it simply because our other healer didn't show up and we were already having trouble with the enrage timer (Like I've said, we aren't super allstar players) It's hard to say right now "OH this healer is the best! Look at all the HPS!" because we simply don't have a combat log. It's also unfair to say "Well when we bring Bounty Hunters to raid, we always die! But when we bring sorcs, we always one shot the boss!" because you are not only comparing two different classes, but two different players in terms of skill.



Each healer merely has their own strengths and weaknesses in a raid. If you don't like the play style of Bounty Hunters, roll something else, or learn how to play. The two healers we use for our 8man raid are me (Bodyguard Merc) and an Operative healer. At this point in time we have killed everything on Hardmode (Soa included, and even got Nightmare Karagga down last night) with this setup. It may take a little tweaking of specs here and there, but it's by no means impossible.


On non-healing intensive fights, I find myself using supercharged gas to spam power shot sometimes (combined with an adrenal and trinket, I get crits for about 4k every shot). This is a pretty big dps gain if we are trying to meet a fairly strict enrage timer. And on a super tight enrage timer, I might find myself going a hybrid dps/heal spec, not because my heals suck, but because tracer missile is a huge gain for the raid, much over anything the operative or sorcerer can pick up.


Edit: I also have complaints about the Bounty Hunter. The two things I would like to see changed are:

1. Kolto Missile can stick to a 3-person heal, this is fine. However, I wish it were a smart heal, healing the 3 lowest people in range, rather than closest 3 to the impact point.

2. You can't Rapid Shots yourself. Then again, I can see how this might be a bit OP in Warzones.

3. Everything else is pretty much fine.

Edited by Fgtsean
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Full purp Merc Healer chiming in here...


Much of what has been said here I can agree upon.


Strengths- PVP heals (Unkillable 1v1/2v1), single target heals.


Weaknesses- AOE heals (HUGE inferiority to Sorc/Opra here), raid settings where you have a # of assignments.


Overall, I have feel as though we have to put in a lot more effort to heal effectively comparative to say an operative or sorc with equal gear.


Also to be noted for those who are curious to as why some of us are spec'd heals even if we are a bit gimp:


While it is incredible dps, Mercenary has a tendency to get ridiculously boring when spec'd DPS... Tracer missile spam/unload when it procs. Anyone who argues that that's not what you're supposed to be doing is misinformed/hasn't seen the tier 2 set bonus(BROKE- 50%+ chance to crit on tracer missiles, you'd be dumb not to spam it).


With that being said, I must say that Bodyguard is hands down the most enjoyable spec tree for Mercenaries, I have a blast every time I heal. I'm hoping for a buff to some of the AOE heal attributes in the coming months.

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I really don't think you guys are giving the credit that BH's deserve, and here is why:


BH is not underpowered. It's not OVERpowered, but it's not really underpowered as you all are making it out to be. I read the forums a lot and I tend to see a lot of "Wahhhh, I cast my biggest heal 5 times and I'm at full heat~~@#%%^^". I'm just going to start by saying that heat is a resource that you have to MANAGE. If you want to play a class where you can just spam your biggest heal and never go oom (or in this case, overheat) go play a holy paladin in Wrath of the Lich King.


Bounty hunters definitely differ from the norm of healer. Our spells are pretty bursty compared to other healers, but if we burst too much, we have to relax for a second or two (or maybe five). BH spells sync so well with eachother, you just have to use them (and if you ask me, Supercharged Gas is op!) Reading this forum made me dig through my fraps folder and upload this:


Hardmode Bonethrasher (1-11-12 kill)


TOO LONG; DIDN'T WATCH(Also, your music choice sucks)!

This is a video of me solo healing Hardmode Bonethrasher as a Bodyguard BH. If you don't think this is hardmode, just go check the health values. Not once do I ever get close to overheating(I don't even go over 50 except for maybe once). I don't even have to use my vent heat cooldown at all and I even get to dps the boss (not heavily, but a little!) as well as stun one of the adds. The play in this video is actually pretty sloppy, too. It is by no means perfect, and you'll even see several derps, me failing to use my adrenal a second time, not using kolto missile enough, etc etc.



Also, I guarantee this is going to come up so I'll just address it now:


But Troqt, I see people healing when they are out of range! There is clearly another healer!

--Bioware put these wonderful things in the game called medpacs. Could we have killed it without these medpacs? Yeah probably. If you are going to count medpacs (1.5 min cd) as another healer, then I say don't even bring any healers to raid! Just medpac through everything! As I said I never even had to use my vent heat cooldown. However, medpacs are your friends and your healers will love you if you carry them. If you look at my hotbar, it's the icon just after my flamethrower (number 8 on the bar). This was the icon before patch 1.1, and I believe 3 people total in our raid have the Rakata medpac, the rest just have...well..regular medpacs.


I see bubbles on people! Proof of a sorc healer!

--Likely wouldn't have needed these either. They just gave a small buffer during the ground slams. This isn't another healer in the raid. Both Sorcs are dps'ing as much as they can, putting a shield on only themselves during a ground-slam-thingy (in which they still take quite a bit of damage. However, they don't do any healing).


This is not trying to flex my epeen and say OMGUGUISESUKLOL I SO GUD, I was merely baffled when someone said that a BH could not solo heal anything, then continued to seemingly glorify Operative healers and Sorcerers. Could a Sorcerer or an Operative healer have done this? Yes. Would it have been easier for them? Well, it wasn't particularly that hard for me. We tried it simply because our other healer didn't show up and we were already having trouble with the enrage timer (Like I've said, we aren't super allstar players) It's hard to say right now "OH this healer is the best! Look at all the HPS!" because we simply don't have a combat log. It's also unfair to say "Well when we bring Bounty Hunters to raid, we always die! But when we bring sorcs, we always one shot the boss!" because you are not only comparing two different classes, but two different players in terms of skill.



Each healer merely has their own strengths and weaknesses in a raid. If you don't like the play style of Bounty Hunters, roll something else, or learn how to play. The two healers we use for our 8man raid are me (Bodyguard Merc) and an Operative healer. At this point in time we have killed everything on Hardmode (Soa included, and even got Nightmare Karagga down last night) with this setup. It may take a little tweaking of specs here and there, but it's by no means impossible.


On non-healing intensive fights, I find myself using supercharged gas to spam power shot sometimes (combined with an adrenal and trinket, I get crits for about 4k every shot). This is a pretty big dps gain if we are trying to meet a fairly strict enrage timer. And on a super tight enrage timer, I might find myself going a hybrid dps/heal spec, not because my heals suck, but because tracer missile is a huge gain for the raid, much over anything the operative or sorcerer can pick up.


Edit: I also have complaints about the Bounty Hunter. The two things I would like to see changed are:

1. Kolto Missile can stick to a 3-person heal, this is fine. However, I wish it were a smart heal, healing the 3 lowest people in range, rather than closest 3 to the impact point.

2. You can't Rapid Shots yourself. Then again, I can see how this might be a bit OP in Warzones.

3. Everything else is pretty much fine.



I'm watching the video you still didn't solo heal without help. I see you use stims and I also see other people getting heals that you aren't targetting maybe they took biochem as well I don't know the answer, but without the use of these, you aren't solo healing... you're definitely a great healer, and I'm giving you credit where you deserve but you're not doing this without help.


example around 3:32 grilledcheese gets healed with your emergency scan on cooldown and you start casting your big heal he gets a heal halfway.



the point is you cannot do this without medpacs... If I have to fraps a video of me just doing dps with a single operative or sorc healer with absolutely no medpacs being used then I will


You can continue to want your healer to be gimped .. I never said we were ****** healers but compared to everyone else they can heal significantly better than us


Again you're an exceptional healer, but you still had help... and it doesn't really count and not exactly what i'm talking about.


And you can tell me to roll another type of healer which I've already decide to do, but because I love the bounty hunter class in general (i have two) I cannot let this issue rest




I'm also not saying we should be able to rapid shots ourselves.. we are definitely great single target healers.. I never disagreed with this point and I also agree that this would be over powered.



But! again just compare resurgence... how it heals how it can be talented "JUST LIKE HEALING SCAN" and you cannot argue that other healers are better.... I specifically cannot speak for operatives... as I've seen them single heal the fight with ease.. but I have played both the mercenary and sorcerer class and know which one is a more capable healer.

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I'm watching the video you still didn't solo heal without help. I see you use stims and I also see other people getting heals that you aren't targetting maybe they took biochem as well I don't know the answer, but without the use of these, you aren't solo healing... you're definitely a great healer, and I'm giving you credit where you deserve but you're not doing this without help.


Any other arbitrary restrictions he should know about in advance? Perhaps it only counts if everyone runs with no pants? Slave dancer outfits all around or it doesn't count?


Seriously, you are calling it a failed single healer run because some people used medpacs and he used a stim? Stims exist. Use them. Medpacs exist. Everyone should use them.


He also already stated that people were using medpacs, and he said their sorcs were casting shield on themselves. That's what utility abilities are for. DPS Commandos should be popping Reactive Shield on cooldown as well, and they should consider using the self-heal of skilled Recharge Cells if their health is falling and the healer seems busy.


To the point of the original post, our heat/ammo mechanic is largely what makes us more interesting than the same old healers of the past, but BW was nice enough to put in a huge mana pool based healer as well for those who don't like change. If you don't like the game of managing your heat, Sorc is probably the way to go. Personally, I think it keeps it interesting.

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Did you..even read my post?


I don't deny any of these things that you've already claimed. Infact, I even HIGHLIGHTED it for you with bold font and an underline. Medpacs are part of the game, and any good healer will thank you for having them and using them effectively, regardless of class. They help for those 'oh ****' moments. If you want to throw away medpacs and defensive cooldowns and that sort, I'll go fraps a new kill to show you. You can't blame players for having common sense and trying not to die. I am the only healer in the raid.


Not too mention I stated several times that I hadn't even thought about using my vent heat cooldown. I hadn't reached a point of needing it at all really. The only scary moment that really happens in the fight is when Grilledcheese dips very low due to derping. Even without a personal cooldown I get him back up before the stomp to not die.


You're basically calling medpacs a whole extra healer, when in reality the people I raid with are conscious raiders..

Edited by Fgtsean
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Any other arbitrary restrictions he should know about in advance? Perhaps it only counts if everyone runs with no pants? Slave dancer outfits all around or it doesn't count?


Seriously, you are calling it a failed single healer run because some people used medpacs and he used a stim? Stims exist. Use them. Medpacs exist. Everyone should use them.


He also already stated that people were using medpacs, and he said their sorcs were casting shield on themselves. That's what utility abilities are for. DPS Commandos should be popping Reactive Shield on cooldown as well, and they should consider using the self-heal of skilled Recharge Cells if their health is falling and the healer seems busy.


To the point of the original post, our heat/ammo mechanic is largely what makes us more interesting than the same old healers of the past, but BW was nice enough to put in a huge mana pool based healer as well for those who don't like change. If you don't like the game of managing your heat, Sorc is probably the way to go. Personally, I think it keeps it interesting.




I'm not saying change the heat mechanics... for example compare again sorces revivication which costs 70 mana talented... HEALS EVERY TARGET for ALOT more then our 1-3k missile on three with damage reduction


600/70 = 8 heals


with absolutely no heat/force regen mechanics in place they can use this abilty 8 times

we could only use a lesser heal (kolto missile) 6 times before overheating.


you just have to do the math. And guess what the more alacrity you have the quicker you OVERHEAT.



as a bounty hunter I feel like an extremely strong single target healer.. but lets be real I can heal anything single target forever in any class... its the aoe / raid healing that's an issue.



the video is also with people completely geared up which also helps people aren't nearly getting one shotted with the swipe like they would in a new brand new normal which again an undergeared sorc/operative could heal without breaking a sweat


it doesn't matter if medpacs were used or not, the fact that operative/sorc can heal an entire raid without them whereas a bounty hunter will "require" a group to use them in order to keep the raid alive.. only proves that bh are weaker healers then the other two healing classes.



Did you..even read my post?


I don't deny any of these things that you've already claimed. Infact, I even HIGHLIGHTED it for you with bold font and an underline. Medpacs are part of the game, and any good healer will thank you for having them and using them effectively, regardless of class. They help for those 'oh ****' moments. If you want to throw away medpacs and defensive cooldowns and that sort, I'll go fraps a new kill to show you. You can't blame players for having common sense and trying not to die. I am the only healer in the raid.


Not too mention I stated several times that I hadn't even thought about using my vent heat cooldown. I hadn't reached a point of needing it at all really. The only scary moment that really happens in the fight is when Grilledcheese dips very low due to derping. Even without a personal cooldown I get him back up before the stomp to not die.


You're basically calling medpacs a whole extra healer, when in reality the people I raid with are conscious raiders..


the medpac you used at the beginning of the fight healed you for what? over 5k? I don't have a single heal that hits that hard in all lvl 56 gear... so yes they are pretty strong..


I'm not saying they aren't part of the game, nor saying you're not a great bounty hunter healer, just simply our heals aren't as good as the other two classes.


If you disagree that's fine I have no problem rolling another healer as I've stated before I've already done, I just like the bounty hunter, and want to enjoy it as much healing as I do the sorcerer.

Edited by Shammus
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Sounds to me like the OP just need to get better at his class.


I wouldn't trade Troqt (the merc in the video) in for our Operative or Sorc healers for any fight, period. I like our other healers, but they can't do what he can do. Whether he's just that awesome, or what, if his class was unduly gimped, he certainly wouldn't be able to pull off the feats of healing badazzery I see him do every raid night. This beast can spec into Tracer Missile and still do insane healing WHILE helping us hit an enrage timer.


If Merc Healing needs a buff in PvE, it's not a very big one.

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Sounds to me like the OP just need to get better at his class.


I wouldn't trade Troqt (the merc in the video) in for our Operative or Sorc healers for any fight, period. I like our other healers, but they can't do what he can do. Whether he's just that awesome, or what, if his class was unduly gimped, he certainly wouldn't be able to pull off the feats of healing badazzery I see him do every raid night. This beast can spec into Tracer Missile and still do insane healing WHILE helping us hit an enrage timer.


If Merc Healing needs a buff in PvE, it's not a very big one.




Edited by ProdigaLLL
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BHs aren't supposed to be pure healers. Roll sorc/sage if that's what you want to do. You can be a very good healer but you should not neglect your ranged attacks for if things go really bad. In fact I'm going to try out the build in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=5847 where you can switch roles between healer or ranged dps depending on the team.


Omg a lot of bad info in this thread. I've healed HM's and first boss in eternity vault. BH's are great tank healers, not good aoe healers. But if anybody tells you bodygaurds aren't pure healers they are just wrong. Keep your Kolto shell up, and keep super charged gas on cooldown. It's pretty simple if you manage your heat well.

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I'm not saying change the heat mechanics... for example compare again sorces revivication which costs 70 mana talented... HEALS EVERY TARGET for ALOT more then our 1-3k missile on three with damage reduction


600/70 = 8 heals


with absolutely no heat/force regen mechanics in place they can use this abilty 8 times

we could only use a lesser heal (kolto missile) 6 times before overheating.


you just have to do the math. And guess what the more alacrity you have the quicker you OVERHEAT.



as a bounty hunter I feel like an extremely strong single target healer.. but lets be real I can heal anything single target forever in any class... its the aoe / raid healing that's an issue.



the video is also with people completely geared up which also helps people aren't nearly getting one shotted with the swipe like they would in a new brand new normal which again an undergeared sorc/operative could heal without breaking a sweat


it doesn't matter if medpacs were used or not, the fact that operative/sorc can heal an entire raid without them whereas a bounty hunter will "require" a group to use them in order to keep the raid alive.. only proves that bh are weaker healers then the other two healing classes.




If you disagree that's fine I have no problem rolling another healer as I've stated before I've already done, I just like the bounty hunter, and want to enjoy it as much healing as I do the sorcerer.


Your math just doesn't work. You are trying to find fault with the class, presumably to help justify switching to yourself.


Kolto Missile is the same as Kolto Bomb for us. KB costs 2 Ammo to cast, and has a 1.5 second GCD attached. During that GCD we regenerate 0.9 Ammo, reducing the effective cost to 1.1 Ammo. However, there is also a 6 second cooldown on the ability, meaning if you only spammed that one ability it would cost you 2 Ammo every 6 seconds, during with time you would regenerate 3.6 Ammo. You could do that all day. It's terrible HPS, but you could do it til the heat death of the universe if you wanted.


If you need bust AoE, pop Supercharged Cells/Cylinder and then go one of two routes:


1) Spam Adv. Probe (Healing Scan) on everyone. You can get in 8-9 of these during the 10 seconds, depending on your alacrity. They cost 2 Ammo each, so that's 16 Ammo, but you will regen a few of those during the cast, but you will probably need to pop Recharge Cells (Vent Heat) to pull this off.


2) Spam Adv. Probe - Med Probe (Healing Scan - Rapid Scan) combos in a one-two punch on different people. You can still land 8 heals (final MP will be outside the SCC buff window), but now the total cost is 12 Ammo, which, with natural regen, should amount to a net cost of 6-8 Ammo. A few free abilities after SCC expires will have you sitting pretty on full Ammo in no time. The HPS is not significantly lower for this rotation and it doesnt overheat you and burn Vent Heat.


Seriously, if you are spamming Rapid Scan without the Healing Scan proc up, it is your own fault for overheating. Use Rapid Shots (Hammer Shot), use your Emergency Scan (Bacta Infusion), use HS/RS (AP/MP) as a combo even during SCC.


Our regen lets us heal forever. Healer mana doesn't serve as a soft enrage timer for us. Sage/Sorc, on the other hand, have such a large pool because their regen is so much more out of their control. They have a static rate unlinked to their Force level. They can up that only by casting a dps spell, and I haven't done the math to see if that is enough to return the cost of the 3 dps casts or if it is just meant to add some longevity to that DPS tree since it is a second tier skill. They can also cast a Lifetap-style spell hurt themselves and their Force regen rate for an instant Force boost. With a proc they can remove the negatives, but it is still far more limiting than our 0-cost abilities allowing us to regen Ammo/heat within our rotation.


I'm not saying they aren't better at AoE. A spammable AoE heal that hits everyone instead of our 3-person non-smart-healing small-radius cooldown-limited AoE is pretty nice. Here's an idea, though...bring two healers who aren't the same class. Put the Merc/Commando on the tank, the Sorc/Sage/Op/Scoun on the raid. Crazy.

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with absolutely no heat/force regen mechanics in place they can use this abilty 8 times

we could only use a lesser heal (kolto missile) 6 times before overheating.


you just have to do the math. And guess what the more alacrity you have the quicker you OVERHEAT.





the video is also with people completely geared up which also helps people aren't nearly getting one shotted with the swipe like they would in a new brand new normal which again an undergeared sorc/operative could heal without breaking a sweat


it doesn't matter if medpacs were used or not, the fact that operative/sorc can heal an entire raid without them whereas a bounty hunter will "require" a group to use them in order to keep the raid alive.. only proves that bh are weaker healers then the other two healing classes.





the medpac you used at the beginning of the fight healed you for what? over 5k? I don't have a single heal that hits that hard in all lvl 56 gear... so yes they are pretty strong..


I'm not saying they aren't part of the game, nor saying you're not a great bounty hunter healer, just simply our heals aren't as good as the other two classes.


I'm really not sure if you're just trolling me now. Part of managing your heat is that your heat dissipates faster than force regenerates barring you stay in the "Fast/Moderate Heat Dissipation" Zone. It's the 4 little arrows next to your heat bar, look for it.


Comparing Kolto Missile to Revivification is pointless. We could argue about it all day over which is better or more efficient.


Kolto missile - 16 heat (a 1.5 second cast after this will cause you to vent 8 heat before the cast even goes off, AND you even have to wait for the gcd to cast another spell. Potentially free spell), instant cast 1.5k heal(not including crits) to 3 people, a 6 second cooldown, 5% healing increase.


Revivification - 70 mana, About 350-400 ticks (not including crits)every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, have to stick around for full effect, but hits everybody in the effect. Amazing for times when you can group up.


Both spells are fantastic, but I'm going to have to sit here and call ******** on you when you say "lol an operative and sorc can jerk off while reading a book and heal Karagga's palace no problem, regardless of derps and gear and a BH has to go do perilous hardmode flashpoints for leet gear and still has trouble". It's simply not true. The swipes do the same amount of damage regardless of gear (barring the small % differences between light, medium, and heavy armor), and these people aren't totally decked out in full Rakata gear and things like that. This kill was relatively early compared to other guilds. We can sit here and argue about how I NEEDED medpacs to heal this kill by myself, but I'll keep telling you that I didn't because the only times people dipped dangerously close to death, I had more than plenty of time to heal them up(I even had time to throw in some dps!) and that the people I raid with actually have brains (which made it even easier for me). The only very dangerous time was when GrilledCheese dipped low between a swipe and a ground slam.


Are we weaker than than the other classes? No, we simply excel in other places. Personally, I love BH/Sorc combo healing, and it's my favorite combination of healers in an 8man. But never do I ever feel outdone by a sorc or an op.



I manage my heat. Bounty Hunters are pretty even with the other healers at this point. Your playstyle seems to fit Sorc more, awesome. Don't make any drastic changes to my class(we aren't suppose to be a 'do-everything-the-best' class).

Edited by Fgtsean
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I'm really not sure if you're just trolling me now. Part of managing your heat is that your heat dissipates faster than force regenerates barring you stay in the "Fast/Moderate Heat Dissipation" Zone. It's the 4 little arrows next to your heat bar, look for it.


Comparing Kolto Missile to Revivification is pointless. We could argue about it all day over which is better or more efficient.


Kolto missile - 16 heat (a 1.5 second cast after this will cause you to vent 8 heat before the cast even goes off, AND you even have to wait for the gcd to cast another spell. Potentially free spell), instant cast 1.5k heal(not including crits) to 3 people, a 6 second cooldown, 5% healing increase.


Revivification - 70 mana, About 350-400 ticks (not including crits)every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, have to stick around for full effect, but hits everybody in the effect. Amazing for times when you can group up.


and i will agree that force doesn't regen faster then heat.. but get above 50 percent and your'e just sitting there going ***... genrate higher then that with vent heat on a cooldown and you're just done..




Both spells are fantastic, but I'm going to have to sit here and call ******** on you when you say "lol an operative and sorc can jerk off while reading a book and heal Karagga's palace no problem, regardless of derps and gear and a BH has to go do perilous hardmode flashpoints for leet gear and still has trouble". It's simply not true. The swipes do the same amount of damage regardless of gear (barring the small % differences between light, medium, and heavy armor), and these people aren't totally decked out in full Rakata gear and things like that. This kill was relatively early compared to other guilds. We can sit here and argue about how I NEEDED medpacs to heal this kill by myself, but I'll keep telling you that I didn't because the only times people dipped dangerously close to death, I had more than plenty of time to heal them up and that the people I raid with actually have brains (which made it even easier for me). The only very dangerous time was when GrilledCheese dipped low between a swipe and a ground slam.


Are we weaker than than the other classes? No, we simply excel in other places. Personally, I love BH/Sorc combo healing, and it's my favorite combination of healers in an 8man. But never do I ever feel outdone by a sorc or an op.



I manage my heat. Bounty Hunters are pretty even with the other healers at this point. Your playstyle seems to fit Sorc more, awesome. Don't make any drastic changes to my class(we aren't suppose to be a 'do-everything-the-best' class).




no not trolling jsut know what other healers are capable of vs. merc healing its really not a big deal.. I'm rolling a sorc, maybe its me maybe its the class



to the posters above I 100 percent agree that bh is by far the best single target healer, it just upsets me to see ops/sorcs heal an 8 man solo where as we really cant'.. not efficiently...


at any rate it is what it is either you agree or disagree... i'll be rolling another more useful healing class.

Edited by Shammus
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I have this to say ...


1. I am a Merc DPS arsenal

2. I splashed the extra 6 points or so in to the Bodyguard tree and some just for the healing perks (lower cast times and supercharged gas)

3. I LOVE the bodyguard tree and wish I had more.


I am not even way up that tree but main healing as I leveled and off-healing (sometimes main in bad situations) Hard Modes,/Operations I can say we are good.


I have been the only healer in Kraggas palace and survived for a LONG time without much trouble.


Starting off with a FUll 30-charge I think is essential. This gives you the ability to spam out in the beginning until you reach 50% heat and then pop your supercharged gas right away if you want.


Also, my normal rapid shots hits add up for 700-1000 healing per shot ... how awesome is that?

Pretty awesome and free.


If you are simply complaining about Kragga then I would first state that if you need to heal so many people then I call B S on your team. They should NOT all be getting hit.


also, especially for that fight, if everyone in the raid is not using (or doesn't have) medpacks then your team is NOT COMING PREPARED!


WHy wouldn't your raid leader require everyone to have medpacks?????


W T F?


personally just from LIMITED splashing in to the tree I have been able to do amazing healing things in crazy situations.


I personally love it and would even drop being DPS for healing if our guild needed more healers.

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Let them add in a boss that does huge single target damage to the tank, and listen to the other classes cry. You are upset because other classes have an easier time on one fight. Who cares? Be careful rolling to Sorc, cause the day will come when they add a tank killer boss and you'll just end up in tears again.


That said, Sorc is probably the healing class for you. Best of luck.

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A lot of silliness in this thread.


Let's get things straight right away: merc is a heal/dps class, just like sorc. Meaning it's supposed to be able to fulfill either role effectively if specced for it. So people saying "well why would you roll merc to heal, roll sorc" you have no clue what you are talking about.



Now, merc is indeed inferior to sorc, mainly because of shield barrier. That spell heals for roughly the equivalent of 2 rapid scans, is instant, and you can easily spam it on your different group members.


You can't compete with that for healing multiple targets.


Also, the whole heat system is inferior to just having a force pool, because while you can technically do just the same amount of healing as a sorc over a given period of time, the key difference is that you are obligated to space out your heals as a merc to keep the heat low (like 2 rapid scan, then 1 rapid fire, then 1 rapid scans, etc...), meaning you can't sustain massive heals for extended period of time unlike a sorc which doesn't have that kind of limitation (a sorc can do 20 dark infusions in a row no problem, it makes no difference than if you spaced them out for a sorcerer).


Lastly, a dps specced merc has much inferior healing capability than a dps sorcerer, which is not trivial considering there's no dual spec.

Edited by Demorase
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Marked for trolling.

You're only bringing up 'issues' that have already been brought up and addressed, in what I would guess is an attempt to get those who actually -know- the bounty hunter healing spec up in flames.


Kudos for trying, though.

Edited by Fgtsean
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Also, my normal rapid shots hits add up for 700-1000 healing per shot ... how awesome is that?

Pretty awesome and free.



How are you guys speccing/ geared this is the second time I've seen numbers that are waaay off


It may have been another thread but someone claiming that kolto shell was healing for 5k a tick.


And now you're here stating you're healing for 700-1000 per shot of rapid shots


Maybe you being spec'd dps is affecting the output.. I have full lvl 56 gear healing gear and my rapid shots *MIGHT* heal for 400


If I was healing for 700-1000 a shot then I wouldn't even be in this forum making this thread.

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Those who want to talk about angeryn


watch this video here same healer.



Bounter Hunter Heals

two people die while the bounty hunter is healing keep in mind its not even about the deaths watch the video around the 2minute mark.. bounty hunter healing and starts having heat issues. ONLY healing 3 people



Now compare resource usage etc.. in fact they don't even show the whole fight, two people die and the merc is only having to heal 4



Sorc Heals


sor never goes below 50 percent regen is fast and no one dies. Sorc doesn't even break a sweat.

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We realize you want to make a sorcerer because you can't play bounty hunter. Stop making posts about how they are underpowered.


I would hope someone who has the time to pick apart my video by the second has time to watch both of those videos and realize everything wrong with trying to compare the healers in them. If you want me to list them out I will, but I guarantee we'll sit here and argue forever about this stupid topic. If you don't like the way BH healing works, then go Sorc. If you want so badly to play BH, play dps. I'm glad you like the aesthetics of the Bounty Hunter, but I really hope Bioware doesn't cater to you because you feel like you need to start with a full mana bar to be an effective healer. I love this class, and play it effectively. My guild running nightmare modes does not have trouble clearing things.

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