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Warzones for 50s are shutting down


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Remove expertise get rid of the pvp gear grind. Let players have customization with orange gear. Gear progression in general is a dumb idea and just creates gaps between the amount of time you are able to play. Pve and pvp can be functional together and have immersiveness but not with gear progression grinds.
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lol at the people trolling saying level 50s are complaining because they cant pvp against level 10s, theyre complaining because the wait times are rediculous.

Add cross server PVP.


Except... people complaining are missing two things- first, most people aren't 50 yet... hence why the lower queues are nonstop.


Second- level 50s aren't queueing because they can't get the easy mode valour in WZ anymore... cuz they have to actually put effort to beating similarly geared players.



Also- OP queues in the morning on a Sunday, seriously, even the no-lifes are sleeping in at that point.

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Except... people complaining are missing two things- first, most people aren't 50 yet... hence why the lower queues are nonstop.


Second- level 50s aren't queueing because they can't get the easy mode valour in WZ anymore... cuz they have to actually put effort to beating similarly geared players.



Also- OP queues in the morning on a Sunday, seriously, even the no-lifes are sleeping in at that point.


It's not that they're not queuing, it's simply that some servers just don't have enough. I can /who 50 at primetimes and am lucky to see 30 people on.

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Hello there Di'nariss lvl 50 Guardian from jedi cov here!


the reason the WZs shut down is simple, most of us got fed up of running into your double premade battlemaster group and simply play alts now.


Ilum got boring, Wzs are frustrating because of your double premades so why bother?


Maybe if you guys stopped using every dirty trick in the book we would be more up for a fight?


Peace out.

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Some in this thread seems to think its ok that only lvl 50 players on heavy servers should be able to play warzones. I got 50+ days left. Thats the time BW has to fix this mess. I hope there will still be any lvl 50 players left by then.

Cross-server warzones is the solution. Now go fix it.

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If bioware was smart (lol), they would have made warzones 10-39, and 40-50. Then put some expertise on the level 40 PvP gear.



On a heavy populated server, I went from instant to 2 min warzone queue times all the way up to 15-30 minute queue times... Only to get paired up with derp allies against a premade.


Ilum is also impossible with 2-5 empire PER capture point, and only 15 in ilum for republic, mostly doing pve.


As someone who spent most of their time doing PvP, this patch killed it for me. I am on day 3 just trying to get the ilum daily done. The only reason I am even still trying is because I only need 5 more kills. I also can no longer get the warzone dailies done once a day.


And I hate to mention class balance, but now that it is all level 50s, I really notice how much my sentinel gets focused. I pop my defensive cooldowns and still die in under 10 seconds. I also feel like i am swinging around 2 wet noodles and not lightsabers. But I am good at locking down healers... If I can survive long enough.


Totally in the same situation as you!

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The problem was never the 50's it was the expertise stat in pvp gear that is available to only level 50's that gave the advantage in warzones.


I am not a fan of pve or pvp restrictive stats and think that everything should just be custom gear that you create based on your own playstyle, but i dont work for EA games.


Exactly. Now it's new lvl50's having no chance against high valor/expertise geared lvl50's.


The majority of players aren't at lvl50 yet, so it's not their problem, and therefore lvl50's are just whiners. But it is their problem. They're going to reach that stage eventually, and then they'll know.

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Thanks to the poor implementation of Ilum in 1.1, 50's wz's have become a playground for battlemaster geared premades. Most new 50's join, gets creamed, and leave discouraged never to come back. It's hard to blame them.



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^^ This. I had fun queueing warzones from lvl10 all the way up to 49...though the past few weeks before the 50s bracket was kinda touchy there. But from waht I see as a fresh 50 in the new bracket, it is not fun at all. Its been pretty much all premades with geared 50s, and I die faster now than I did as a lvl10. I stopped queueing and jsut play another alt instead.


Same, you're not alone

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