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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Republic and Resolve (or lack thereof)


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So when are you planning to give Republic resolve Bioware?


I mean this is getting beyond a joke, 1 faction has it, the other doesn't.


It flat out ruins PVP for one faction, if i could id stop all Republic queuing and give Empire huttball 24/7 till we get it.


PVP on my Sniper is actually fun, on my Shadow lol cc cc cc cc

Edited by DeiVias
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Sorry fella but resolve seems to be working fine for me and im a Shadow. A full stun filles it up about 2/3 of the way. A knockback or a smaller stun like a knockdown fills it a litte less amount. When is full, boom, CC and knockback immunity. Excellent for Huttball.
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Video evidence would be nice. I have 50s on both empire and republic and see no differences.


Some of the ability delay may make it appear like you have a full resolve when a CC happens, but really that cc caused you to be full in the first place... the resolve bar just went full before the animation completed.


Obviously this could be wrong, but I regularly film myself on both characters and this is the only thing I can figure out of the complaints.


One thing to note is that slows/roots aren't part of the resolve system.


PS. this is a nice writeup:



Edited by tamgros
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Sorry fella but resolve seems to be working fine for me and im a Shadow. A full stun filles it up about 2/3 of the way. A knockback or a smaller stun like a knockdown fills it a litte less amount. When is full, boom, CC and knockback immunity. Excellent for Huttball.


It doesn't work if you chain CC on someone.


Take this scenario from a game I was just in. I used knockback on agent with the ball and he dropped off the ledge to the ground. As I dropped down I saw he was stunned. Someone else then stunned him and I was then able to stun him again and because mine when off before the previous stun wore off he remained stunned.


So he got knockbacked then CCed until he died.


That sort of suggest to me that resolve is pretty worthless.

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It doesn't work if you chain CC on someone.


Take this scenario from a game I was just in. I used knockback on agent with the ball and he dropped off the ledge to the ground. As I dropped down I saw he was stunned. Someone else then stunned him and I was then able to stun him again and because mine when off before the previous stun wore off he remained stunned.


So he got knockbacked then CCed until he died.


That sort of suggest to me that resolve is pretty worthless.


Also my resolve bar regularly fills, then immediately starts ticking down. I'm immune to CCs for about a half second before it starts decreasing.


Lost count of the amount of times I've been stunned over the firetrap with the ball before it activates, let it run it course without using anything, it wore off, started to run, stunned again, fire warming up, CC breaker, stunned again, fire kills.


Not talking roots or snares, but stuns.


It works on occasions but doesn't seem to work on others.

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Resolove never works for me, ive been stunned 3 times in a row before and only on the third stun does the bar get full. When the bar is full I just sit there stunned until they kill me.


Resolve is not working. It should be full after 2 stuns and when it is full it should provide immediate immunity to all CC- even current effects. When that bar is full it should stop all current cc effects and provide immunity for a short time.

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