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Commando Heals.


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Am I the only one who is struggling to heal hard modes? We managed to do maelstrom prison once bu there was a lot of dying. We tried it again the following night but we couldn't get past Daksh. I'm currently trying to swap out crit gear for power but still. It feels like if multiple people are taking damage, I can't keep up with them without running into serious ammo issues. It also feels like the boss is doing a lot more damage than what I can safely heal if two people are getting hit. I honestly have no idea what in doing wrong
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I would be fine with Kolto Bomb if it was a smart bomb that targeted those with lowest health.


Platform jumping on last boss in eternity vault really made me realize how useless kolto bomb is compared to the sage AoE heal...


So much this. Kolto is WAY too random to be useful. Sometimes its epic and heals and shields everyone you need it to. Other times, it hits the people at full health and you make a sad face.

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I think 3 is fine, because of the shield kolto gives.




I don't know exactly how much it absorbs. And I'm typing fromk my phone so I can't be bothered looking it up.


Still it is what it is because every class can't be good at everything.


It doesn't absorb a set amount. It absorbs 10% of incoming damage for the duration of the shield.

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I agree that we are NOT the AOE healers, but THE aoe healers get some nice single target heals, so why cannot we have something like that?


Kolto Bomb with a Hot or Absorption shield would give us enough time to heal the groups in massive aoe damage.


Personally, I would prefer to have Medical Probe an absorption shield, something like 15%

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Like I said before, I am not advocating a giant buff to Commando heals, nothing extreme. Are we capable of great healing ? YES ( said screen shot of 500k heals proves it! ) but don't try to overlook the problem with 1 game because 500k is the exception to the rule and anyone who pvps a lot knows the only way you are getting that much is if you hug on voidtsar and noone sees you all game; congrats you outhelaed a horrible team that never focused you and got 500k. The fact still remains our AE heal is just pathetic, thats all the abosrb shield is nice but it costs 2 cds to use and you sacrifice 30 stacks of combat support cell to use it so there is tradeoff.
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I would be fine with Kolto Bomb if it was a smart bomb that targeted those with lowest health.


Platform jumping on last boss in eternity vault really made me realize how useless kolto bomb is compared to the sage AoE heal...




Kolto Bomb is nice from my experience, but I normally chuck it in to top off a few, in advance of a fight, or to buff up tanks/seriously injured teammates to make other heals that much more potent. I can never use it as a substitute to direct healing, though.


As for the suggestions: From what I've experienced and what I've heard, single-target healing is our specialty. For balance, it would then make sense that AoE heals should be our bane. I don't think you'll see that change too much.


Because Combat Medics have so much utility in that we can deal and sustain a fairly significant amount of damage while not healing, I think that should be kept in mind. That's why I like Bot_logic's idea for chain healing.


An idea I had: give Kolto Residue a buff which makes the next Hammer Shot heal on that target crit automatically. If you have a high power rating and a significant surge rating, that combination could be an easy way to get in a free and cheap heal (since Kolto costs next to nothing and Hammer Shot heals are free) while on the run.


Another idea: give a stackable buff to those we heal with Hammer Shot similar to how we build charges on Combat Support Cell. After we build up say 10 on a target, they become supercharged and receive a HoT that last until the charge wears off. Possibly, while a target is supercharged, their abilities cost less (ie. for Troopers, their abilities now cost 1 less ammo).


One more idea, allow the Combat Medic to heal a % of their bonus healing while using Hammershot on a friendly or an enemy.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I was so excited to ding 20, then I threw my first Kolto bomb and kind of stared at the screen for a while to take in what I had just witnessed. lol :( Very disappointing.


Not to mention the fact that you can't prepare the Kolto bomb while your last heal is still "activating". (As is the case with all of our ground-aimed abilities) Very poor programming in this regard.

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So I've read over alot of what's been said and understand alot where people are coming from. Without question commandos are single target healers and they're good at it. I feel that the problem is the other classes seem to be stronger overall, especially sage which seems to have brilliant single target and AoE healing.


Remember the thread is here for ideas and to draw attention to the fact that commando healing is without question the lowest of the three overall and that there needs to be some balancing done.

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In terms of class balance - let's not forget that Commandos get HEAVY ARMOR. I have no numbers to present in terms of what that means in how much longer we're going to survive in PvP, for example, but I think it's fair to say that we are a fair bit harder to kill than our cloth-wearing counterparts.. which means more healing.


If we straight up put up the same healing numbers in every situation and clothies, AND had heavy armor, then there would be zero reason to play the other healing classes, would there?


But Kolto bomb still seems to be a waste of my time. lol Even with the super charged whatever, it just takes too much time to get that sequence together... I think I'd get more benefit if I got in the extra 1-2 advanced probes?

Edited by Xxia
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Armor is not and should not be a justification for healing output of any class. It is a fluff. It is traditional to have a heavy armor class who can heal. I'm not saying there aren't some damage-oriented advantages, but the last thing I want to hear out of a dev's mouth is "oh you heal less 'cuz ur armor".


Like I said before, I am not advocating a giant buff to Commando heals, nothing extreme. Are we capable of great healing ? YES ( said screen shot of 500k heals proves it! ) but don't try to overlook the problem with 1 game because 500k is the exception to the rule and anyone who pvps a lot knows the only way you are getting that much is if you hug on voidtsar and noone sees you all game; congrats you outhelaed a horrible team that never focused you and got 500k. The fact still remains our AE heal is just pathetic, thats all the abosrb shield is nice but it costs 2 cds to use and you sacrifice 30 stacks of combat support cell to use it so there is tradeoff.



There's no trade-off to using it. Who in their right mind would pop Supercharge Cells for Kolto alone? Normally you hit SCC, Kolto then AMP MP AMP MP/AMP AMP AMP etc.


Besides, what a good healer can do for their team in PvP doesn't translate well into numbers.

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Armor is not and should not be a justification for healing output of any class.


Care to elaborate? Because like I said, longer life = more healing, and heavy armor already IS a part of that equation, and always will be part of that equation. So yes, armor is inherently a factor in healing output.

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We dont have AoE Heal yet. I dont even consider Kolto bomb as AoE, since 1.5k a tick for only 3 ppl which already have global cooldown sux.


PvP and PvE, our AoE heal is completely terrible. We have to keep everyone alive using MP and AMP single target swap... that's just lame. Also from previous play, my healing is never get near the top sage as i think their AoE heal is supreme... I do believe we will get problem with PvE operation aoe heal as well...


Bioware need a lot refix our AoE heal. Commando need help! No AoE heal, no combat rez = lol healer =-='''


And for the stupid **** about we should sux because we have heavy armor, that's not true. Light armor they also have shield :(... and even with heavy armor, we're dropping like flys anyway so that doesnt justify!

Edited by Tajz
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We dont have AoE Heal yet. I dont even consider Kolto bomb as AoE, since 1.5k a tick for only 3 ppl which already have global cooldown sux.


Pretty much this. For now just consider kolto bomb an essential part of your tank healing rotation (with the +15% heal buff) for PvE and your heal on the move for PvP. Fixing this spell is just one of those issues that aren't even close to the top of the list of important issues. I would be surprised if it's even acknowledged as an issue yet.


Edit: nm me, I could've sworn it gave 15%, but looking at it now it's only 5%, so just forget what I said :p

Edited by Airees
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The armor Rating in this game does not mean much.

What makes a Tank a Tank is his stance and his shield as well as slotting for Endurance and Absorb. Armor does not protect you from all damage sources. But the tank stats help to mitigate.


The Armor rating difference from Light o heavy is not even 10% in difference. A Boss hitting for 4000 Damage isn't even going to do more than 300 damage when you deck yourself out in orange light armor. (And this is a joke considering your health pools on geared players).



It's kinda a fluff appearance choice for Commandos.



The only thing that really bothers me is the lack of a pull skill and in combat rez.:D

Especially the pull skill, getting someone out of a "do not stand in red dot" is priceless.

Sadly I'm not allowed to push friendly targets either. :p

Edited by -sasori
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I would be fine with Kolto Bomb if it was a smart bomb that targeted those with lowest health.


Platform jumping on last boss in eternity vault really made me realize how useless kolto bomb is compared to the sage AoE heal...


I dont understand ths comment...the only advantage kolto bomb has over sage aoe is that it can be used on the move. But, in 8 or 16 man operations the ability to heal the entire party or up to 8 is a HUGE advantage, so much so that there is absolutely ZERO reason to bring a combat medic. Combine this with a combat res for sages and youre insane or deseperate to fill operations spots if you bring a combat medic. Youre only gimping your operations teams. IMO, BW needs to fix this situation asap, its unacceptable to have an entire class useless, as, lets face it, if we knew commandos were relegated to dps we would have rolled vanguard and had the option to tank.


People often say commando's should tank heal, sages party heal -- but this doesnt make any sense either. Sage ST heals are more efficient and have higher hps....


Bacta is as worthless as people note -- in tier 2 pvp or pve it heals for ~ 1.4k non-crit. not even worth the GD to use it.


People worry about making commandos overpowered in pvp with buffs but, its super easy to kill a c.medic -- interrupt one of the two heals they have and GG. Sages still have multiple heals left, bubbles, and a sprint to escape.


gimped class is gimped.

Edited by Bluetickone
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People worry about making commandos overpowered in pvp with buffs but, its super easy to kill a c.medic -- interrupt one of the two heals they have and GG. Sages still have multiple heals left, bubbles, and a sprint to escape.


gimped class is gimped.


I'll agree with the AE healing and lack of combat rez compared to Sage, Sage is clearly a superior healer but that doesnt mean CM is bad. It's just not as good.


That said, in PvP it is not the case that an interrupt is GG.

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Care to elaborate? Because like I said, longer life = more healing, and heavy armor already IS a part of that equation, and always will be part of that equation. So yes, armor is inherently a factor in healing output.


if you cant heal enough your party, you die quick as usual. a sage full champion healed me with a single target heal for more than 3800 (almost 6000 when critic) every times, when i can heal him for that much only when i crit (i am full champion as well).

tell me if this is balance.

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This is not our niche.


We are the tank healers. Yes, they might get a bubble from the sages - but we're the hands down best at keeping a tank's lifebar up.


Target cap on Kolto Bomb seems dumb, but consider the synergy between a commando and a sage if there were no target cap? Too much healing.

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This is not our niche.


We are the tank healers. Yes, they might get a bubble from the sages - but we're the hands down best at keeping a tank's lifebar up.


Target cap on Kolto Bomb seems dumb, but consider the synergy between a commando and a sage if there were no target cap? Too much healing.


i heal a single target HALF hp for skill, than a a sage.

i cant heal more than 2 ppl at the same time.

in pve i die just as quick as the others.

only in warzones i can tank up to 3 or 4 ppl attacking me if i heal myself, for like 20 or 30 seconds, and i admit: a sage cant even dream this.


so a trooper healer trade heals in pvp and pve for little more survivability in pvp? yay. bioware must give combat medic SOMETHING.

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Let's see a sage answer spike damage like we can.


SCC + KB + AMP + MP + AMP + MP + KI


ALL of these spells will be affected by both SCC and KR.


Your tank is now now at full from 20% while standing in AOE.

Edited by ndruo
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