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Commando Heals.


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Am I the only one who thinks the commando "Kolto Bomb" should be our 31 point talent and hit more than 3 people and be as big as the damn sage 31 point aoe heal? and give our piddily 1.4k insta heal where we get kolto bomb... jeez i find kolto almost useless with how slow it is to throw and how small the aoe is.


or should I just L2P?


** Just and Update **


So far most of the ideas set forward have been met with kind regard. So just an update on some of the ideas:


1) Kolto Charge - Like concussion charge however a Bit bigger range, and maybe a bit longer cooldown for the lack of needing to target anything. This keeps the mobility of Kolto bomb but allows us to use it to heal MORE people.


2) Increase the size and amount of player healed by Kolto bomb : Simple enough I guess Just increase the range and let it hit more than 3 people.


3)Kolto Residue : Allow Kolto Redisue to apply a HoT of some sort or allow anyone Affected by Kolto residue able to link Hammer shot ( Support cell activated ) to anyone affected with Kolto Residue. ( This is a great idea IMO as a more complex approach to Commando AE heal woes because it brings into account a completley underused ability ( hammer shot heal ) into account. *** Credit for this idea to Bot_Logic ***


4) Forget Kolto bomb: You got it another great idea popped up, let leave kolto alone ( maybe make it a bit smarter to heal people more in need it hits ) but lets do something with hammershot, right now it's pretty useless maybe we allow to supercharge people we focus with it. *** credit to this idea to SpaniardInfinity ****

Edited by BranRizzy
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Am I the only one who thinks the commando "Kolto Bomb" should be our 31 point talent and hit more than 3 people and be as big as the damn sage 31 point aoe heal? and give our piddily 1.4k insta heal where we get kolto bomb... jeez i find kolto almost useless with how slow it is to throw and how small the aoe is.


or should I just L2P?


I agree kolto bomb and bacta should be switched in the tree. At least then troopers could put together decent hybrid specs like sage/smugglers can.


I'm not 50 on my trooper yet but I find kolto bomb nearly worthless in pvp. I only use it while running to los or if there's people clumped for the supercharged shield, even then it's a stretch using kb over amp/mp.


**And please tell me Bacta hits for more than 1.4k...the operative/smuggler instant hits harder and it isn't on a cd.

Edited by Jooji
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AOE healing as Commando is really bad. Since I dropped two talents in Kolto Residue, Kolto Bomb increases healing by 10% for 15 seconds on the targets. I throw a Kolto bomb on my tank right before he/she engages combat, especially on boss fights. 10% extra + a big crit heal can make a decent enough difference, although I would really prefer to have a legitimate AOE heal for when things get rough.
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I can't speak for commando's but I feel that mercenary healing isn't on par with say sorcerer as we have heat issues, as well as no in combat rez


I feel like I can heal a single target all day long but once I start having to heal 2-3 people heavily its impossible to keep a group alive


Sorcerers do not have this problem.

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A large factor is encounter design. Too many Enrage timers and short fights. Give us an encounter that requires light, consistent AoE healing over a long duration. There are other ways to insert DPS checks, put in adds that need to be DPSed down quick. Edited by Soshla
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This is where I'm finding issues on the commando. I have healed both operations as my trooper and I've found that you are seriously punished as far as AoE healing goes.


Not everything people have said I agree with however. I can happily heal all of the hard modes without any ammo issues. It's just all about being careful with your spams and making use of Supercharge Cells. As well as this I actually find Bacta Infusion to be a very strong heal, especially with reduced cooldown from set bonuses. I critical hit with it for over 4K with next to no surge gear.


As for Kolto bomb I find myself using it for the increased healing, instead of as an AoE heal since it seems to fall off heavily in healing power at later levels. In Hard Modes it's nice to throw in between the tank/melee, but in operations it's pretty much only used as a healing buff. I tend to drop it on the tank whenever I have the spare ammo. Even with it's buff from Supercharge Cells I find I use it as a utility skill instead of an actual heal.


The main problem for Commandos is AoE healing. There is a couple of ways that this could be helped or countered.




1. We support the suggestion by the OP and have Kolto Bomb swapped with Bacta Infusion.


This would mean that troopers would have an emergency heal at earlier levels but would lack an AoE heal which was useful at lower level healing. The other concern would be that Bacta Infusion would be nerfed. As it is, I find myself using it immediately after using Medical Prob after spike damage, giving me a nice "double" heal. There was also the suggestion of increasing the number of targets hit as well as the strength, which would be fantastic but again I would worry Bacta Infusion was nerfed because of it.




2. Kolto Bomb gets an increased number of targets


As oppose to changing the skill tree there could simply be an increase to the number of targets that Kolto Bomb hits. This I feel is needed no matter what. Both other classes have this and Commando's single target healing isn't strong enough to justify only being able to hit three targets.




3. Kolto Bomb gets an increase to it's strength


With this option I feel that instead of trying to change commandos from single target healing they should simply increase the strength of the AoE heal, currently both of the other classes' AoE heals hit harder and on more people. Simply making Kolto Bomb stronger than both could justify the lack of targets.




4. Medical Probe and Advance medical Probe get increased strength


As it is it seems that Sages have the best single target and AoE heal. I feel that Commando healing was always meant to be single target and so I think the best overall option would simply be to buff the commando single target heals to the point where they are the strongest in the game and leave their AoE healing as it is





These are my feelings on the situation. I think at some point soon I will make a thread about the balancing in commando healing and the need for them to be buffed in comparison to the other two classes. We will need to make a proper thread on this before it is noticed and we will need support. I would like to think that there are others in the forums that can support this

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Those are all some very nice Suggestion, If we can keep this thread goin with suggestions like that! I agree exactley with your assesment of Kolto bomb myself ( I am a PvP healer personally ) I find myself on ever using kolto to really buff people with it not for the healing done. I was thinking, Maybe we could change kolto bomb to say;


Kolto grenade: throw a grenade at a friendly target that explodes on impact healing people around said target with a decent not huge radius.


Kolto Charge: Like concussion charge but healing, would keep the movement healing aspect of kolto bomb viable and would act a lot like the sage aoe heal but insta cast on a cooldown.


or Kolto Bomb : Leave it as is and just make it larger area and hit more people ( it could leave the residue on the ground but have more of a "shockwave" effect )


right now I just feel kolto bomb is a Kolto dud ;(

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How about making Kolto Bomb affect more than 3 targets and make Kolto Residue add a viable HOT over the next 8 seconds. Right now the only HOTs we have are Advanced Medical Probe and I guess you can count and Hammer Shots, but they're not exactly powerful.


Or how about making targets affected with Kolto Residue chain healed by Hammer Shots. That way you could throw a Kolto Bomb into a group, and immediately follow it up with Hammer Shots on one of the target, spreading a HOT to the group.


Anyway, this is a nice thread and I do hope that BW takes some of these suggestions into account.

Edited by bot_logic
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I love the idea of the kolto residue leaving a Hot! or even allowing hammershot to chain to targets with it! ( in pvp hammer shot is useless as is, and kind of the same for the limited hard modes I have run! ). In all of these wonderful suggestions the number 1 key seems to be let kolto at least heal more than 3 targets! I'll update the main post with these 2 new ideas btw! great work
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To Original poster.


Good ideas


but see, you don't understand how this works.


Kolto bomb is fine, low cd, spammable, works great talented. crits for over 1.8k and the shield is decent. not to mention it's free.


Commando is a single target healer.


Just hit 400k Healing done in Voidstar yesterday.


i love commando healing.'


it's not supposed to be an amazing aoe heal, talented it boosts your singletarget healing.


Pick up Havoc rounds.

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fair enough, not once did I say our heals sucked, I personally think Kolto bomb sucks. I usually get around 280-320k heals in an average WZ once ive hit 380k but not the 400 mark yet. I do have havoc rounds, you are basically throwing suggestions out there thinking I have no idea what I am blabbering about. the point of the post is Kolto bomb is very situational and lame. The radius on it and the length of the throw animation is just terrible.


I am not advocatong for OMG buffs here, just a small tweak and some ideas, Do i think some of these ideas are crazy ? hell yah but that's all it is! A discussion for the commando community to input on and maybe the dev's down the road a month or even a year from and take even a smidgen of 1 idea and roll with it.


And 1 last thing, Im absolutley stoked you are enjoying your commando as is. Perfect on ya.

Edited by BranRizzy
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Maybe we will see some changes to it in the future. I just don't have anything negative to say. and i love kolto. I seldom have anything negative to say about any class/skill/animation.


It's all realy balanced right now. and before anyone says; But operative!! i say; i know. l2p they will get smacked right in the face with ol' nerfy soon anyways.


Kolto is great, it's free does what it's supposed to. it's like a slice of bread, not great. but damn it's good with melted cheese!

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I think 3 is fine, because of the shield kolto gives.




I don't know exactly how much it absorbs. And I'm typing fromk my phone so I can't be bothered looking it up.


Still it is what it is because every class can't be good at everything.

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I agree kolto bomb and bacta should be switched in the tree. At least then troopers could put together decent hybrid specs like sage/smugglers can.


I'm not 50 on my trooper yet but I find kolto bomb nearly worthless in pvp. I only use it while running to los or if there's people clumped for the supercharged shield, even then it's a stretch using kb over amp/mp.


**And please tell me Bacta hits for more than 1.4k...the operative/smuggler instant hits harder and it isn't on a cd.


Smuggler hybrid is horrible compared to Commando hybrid.


While i do agree that Commando Aoe heal is bad (better used on MT for armor buff), the whole hybrid spec is pure win.

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I don't seem to have problems with Commando healing. Lack of AoE is balanced with fast and strong single-target heals. Just be faster at selecting new targets to heal, keep up Bacta Infusion and its easy.


While stronger AoE heals might be an area to look at, I disagree with the idea that Bacta Infusion and Kolto Bomb should be flipped. I value Bacta Infusion much more in my healing, and it would be unbalanced to put it way down there.


So old school holy paladin up in here...

Edited by DimitriM
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Are you Smerk or Mjolnir? Smerk has a very nice spread there, that's what I typically shoot for. I think that's one of the big strengths of our class. Keep the good guys alive and make the bad guys dead.


Edit: duh has your name right below. Nice heals.

Edited by Dashall
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