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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


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Its funny in that article its like an analogy


gw2=Tiribula Rasa




Err.....None.... TOR isn't released yet and niether is GW2...



WoW has been around 7 years... TR lasted (roughly, not 100%) 2-3 years before being shut down.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


After the past few days I think lack of "innovation" is the last thing that Bioware needs to worry about. The fanbois can white knight all they want but Bioware has put themselves right up there with SOE with their fail customer service and satisfaction, and that is just about the last company anyone would want to be compared to. At least SOE can blame hackers for some of their problems though, while Bioware seems to be causing their own **** storm just fine on their own without any outside help.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


Based on my past experience, lack of innovation will help this game succeed.


SWG tried being innovative and the majority of players didn't like it. Most players want action-oriented, theme-park content, trinity class roles, gear progression, etc. So, that's what BioWare made.

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Based on my past experience, lack of innovation will help this game succeed.


SWG tried being innovative and the majority of players didn't like it. Most players want action-oriented, theme-park content, trinity class roles, gear progression, etc. So, that's what BioWare made.


Unfortunately this is true, and not just in MMO's. In gaming in general. The great unwashed don't want innovation, they want comfort with what they know.

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Dear Christ! Not another MMO that plays like an MMO! :(


Dammit, I ordered a hamburger, and here you are, bringing me a grilled patty of ground beef on a bun, garnished with pickles and ketchup! When I order a hamburger, I want something DIFFERENT!

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It is of course comparable to WoW, but I think they've taken every good thing that some MMO games have done well and improved greatly on them. PvE in every MMO i've played is mind numbingly boring and usually puts me into a vegetative state quite quickly with the grinding. With this game I really enjoy the PvE which is a first for any MMO. A lot of the side quests are really interesting and very funny too. Of course the more the better, more planets and more story driven content. Takes me right back to why KOTOR was so great.


The fact that we have companions and they have their own story lines and interesting pasts is a great take from KOTOR, though I'd like to see even more of that. I wish we had the option to choose whether or not they can die or leave us though, there could be a lot of great content with that and some great twists, I'm going make a thread about companions and why I think that would be great for some additional content. The ability to choose whether or not we can do that would satisfy everyone.


Also, I think it would be quite awesome if we could from time to time actually use our companions in combat like we did in KOTOR, being able to switch back and forth between our main and companion, could add a lot of great content for that.


The music in this game is spectacular, I thought it would be decent but they really spent a lot of effort on it, above and beyond any music in any game I've heard, really sets the tempo.


For end game content it seems like all the flashpoints and ops are story driven and that's great, the more the better for that. Later on increase level cap and new story line for it. For PvP I'd like to be able to build stuff, like buildings, to manufacture and produce AT-AT's, low flying ships, gun batteries, maybe even some soldiers, and have resource nodes that we have to keep a hold of to do that. Add a lot of planets like that for PvP and then we can have battles on multiple planets and actually keep tabs on who's winning the war in the galaxy etc. This would take a long time to do but I definitely think it would be worth it.


I remember Canderous talking about being a para-trooper and sky diving from orbit, don't know if that's possible but sure would be epic. i could go on forever about new things they can do but just have to keep passing them ideas and see what they can do.

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Dammit, I ordered a hamburger, and here you are, bringing me a grilled patty of ground beef on a bun, garnished with pickles and ketchup! When I order a hamburger, I want something DIFFERENT!


How dare they not give you a bit of lettuce with it! What were they thinking :p

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After the past few days I think lack of "innovation" is the last thing that Bioware needs to worry about. The fanbois can white knight all they want but Bioware has put themselves right up there with SOE with their fail customer service and satisfaction, and that is just about the last company anyone would want to be compared to. At least SOE can blame hackers for some of their problems though, while Bioware seems to be causing their own **** storm just fine on their own without any outside help.


Jeez hold your horses, Bioware is on it I am sure, you have to understand a game this huge with a launch this huge wont go too smoothly.

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Based on my past experience, lack of innovation will help this game succeed.


SWG tried being innovative and the majority of players didn't like it. Most players want action-oriented, theme-park content, trinity class roles, gear progression, etc. So, that's what BioWare made.


Are you serious? The majority like tradition?! What percent majority 90% 55%? This game might be successfull and not hated like Rebecca black after all.

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Jeez hold your horses, Bioware is on it I am sure, you have to understand a game this huge with a launch this huge wont go too smoothly.


Don't worry relapes. When everyone can play. This whole "This is the crappiest mmo release evar!!" Will die. The once again the good ol'fashion whine and complaints about official or troll topics that happen in every video game

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you know, the only thing that FPS shooters have different from wow, is their combat system. Stop comparing **edit** to WoW. Similarities in game design are like similarities between cats of the same breed...


Edited by Hidalgo
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Actually I've not seen a single negative comment about anyone whose been in the game.

My opinion as of now is more like 85% say its a solid game. last count was over 3 million preorders.


How the hell did you get 30%? making up statistics is a sin.


Thats not even an educated guess since I have to actually search to find a negative comment about the game. Every gamesite so far and everyone who has played it has reported having a lot of fun and staying with it for a long time.


The only two ratings I've seen so far were a 9.8 and 9.2. The same reviews that gave WoW an 8.9 and 9.1 respectively.


This game will definitely be a hit, I've played every p2p MMO out there, none of them even came close to the same satisfaction I got playing this game. And the pre-order numbers are insane.

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Starting to compare MMOS to FPS is like having sex with your mother-in-law! She is also a woman but you know it's not the right thing to do.


This 2 sectors shouldn't even be brought together. Not even in terms of marketing sales, future development or player fan base.




lol, broaden your horizons oh casual yet opinionated one.

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If this is just WoW in space, then why did I decide to jump into MMOs with SWTOR instead of WoW?


Before you say "Because it is Star Wars", well then why didn't I start MMOs with Galaxies then?


Because it was marketed towards people like you, do you not get that?

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My favorite MMO of all time is still Final Fantasy XI. Tons of story line and side quests. All these american games have taken "role playing" out of these large MMO's and in my opinion has led to the downfall of most of the games that have come out in recent years. Sure, everyone says they want to skip the convo's and just get back to the grinding, but whats the point of a game with no story?


I love the stories in this game and look forward to playing several different classes to get more storyline.

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It is of course comparable to WoW, but I think they've taken every good thing that some MMO games have done well and improved greatly on them. PvE in every MMO i've played is mind numbingly boring and usually puts me into a vegetative state quite quickly with the grinding. With this game I really enjoy the PvE which is a first for any MMO. A lot of the side quests are really interesting and very funny too. Of course the more the better, more planets and more story driven content. Takes me right back to why KOTOR was so great.


The fact that we have companions and they have their own story lines and interesting pasts is a great take from KOTOR, though I'd like to see even more of that. I wish we had the option to choose whether or not they can die or leave us though, there could be a lot of great content with that and some great twists, I'm going make a thread about companions and why I think that would be great for some additional content. The ability to choose whether or not we can do that would satisfy everyone.


Also, I think it would be quite awesome if we could from time to time actually use our companions in combat like we did in KOTOR, being able to switch back and forth between our main and companion, could add a lot of great content for that.


The music in this game is spectacular, I thought it would be decent but they really spent a lot of effort on it, above and beyond any music in any game I've heard, really sets the tempo.


For end game content it seems like all the flashpoints and ops are story driven and that's great, the more the better for that. Later on increase level cap and new story line for it. For PvP I'd like to be able to build stuff, like buildings, to manufacture and produce AT-AT's, low flying ships, gun batteries, maybe even some soldiers, and have resource nodes that we have to keep a hold of to do that. Add a lot of planets like that for PvP and then we can have battles on multiple planets and actually keep tabs on who's winning the war in the galaxy etc. This would take a long time to do but I definitely think it would be worth it.


I remember Canderous talking about being a para-trooper and sky diving from orbit, don't know if that's possible but sure would be epic. i could go on forever about new things they can do but just have to keep passing them ideas and see what they can do.


Star Trek Online was the first place I saw an MMO with a number of companions 'pets'.


I just see it as Bioware took everything innovative about MMOs in the last ten years, mixed them in with great story telling from games like KOTOR and BioWare franchises like Bioshock, Mass Effect and have spun themselves a very successful MMO featuring all of the successes of their competitors.

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Star Trek Online was the first place I saw an MMO with a number of companions 'pets'.


I just see it as Bioware took everything innovative about MMOs in the last ten years, mixed them in with great story telling from games like KOTOR and BioWare franchises like Bioshock, Mass Effect and have spun themselves a very successful MMO featuring all of the successes of their competitors.


So...exactly what WoW did on release... ? :)

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Also, I think it would be quite awesome if we could from time to time actually use our companions in combat like we did in KOTOR, being able to switch back and forth between our main and companion, could add a lot of great content for that.


Uh, is this your first MMO? This is not a single player game. When you expand your companion's action bar.....you are controlling them.

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WoW had a poor launch actually......


WoW's launch was a complete catastrophe in comparison to this. I'm still not in the EGA and even I can see this is 10x smoother that 90% of MMO launches. And I'm not gonna bother with the standard ePeen MMO credential waving that most people crying are doing.

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No MMO will ever reach WoW's height ever again, MMOs have been opened into the mainstream now because of WoW, so having another monopoly for MMOs anywhere close to what had is VERY unlikely.


WoW is being sliced into pieces, chest in going to SWTOR, legs and arms to GW2, the fingers to League of Legends, etc, noone is going to get the majority of it anymore.


Voice acting is what makes questing, something that has been considered a bore for the longest time interesting, I dont think you realize how big of a leap forward it is, or maybe you dont care for aspects like that in a multiplayer game which is just fine.


They never had quests a long time in games they just grinded mobs, then they added quests because grinding mobs was so boring, then that got stale as all get out with the constant text and boring quests one got, now we have very interesting quests with VO, as you say it is a big leap forward. It's pretty cool I played KOTOR again and realized that mission and vette are the same VA.

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