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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


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I think this game'll do fine, as was already noted, games that are massivly differnt from the base line model are taking a HUGE risk. people expect certin things of a MMO. bioware has taken some proven basics and used it to create this game. (one could argue mass effect just copied gears of war, is mass effect any less popular as a result?)


now that said if your the type of player who power games to level cap and just does end game stuff, this game proably won;'t be for you.

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Guildwars 2 <3 Dynamic events, rewarding people for participating and helping each other, no real forced situations.......mmmmmmmmmmm... but I'll continue playing Kotor until my friends stop playing it.


Didnt rift have dynamic events?. The events which people got bored of because...well it got boring.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


It's cute that you talk about fanboys while posting nothing but your hate about this game in the forums.


Actually it's not cute, it's rather pathetic and sad. You are a small small man.


BTW, here's a big difference in the games, Bioware understands what RPG stands for, Blizzard doesn't.

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UI, class design, art style (cartoony style nods at WoW's success), trinity, flightpoints are the same, menu interface is the same, guild interface is the same, PVP grouping functionality is the same.


WoW didn't innovate the they copied and made those traits more popular, I play WoW and right now itz stale planning to quit when i get in here

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I think this game'll do fine, as was already noted, games that are massivly differnt from the base line model are taking a HUGE risk. people expect certin things of a MMO. bioware has taken some proven basics and used it to create this game. (one could argue mass effect just copied gears of war, is mass effect any less popular as a result?)


now that said if your the type of player who power games to level cap and just does end game stuff, this game proably won;'t be for you.


What people seem to be expecting from MMOs now.. is innovation, something new... thats why so many nitpick at this game.

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Serious question, why are you here?


it's obvious you don't like the game, you keep trolling the forums about it. I just don't get it, if i don't like somehting i move on to something else. I don't dwell about it like a little child. What's the point?


I beta tested the game for 2 weekends, loved it, I am just addressing my concerns in a polite manner.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


Short answer? Yes.


Long answer? People will get bored quickly after the story finishes because it is the same basic raid or die endgame. A lot of WoW veterans simply don't want to spend hours each night raiding the same content over and over again hoping for a certain drop. It is evident in RIFT and even with Cataclysm as people cleared the regular mode raids and skipped hard mode.

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Short answer? Yes.


Long answer? People will get bored quickly after the story finishes because it is the same basic raid or die endgame. A lot of WoW veterans simply don't want to spend hours each night raiding the same content over and over again hoping for a certain drop. It is evident in RIFT and even with Cataclysm as people cleared the regular mode raids and skipped hard mode.


The story will get expanded as does the game, raid or die endgame is not the case for this game, this game wont be based soley of whats in store for launch.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


everything i slike wow but dont forget WOW copied may things off other MMO's that where before it.. wow was not perfect and never had me hooked like eq2 did but from what i played from WOW it was a game that took other MMO idea's and put it into there game.


now what bioware has done is they have put the stuff that everybody loves about wow and left out th ethings most people hate plus they have added things WOW did not have. i admit they did not branch off to much other then this is a story driven MMO but you cant tell me if your a wow player you would not play a WOW 2 due to even though its the same type of game it would have a differnt feal to it and a brand new story...


i have slight doubts about starwars due to EA is involved but i have high hopes due to bioware.... really just look at it this way. to get the most of of this game due it like i will i will play it like a single player game and enjoy the story then when i get my first max toon i will then play it MMO style and raid,craft and make alts to do it all over again.. trust me even if you play this game 5 hours a day if you take your time you will atleast get a couple months enjoyment out of it just from the single player alone plus add the MMO parts you got yourself atleast 3-4 months more gameplay. after all that guess what expansions and new races come out plus stuff never seen in a MMO..



trust me this is biowares first MMO they played it safe with launch content once they have all the money from the sells the new MMO risk is over and they can afford to take risk with content never seen before

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Alan Partridge Quotes for every situation:


Alan Partridge: [Opening a file] Right, OK. Shoestring, Taggart, Spender, Bergerac, Morse. What does that say to you about regional detective series?

Tony Hayers: There's too many of them?

Alan Partridge: That's one way of looking at it, another way of looking at it is, people like them, let's make some more of them

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Guildwars 2 <3 Dynamic events, rewarding people for participating and helping each other, no real forced situations.......mmmmmmmmmmm... but I'll continue playing Kotor until my friends stop playing it.


The downside to this systems is that it will become pretty generic after a while and no large scale co-operative group play, just large zergs. It's good for the casual solo player though, no doubt, but then again might as well play a single player game.

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You know of course it is almost impossible to come out with something that hasn't been seen before in an MMO right? You can only improve on what is really there. Everything else is just an extension of previous MMOs. What makes a game successful is the effort the developers put into it to make it and keep it so.
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SWTOR is facing backlash from all over due to its traditional nature, anyone who denies me has not been paying attention. My ONLY fear is that people are so fed up with traditional MMOs that they either wont give this game a chance or will walk in the game with a determination to hate everything and spread that negativity to those who don't know any better.
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You know of course it is almost impossible to come out with something that hasn't been seen before in an MMO right? You can only improve on what is really there. Everything else is just an extension of previous MMOs. What makes a game successful is the effort the developers put into it to make it and keep it so.


My problem is that most dont realize what you just said.

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SWTOR is facing backlash from all over due to its traditional nature, anyone who denies me has not been paying attention. My ONLY fear is that people are so fed up with traditional MMOs that they either wont give this game a chance or will walk in the game with a determination to hate everything and spread that negativity to those who don't know any better.



sadly there is not enough old school MMO players like me who has bee through 3 generations of MMO's i can tell you in all 3 generations there is alot the same, but each generation adds somthing new while keeping alot the same..


the problem comes from the wow generation where its alot of peoples first time MMO so they dont know what to expect from other MMO's.. i just dont get what people whant when they say somthing diiffernt a MMO is just the same as a single player RPG other then MMO's have many people to share the world with..


if your talking about combat style well trust me i have played these so called new MMO's with real time weapon swinging and trust me i prefer the MMO style combat over skyrim type combat... im only talked aboiut combat to give example of what alot ot people say they want cahnged in MMO's

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Like WoW?


No - you can't travel across huge land areas from one starting area to another starting area to begin with friends or have many different quest starting experiences for several alts.


No TOR doesn't have an in depth crafting system nor lots of additional professions at launch above and beyond basic classes and crafting to add depth to gameplay. No fishing in TOR either. :p


No TORs itemization isn't anywhere close to the vast number and variety of items available from drops, quests rewards, crafting, and professions at launch for World of Warcraft. In early WoW a good blue drop could last nearly 10+ in usefulness - in TOR elite NPCs 2 or 3 levels over your level drop green items 4 levels under your character level. :rolleyes:

Like current WoW when speeding though the levels there's no 'need' to group, but unlike WoW. in TOR just a couple levels later using a companion players can solo much elite instanced content.


As many have said before, TOR is a collection of good ideas that many other games do/have done better - what TOR has going for it is that it's 'Star Wars' and that it has voice acting all the way through - but at great apparent cost to everything else. It's not that TOR lacks innovation or it's of course derivative of all MMORPGs - it's that it's truly lacking.

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sadly there is not enough old school MMO players like me who has bee through 3 generations of MMO's i can tell you in all 3 generations there is alot the same, but each generation adds somthing new while keeping alot the same..


the problem comes from the wow generation where its alot of peoples first time MMO so they dont know what to expect from other MMO's.. i just dont get what people whant when they say somthing diiffernt a MMO is just the same as a single player RPG other then MMO's have many people to share the world with..


if your talking about combat style well trust me i have played these so called new MMO's with real time weapon swinging and trust me i prefer the MMO style combat over skyrim type combat... im only talked aboiut combat to give example of what alot ot people say they want cahnged in MMO's


Precisely the problem, and that will very likely cripple this games success.

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