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Please reverse your stance on not fixing keybindings.


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Agree with op, hardbound buttons has to go. Not everyone is right handed. Not everyone uses WSAD. Some us use other configs so assuming that everyone plays the same is lame.


As others stated the \ key is hardbound and causes frustrations. In my case, that particular button has been one my crucial binds in all MMOs and other games for 10+ years. I have been bugging them about this for 3 months in beta. Best response I got said that it may or may not happen in a patch and that's about it.


Anyways, for those frustrated about hitting it accidently, there is a work around: go into settings and rebind it to map fader or similiar button that wont do anything to drastic. If you do this, pressing \ key wont open bug screen and get you killed like it was doin for me. Hope this helps.


Still makes me wonder why the heck we need a hardbound key to open a bug report, this is not beta no more (or is it?!). I would think that the giant ? at top screen would be the best button to press to report stuff, no? W/e....I want my hotkey back! Please?

Edited by fixit
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T, Ctrl T, and Alt T all work for me. I use them quite extensively. I agree that hardcoding keybinds is pretty stupid. I want to use CTRL U (I rebound u to another button) and I'm afraid to even try to rebind it because there's not reload UI option in the keybind menu. I would hate to bind Ctrl U to something else and never be able to reload my ui. :/


Also, I have rebound my / key to open my crewskill window, so I'm confirming that that works.


Right, I was referring to the other ctrl combos that we've figured out don't work, like ctrl+A. I've heard from a couple other people that some keys are rebindable to system related stuff, but not quickslots. So / can be rebound to opening a different window, but it'll ignore any quickslot bindings you make with it. I'll have to check that for myself, I've been away from my gaming rig.


It's weird. It must be a bug if a key is "partially hardcoded". Why is BW acting as if this is working as intended?


To the guy above who mentioned this could eventually be worth quitting over, I have to confess, in another MMO that came out last year, I ended up quitting partially because I couldn't rebind the apostrophe key, which is what my right ring finger rests on when I play (left handed). It sounds silly, but that sort of thing just wears on you after awhile.

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Or they could just not hard code this stuff and solve everybody's problem. Nothing's stopping them from having "\" be the default keybinding for the open ticket menu, but to make that permanent is just absurd. And this is affecting a lot more places than Sweden, including the US itself with left-handers.


Don't be an apologist for BW. It's perfectly reasonable to expect their keybinding setup to be as robust as their competitors. To have to go through a bunch of remapping nonsense on a third party program or keyboard for one mmo out of the many we play is just asinine.


I'm confused...

US Keyboard layout

Swedish Keyboard layout


I suppose that the button between Backspace and Enter is the "/"-key you are talking about... But on the Swedish layout it isn't there, although we do have two other keys instead. One on the left of Z, and one three keys to the right of L. So why is "Create Ticket" to the left of 1, and not left of Z or three keys right of L?


It seems as the Swedish < and ' keys were saved from having Create Ticket bound to them (as both can be used frequently while chatting, while the key "§ ½" has a very limited use in game). So why go though all that trouble instead of just allowing it to be remapped? For Beta I can understand perfectly, but it's a month since launch now...

Edited by Xesha
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Select Next/Prev Target doesn't work for any key other than its default of <Tab>.


WRONG, i mapped it to one of the side buttons on my mouse and it works perfectly. Didn't try to actually remap tab, but instead added my new mapping in the second box.


To the OP /signed, more options is hardly a bad thing.

Edited by Cynistra
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As far as I know, Swedish isn't a supported language. It's a bit much to expect Bioware to support keyboard layouts for unsupported languages. And it seems like a bad idea to remap the "help" key. It would be a really bad idea to remap "esc".


But surely this has come up before with other software? Why not use something like SharpKeys to remap the layout in Windows? You can even have a mapping just for Old Republic. You can also buy keyboards and game controllers with remappable keys.


The issue is still valid on German keyboards, and that is a supported language.


Aside from that, it's not an issue with the language, or with other countries using different keyboard setups. Of course we could just switch our keyboard layouts with Windows, but then we'd have to press Z when we want to type Y all the time. This is 2012, by now the news that other countries have other keyboard layouts should not be news anymore. And the news that hardwired keybinds are really sloppy should not be news anymore, either. Certainly not to a company the size of BioWare.


Heck, the only reason I never played through Baldur's Gate 2, and I kid you not, was that it had hardwired keybinds that permitted me from playing it with the same controls I used for Baldur's Gate 1! It was driving me nuts pressing the button for something I'd done a million times before, only to realize that "Oh, right, they don't let me do that anymore for no good reason whatsoever."


I'm sure not everybody is the same, but to me, the controls and UI make or break a game. If I feel like I'm fighting the input system more than the enemies in the game, then that kills the fun.


The key between ESC, TAB and 1 is a very important key for many people playing MMOs since it is very close to the "Hot Zone", as it's been called, the area around your hand, where you can easily and quickly reach. It is also important because you might accidentally press it when trying to press any of these three keys, all of which might happen during combat.


That key should be mappable. At the very least, it should not be hardbound to something that kills you in PvP.

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You really must be joking.....LMAO.... and especially by your solution suggestion.... Go out and buy an SWTOR keyboard......rofl....

Autohotkey does the trick for free.


I use it to enable mouse look toggle without being obliged to keep down the right mouse button to steer.

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Autohotkey does the trick for free.


I use it to enable mouse look toggle without being obliged to keep down the right mouse button to steer.


Thanks for the suggestion, but in my experience, software like this creates as many problems as it fixes. And let's face it.... It's absurd that we're suggesting third party keyboard software for an MMO by BIOWARE. The simply shouldn't have these problems.


I never thought I'd describe BW's code as "lazy" or "sloppy", but that's what hardcoding keybindings is.

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WRONG, i mapped it to one of the side buttons on my mouse and it works perfectly.

OK, I'm going with the pedantic defence of "I used the word 'key' and a mouse button is not a key so there nyah nyah". :p


I didn't think of a mouse button for Target Next Enemy. I'll try that tonight on my Sorceror. Cheers.


More specifically, the <T> key seems to be unable to be bound for targeting keybinds but is OK for other keybinds.


I have QWER bound to Target Party Member 1 through 4, I want to use T for Target Self.


Another unbindable key is Ctrl+A (I think), the key to disable Ambient Sound Effects.

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I can't count the times when, in the heat of PvP-battle, I've accidentally hit the ½/§-button which is located to the left of 1 on a Swedish keyboard layout - bringing up the bug report UI and promptly getting me killed while I frantically try to close the window. The inability to bind this button to whatever I want is just stupid. I should not have to resort to changing some archaic options or installing some software to be able to do this. This is 2012 - not 1982.


I suppose getting an official answer on this is out of the question.

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I can't count the times when, in the heat of PvP-battle, I've accidentally hit the ½/§-button which is located to the left of 1 on a Swedish keyboard layout - bringing up the bug report UI and promptly getting me killed while I frantically try to close the window. The inability to bind this button to whatever I want is just stupid. I should not have to resort to changing some archaic options or installing some software to be able to do this. This is 2012 - not 1982.

I completely agree. I too have the bug report window shortcut to the left of the "1" button and hit it accidentally too from time to time. I'm not doing pvp, but it's equally bad in pve fights.

This does not keep me away from enjoying the game as such at the moment, but it's extremely annoying and just one of the small, annoying factors that one day will tip the scales.


I suppose getting an official answer on this is out of the question.

I would not count on it, as this thread is officially parked in the Paper Shredder forum, or shoud we call it The Black Hole - more fitting the game's space theme. :)

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As far as I know, Swedish isn't a supported language. It's a bit much to expect Bioware to support keyboard layouts for unsupported languages.

No one is asking BW to support swedish layouts, just to not prevent Swedes supporting their own remaps.


And it seems like a bad idea to remap the "help" key.

Why? Why does "help" even need to be mapped to a key? You never need it in a hurry. You never need it when your mouse is occupied doing something else. You can always (so long as your mouse is working) click the "?" in the system menu (which currently can't be displaced/erased by mods because there's no facility for 'em) across the top (and if your mouse is broken you won't be able to submit a ticket anyway, so you'll have to Alt-F4).


But surely this has come up before with other software?

Sure it has. It was downright annoying in Skyrim, too. Can't even map your movement keys to ESDF there because 'F' is your favourites and that doesn't work if remapped elsewhere. But that isn't the point. The point is that it has been done better by smaller developers (I'm looking at RIFT) as well as by big ol' Blizz. There is no reason to force such things.



Why not use something like SharpKeys to remap the layout in Windows?

Why should I have to? Why should I have to struggle with getting that external program's inputs to be registered by the game. It's bad enough having to manually load mouse and keyboard drivers and VOIP software in the correct order to make them work. Why should I have to compensate for lazy, authoritarian interface design?

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hard coded short cuts are bad code or at best a hack from dev.

Please fix Ctr+D and ²


While holding the right mousse button and D, you can straff right.

OK. But if you add Ctr => you stop :confused:


I changed every ctr+N shortcuts to atl+N because of that.

No big deal? IMO it's representative of the code quality

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If anything, Bioware should remove the possibility of remapping the keyboard at all.


Everyone should play using exactly the same keyboard shortcuts, in order to promote fair play and balance.


That's a bit short-sighted.


You're forgetting that not all of us are right handed, or on the same keyboard layout.

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If anything, Bioware should remove the possibility of remapping the keyboard at all.


Everyone should play using exactly the same keyboard shortcuts, in order to promote fair play and balance.


I'm sure you are just being sarcastic.


In case of overwhelming stupidity I'd just remind you about different keyboard layouts in different regions, left/right handedness and multitude of other issues that would make your suggestion ridiculous. But then if you were serious you wouldn't understand any of those points anyway so c'est la vie.


Using scandinavian keyboard and being left-handed the button left to 1 opens bug report which is fairly ridiculous. At least I managed to disable the button for now (found the cure after well over lvl 50) but I'd rather use it for something useful since it's in really handy position and I have previously used that key for interrupts in other MMO's.

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"Changed" not fixed. They are not broken so there is nothing to be fixed, perhaps reword your thread title to "CHANGED". If something isn't broken and you're tinkering with it you're changing it.


It seems to be only the European population that is plagued by this though :<.

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"Changed" not fixed. They are not broken so there is nothing to be fixed, perhaps reword your thread title to "CHANGED". If something isn't broken and you're tinkering with it you're changing it.


It seems to be only the European population that is plagued by this though :<.


If they're "working as intended" then BioWare is incompetent when it comes to designing UI's. If they're "broken" though, then it' just another day in game design.


I like BioWare, so I prefer to think of them as broken.


It has also been firmly established in this thread that this issue is affecting left handed Americans with the / key, and right handed Americans with the various ctrl+ restrictions.


I recommend reading the thread. :) Thanks though.

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I don't understand why they don't just remove the silly shortcut for opening the tickets completely. There is no need for a hard-coded keyboard shortcut for opening a ticket. We are already staring at the "?" icon in top of the screen at all times.

It's laughable that such a small issue is an issue at all. And for people using other keyboard layout then US/UK, it is an issue.


Anyway, to better understand the concept of different keyboard layouts, take a look here:



and here as a concrete example:



In the above example, look at the very top-left of the image. Directly to the left of the "1" key, there is a key marked "½/§". This is the key that opens that silly bug report window when I press it on my keyboard.


I want it gone.

Edited by Massimoto
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As a lefty, the \ key has been critical in any MMO I play, and i still hit it by accident here


I´m not a lefty but also have the "\" key right on the left of my "1" key.


So basically yes, I´m going to click it one time or the other by accident.


This keybind really should be fixed. Change it to <INSERT SOMETHING> + "\" for instance.


Although I normally use this key in other mmo´s but the easiest the fix the better. Surely it´s not lots of trouble to fix it.

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This keybind really should be fixed. Change it to <INSERT SOMETHING> + "\" for instance.


Or just let us reconfigure send report hotkey completely. I have never had the need of having it on a hotkey, while I do want to have the Warzone tab keybound to H or something. Just open it up and we can all be happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't imagine what the thinking behind even having a key bound to opening a ticket is, unless it's a hangover from beta testing when people had to open hundreds of tickets and they just didn't bother to remove it for release. At any rate there is absolutely no need for that key bind.


But that bothers me a lot less than the need to recreate your key bindings from scratch for every new character, there's no reason for that, it just seems sloppy.

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