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so watchman is way better then combat until 40?


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The secret for overload is its off teh global cooldown so you cna use it and another ability at the same time.


Most of us use it during (as in flight) our leaps.




I highly do not suggest picking up combat until at least level 43 when you have enough talent points to pick up the needed skills.


Keep in mind what your Zen does in Ataru, Blade rush is a replacement for slash, and to watch for the best time to use blade storm.




A build im looking at, which shows i practicaly should pick up almost the entire combat tree if you go combat.

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The secret for overload is its off teh global cooldown so you cna use it and another ability at the same time.


Most of us use it during (as in flight) our leaps.




I highly do not suggest picking up combat until at least level 43 when you have enough talent points to pick up the needed skills.


Keep in mind what your Zen does in Ataru, Blade rush is a replacement for slash, and to watch for the best time to use blade storm.




A build im looking at, which shows i practicaly should pick up almost the entire combat tree if you go combat.


That is a bad build, this is what you would run for a Top dps PvE build. There are some non-dps filler points in there.




Insight effects both Blade Storm and Ataru strikes, you want quick recovery for add/AoE.

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Don't come here and tell someone their build is "bad" and then post some crappy pve build, especially when, if you read the thread, the OP is looking for advice about combat spec in PVP.

Your argument about putting points into insight is flawed because, if you are playing your combat sentinel right, your bladestorm should already be an automatic crit. As such 3 skill points to give you 6% greater crit chance on at attack that does 700 damage tops on a crit (and im being generous here) is a waste.


Both of you guys have 3 points in steadfast. I put points in there too, until i looked at my stats. At level 50 my melee accuracy was 107 and my force accuracy was 117. benefits from accuracy tap out at 105%.


Those are wasted skill points

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That is a bad build, this is what you would run for a Top dps PvE build. There are some non-dps filler points in there.




Insight effects both Blade Storm and Ataru strikes, you want quick recovery for add/AoE.


I was thinking more for PvP, sorry I left that out.


Blade Storm is a garranteed crit so I dont see the point of insight except for Ataru strike/force sweep crits.

You also still took almost all of Combat, the point about Combat I was making.


A part I left out as well since we are talking endgame pve now. Theres a number of fights that have alot of knockbacks+slow, melee damage reflect, and/or anti-melee aoes negating alot of melee dps right now. Ranged Dps is superior in many 50 flashpoints and operations.

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The secret for overload is its off teh global cooldown so you cna use it and another ability at the same time.


Most of us use it during (as in flight) our leaps.




I highly do not suggest picking up combat until at least level 43 when you have enough talent points to pick up the needed skills.


Keep in mind what your Zen does in Ataru, Blade rush is a replacement for slash, and to watch for the best time to use blade storm.




A build im looking at, which shows i practicaly should pick up almost the entire combat tree if you go combat.


For pvp as a Combat this is probably the best build, not a bad build at all (for pvp). dont underestimate master strike with this build ;)

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The secret for overload is its off teh global cooldown so you cna use it and another ability at the same time.


Most of us use it during (as in flight) our leaps.




I highly do not suggest picking up combat until at least level 43 when you have enough talent points to pick up the needed skills.


Keep in mind what your Zen does in Ataru, Blade rush is a replacement for slash, and to watch for the best time to use blade storm.




A build im looking at, which shows i practicaly should pick up almost the entire combat tree if you go combat.


Alsmot perfect build. I would recommend to Take two points away from "Stagger" and invest them into "Quick Recovery" for almost free AoE attacks...

Those few seconds dont rearly mater for a Combat specd Sentinle, when you have tons of other CC like abilities.


But my curent build is currently this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcMZGrrbddbRrs.1


This give me mostly free AoE attacks and gives me another Snare "Cauterize" wich also does great DoT damage and is usefull against those stealthy busttarders ;p

Edited by OldxLady
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Those are wasted skill points


Right. Do you know any other way to free some accuracy from your gear for more important stats? Do you seriously believe any other bottom tier talent left is going to be of more benefit to you?


You can pretty much see those 3% accuracy as surge, crit or power.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Both of you guys have 3 points in steadfast. I put points in there too, until i looked at my stats. At level 50 my melee accuracy was 107 and my force accuracy was 117. benefits from accuracy tap out at 105%.


Those are wasted skill points



Yes they are, and not putting point in improving Crippling throw is a mistake. Its amazingly useful in say, Huttball. Hell, its amazingly useful anywhere since we lack holds and disables. This is where those 2 points should go. Steadfast is a PvE talent, hence the low position in the tree - so it can be picked for secondary trees, and PvE specs.


Also, sadly, Debilitation doesnt work in PvP. I know it isnt in this spec, but it doesnt work. Dont know if its intended NOT to work, or its just bugged.



EDIT: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZGGMbddMRMsZG.1 is really close to my build. the difference being 2 points out of Steadfast and into Displacement, and out of Defensive Roll and into Focused Leap, but I can it see Defensive Roll being more useful so no arguments here. For the life of me, cant understand how can you choose Steadfast over this. Among many other things, it cuts the ability for some ranged classes to gain ground to kite you. Also, to hold the annoying Inquisitors after they use their SPrint or whatever its called.

Edited by Soulaufein
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Also, sadly, Debilitation doesnt work in PvP. I know it isnt in this spec, but it doesnt work. Dont know if its intended NOT to work, or its just bugged.




Actually it works. But not always, it gets bugged out by server lags sometimes. It is kind of usefull in some PVP situations. Unless you aren`t playing high skill PVP vs premade groups, i find those points worth it, since only a few players (can only speek of my server though) on pubs tend to interrupt you, while master striking. That changes a lot with higher skilled enemies though, and then the points would be better spend in insight. My curent build looks like this:




The points in Fleetfooted and Debilitation can be left alone for PVE. That would give you another 4 points to spend (which most likely would go to Insight and Quick Recovery). But since i play both PVP and PVE i took that build and am running pretty fine with it. To those stating that Points in Insight are crappy as our Bladestorm already has the 100% crit, i have to state that they`re wrong. Ataru proc`s are counted as "Force Dmg" and as thus get 6% more crits with full Insight (Ataru proc`s crit proc`s are weapon dmg independend, which allowes them to crit at a higher rate then the weapon dmg).



I find Watchman to be the better spec (especially when the finally fix searing saber for the overlord saber dots) dmg wise in both PVE and PVP, as your dmg output is just simply higher trough to the dot`s beeing internal/elemental dmg. Survivability wise i find combat and watchman beeing equal in PVP (heals in watchman against 30%AOE reduction on combat, and you will get a hell lot of AEO dmg in PVP), and combat to be supirior, survavablity wise, in high level PVE content, as the only dmg you will get is Boss AEO dmg. But you will get a hell of a lot of that, and your watchman heals won`t nearly be enough to keep you alive and living.


TLDR? I in my experience find watchman to be better at dmg, but combat slightly surperior in terms of survivability in high lvl PVE. Overall i find the benefits of watchman not outweighting the amount of "more work" i have to put into it, to get the best out of it, as, as watchman specced you have undoubtably more CD`s and buffes to watch compared to the combat specc.



EDIT: The points in steadfast do make sense. True that all high lvl PVE equip does have th "+accuracy" on it, and true that an accuracy rating above 100% doesnt make sense, but most (if not all) of the players i know replace the "+accuracy" with high level "+crit/surge" mods, as they get the accuracy for free (basically you don`t have much other things you can put your points into) and can buff their healing rate (watchman) or bladestorm dmg(combat) and their overall dmg by doing so.

Edited by selectah
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well I hti 40, and can at least go all the way up each tree.


Watchman is by far better. I am nto even sure what is wrong with combat but I really WANT to play the combat. But the burst damage just isn't there to make up for dot you get from watchman.



It may be worth if IF combat zen made ataru form kick in more on top of the top skill, but i'm unsure. I seem to be focus starved AND find it hard to build up centering.


Neither of those are an issue for watchman, plus when I get nailed with all those annoying knockbacks and so on at least I can start up the DOT with watchman in PVP.


Overall though - Sentinels still seem to be lacking something. I could just keep leveling my other characters but I bought this game to play as a saber wielding jedi.


I wish somehow all of our hits slowed or something so people couldn't run away. Then at least all I'd have to do is run back up. That would certainly help combat or make those slow skills free hits.


One thing that makes watchman good is the fact that I can always leap back. So if i run up and hit someone and they push me, and i didn't get my slow in on time i'm not going to get slowed, and range killed while i can't do anything. I can just leap back in.


Has there been any word from Bioware on what they think? Is it just me ?


Shouldn't the sentinel (who has to be in close and personal) be the #1 dpser for damage? Seems a fair bit of our skills are too costly focus wise and don't hit NEAR hard enough.

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