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Running out of things to do.


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I am writing this out of concern for your subscriber base. I personally wont be leaving the


game but at the same time I have nothing to do. I am a lvl 62 battlemaster I have most of


the Rakata gear and some of the battle-master gear. My guild and I have cleared every


operations besides nightmare. we are mostly all battle-master's the legit way. Only thing


that seems to reward us for anything anymore are the PVP daily's. It's not just me having


this issue. I run a guild with 100 people in it and the mass of them are bored out of their


minds. Sure we have the option to make another character which i have been doing but


eventually I will run into the same issue.



I love pvp and wouldn't have any issue if there was an arena or rated WZ's. I know you


Have plans to release the rated WZ's but you wont have people playing unless there is an


Incentive to do so. As for PVE the operation boss fights are too simple even on hard mode.



All said I have enjoyed the game up until this last week but I am just at a loss for things


to do. Please expand what you have smart and quick. We don't need anymore ilum's. We


Would like smart content that will last over the course of several years.

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This is kind of an issue for MMO's in general. If you're that far in front of the curve, you can farm raids for more gear, level some alts, or quit until the next raid comes out. Not much to be done about it.


Edit: Or I suppose you guys could go out and stomp an enemy base, old school world PvP is pretty fun.

Edited by SamuraBob_Fl
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This is how MMOs go. Content gets capped, people catch up. Content gets released. You then have competition. There is not one MMO that isn't like this. Yet this thread ends up on every one of their forums a month after launch.


Hell.. WoW was stuck at rend blackhand runs for two months before Molten Core.


Sorry to say, but.. deal with it.

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i see your points but wow has arena and rated warzone's. I am sticking with this game



through and through but I am just expressing my view.


WoW didn't even have battlegrounds until after Black Wing Lair was released. Arena didn't even happen till after the first expansion.


Here's the thing.... this is a new game. You sound like you want this to be like WoW currently is. The tweaking part is something one has to deal with in a launched MMO. We are in vanilla. Vanilla is the basic part of the game. We have yet to get to where the devs want to take the game.


Feel free to express your viewpoint... it's needed. Just know where we all are in the life of this game.

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the issue guys here, is there is no misc stuff to do, pazzak , swoop racing, collectibles, nothing, no exploration worth oding, no new planets, no new ideas bought to the table, no rated premades, no crafting worth doin other tha biochem which i have now taken after dorpping 400 cybertech/UT/scav.


The issue is the lack of things to do in total.


just feels like alot of copy and paste empty worlds atm with little to go back to them for at 50.

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I'd like to add; most of the players that came from EQ to WoW in vanilla never lasted past the first expansion. Your time may be coming to end your MMO "career" if you're capped and bored. The people that played vanilla, and are still playing, were the new people.


I still remember all the ************ on the early WoW forums for content.


History just repeats.

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I'd like to add; most of the players that came from EQ to WoW in vanilla never lasted past the first expansion. Your time may be coming to end your MMO "career" if you're capped and bored. The people that played vanilla, and are still playing, were the new people.


I still remember all the ************ on the early WoW forums for content.


History just repeats.


I went from Ultima Online to


Final Fantasy X1 to


World of warcraft








Anyway, OP, me and the wife arnt even 50 yet on our mains, should be level 50 by tonight. I hope we dont run through the end game content as fast as you did.

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the issue guys here, is there is no misc stuff to do, pazzak , swoop racing, collectibles, nothing, no exploration worth oding, no new planets, no new ideas bought to the table, no rated premades, no crafting worth doin other tha biochem which i have now taken after dorpping 400 cybertech/UT/scav.


The issue is the lack of things to do in total.


just feels like alot of copy and paste empty worlds atm with little to go back to them for at 50.

Can't farm for gear? If you can't farm for even the slightest gear upgrade, then I'd agree there is a problem. I suppose the old 40 man raids worked for vanilla WoW in this category. Always someone to upgrade and hone.


IMO, we need to get back to that kind of thing.

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Can't farm for gear? If you can't farm for even the slightest gear upgrade, then I'd agree there is a problem. I suppose the old 40 man raids worked for vanilla WoW in this category. Always someone to upgrade and hone.


IMO, we need to get back to that kind of thing.


course we can farm for gear, however i spend msot days locked out of everything from hard modes to ops, they need to add something fast...

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Every game launch... every game: "add content!"


There is not one that didn't have that issue posted about many times over.


Same old same old. Always astounds me how the people he race to cap and push content to the end asap end up annoyed because there's no more. I can understand the mindset of having a 100 man guild, probably already premade for the most part, then enter a new game. You own shlt up, and everything is going as planned. You're amazing; everyone's got there classes down cause you learned the basics in the last MMO. I can understand the frustration in then being deadended. I've been there. I've done it before. But, that taught me a basic rule of MMOs: allowing premade pro guilds/players to get to a point where new ones cannot ever match leads to a dead game of angry elitists.


When it comes down to the core of the issue, I can say this...no MMO is made for the best players. It's made for the players that want to become the best. There will always be stagnation in content. If that wasn't the case, no one new would ever bother to begin.

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I don't think you understand. I started playing WOW at vanilla and ended just recently so I understand the process of games to mature. I started playing games as soon as I could hold a controller back when Atari came out. I have played competitive through almost every multi player game I have come across. Many of the freshly launched vanilla already came with the lasting content, SWTOR didn't. does this mean i wont keep playing? No that's not what I'm saying. I think Bioware should know how I feel and I am expressing this not just for myself but for many.


I wasn't bored with wow until the content because stale. The only thing that kept me playing was pvp for a long time because there was incentive and it was competitive. If it was just me and not my entire guild feeling this way I would reevaluate my position but honestly its not just me.


Even though you think my MMO career is ending I appreciate your viewpoints.

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When it comes down to the core of the issue, I can say this...no MMO is made for the best players. It's made for the players that want to become the best. There will always be stagnation in content. If that wasn't the case, no one new would ever bother to begin.


But where is the content that allows players the opportunity to show they are the best?

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But where is the content that allows players the opportunity to show they are the best?


That content is in the next patch. Ongoing. When the new players catch up. Intervals. Content is withheld so these new prospects won't be discouraged to start playing.. because the pinnacle is always going to be in reach.

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Name one.


Every FPS shooter in the last 5 years. Games like starcraft 2, Battlefield 2-3. bf vietnam, bc1-2, MW 1-100. games like league of legends or dota. All of them have ranks-leaderboards-incentive-rewards for years of play straight out of the box. There should be no reason why a 2011-2012 MMO should come without it unless of course were still testing out their beta for them.

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Basically -- you beat the game. Roll credits.


I don't mean that sarcastically.


But this is a subscriber based game. The players that beat the game, and then start on the next version of it...new players get discouraged. I know it sucks, but if they game you want is implemented now, then the new player will have to play years to catch up. Some of them will be into that. Most won't. In the end, this is a business. This is just what MMOs are.

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WoW didn't even have battlegrounds until after Black Wing Lair was released. Arena didn't even happen till after the first expansion.


Here's the thing.... this is a new game. You sound like you want this to be like WoW currently is. The tweaking part is something one has to deal with in a launched MMO. We are in vanilla. Vanilla is the basic part of the game. We have yet to get to where the devs want to take the game.


Feel free to express your viewpoint... it's needed. Just know where we all are in the life of this game.


Yeah but wow had a hard mode 40 man raid that took about 7 months for the top guilds to clear? Not sure on this but I don't remember people complaining in the beginning of WoW about not having enough to do ever.


This is subjective but there was just something about WoW, that no other game I've played besides EQ and Gemstone 3 had. I don't know what it is, but SWTOR is the closest to having "it" in a game I've played in the last few years. But SWTOR just has so many glaring problems and a dev team that doesn't know what its doing. I mean whoever came up with that Ilum thing and whoever signed off on it, both need to be demoted. Anyways /rant off.

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Every FPS shooter in the last 5 years. Games like starcraft 2, Battlefield 2-3. bf vietnam, bc1-2, MW 1-100. games like league of legends or dota. All of them have ranks-leaderboards-incentive-rewards for years of play straight out of the box. There should be no reason why a 2011-2012 MMO should come without it unless of course were still testing out their beta for them.


You raise a good point here. MMOs would like to have the competitive value that FPS easily have. WoW was the first MMO to try and become an e-sport. It didn't really work out, at least in utility. I could be wrong, and eventually it will get there (MMOs in general), but as far as a business model goes, the PvP aspect of MMOs will always be secondary to the PvE content.

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the game is geared towards casual gamers currently. Its nothing negative, just a fact.


In vanilla wow, it took around 8-10 days to hit 50 if you did not exploit. roughly 240 hours. currently you can hit 50 in swtor in 3-5 days played, and its easy to hit it in 3 if you know what you are doing. back then getting to level 50 in 240 hours was considered very fast, now getting there in 120 or less is becoming standard. Problem is it just creates a situation where people consume content that much faster.


In addition, wow had enough content at 50, that required you to spend a large portion of time on be it faction farming, or grinding the then difficult dungeons Upper blackrock, scholomance & the crypt. granted you could take two groups and bypass content but it was difficult to do with a single group back then as well as time consuming.


Swtor has no really difficult content, and its progression is so fast that people end up fully geared in a month unless again,they play multiple toons. The game needs 3-5 months more content now, not in a few months, because its going to bleed experienced mmo players.

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Yeah but wow had a hard mode 40 man raid that took about 7 months for the top guilds to clear? Not sure on this but I don't remember people complaining in the beginning of WoW about not having enough to do ever.


This is subjective but there was just something about WoW, that no other game I've played besides EQ and Gemstone 3 had. I don't know what it is, but SWTOR is the closest to having "it" in a game I've played in the last few years. But SWTOR just has so many glaring problems and a dev team that doesn't know what its doing. I mean whoever came up with that Ilum thing and whoever signed off on it, both need to be demoted. Anyways /rant off.


40 man raids were the hard mode. There were no heroic modes.. well, no modes for any instance. The first 40 man was Molten Core; and before that there was only the 10 man Black Rock Mountain instances.


The 40 man was a great idea for the time, because it kept people busy farming for their guildies. If WoW started where the 40 man was a 10 man, then we'd have seen this issue more prevalently.


I want to make sure you understand that I get this complaint here. It's legitimate. SWTOR doesn't have 40 mans. The devs wanted to jump in, like every other MMO these days, to what WoW is currently. It doesn't work for a launch though.

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the game is geared towards casual gamers currently. Its nothing negative, just a fact.


In vanilla wow, it took around 8-10 days to hit 50 if you did not exploit. roughly 240 hours. currently you can hit 50 in swtor in 3-5 days played, and its easy to hit it in 3 if you know what you are doing. back then getting to level 50 in 240 hours was considered very fast, now getting there in 120 or less is becoming standard. Problem is it just creates a situation where people consume content that much faster.


In addition, wow had enough content at 50, that required you to spend a large portion of time on be it faction farming, or grinding the then difficult dungeons Upper blackrock, scholomance & the crypt. granted you could take two groups and bypass content but it was difficult to do with a single group back then as well as time consuming.


Swtor has no really difficult content, and its progression is so fast that people end up fully geared in a month unless again,they play multiple toons. The game needs 3-5 months more content now, not in a few months, because its going to bleed experienced mmo players.




WoW started at a 60 lvl cap, btw. But probably just a mind-typo.


Since WoW brought MMOs to the mainstream, the development team of any MMO have an issue: There is now a HUGE population of vocal gamers that are hard core. The launch of any MMO will not be consisted of a majority population being new MMO players. YET, in order to maintain an MMO over the first few months, you need to let the younger, more inexperienced players flourish and come into their own. That is where your player base comes from -- not the guys that are already pro. That demographic will switch to the next hot MMO that comes out.

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I went from Ultima Online to


Final Fantasy X1 to


World of warcraft








Anyway, OP, me and the wife arnt even 50 yet on our mains, should be level 50 by tonight. I hope we dont run through the end game content as fast as you did.


I hope you and your wife get enjoyment out of it. I don't consider myself to be a hardcore gamer because I just do the raids and pvp for fun. There is no yelling or screaming involved. This game hasn't been out for very long and in 3 weeks we have done all the end game stuff. we all log on at the same time 3 days a week for 2 hour stints to do the raids, that doesn't seem excessive to me. So for me leveling alts is more fun that the end game right now.


Tonight I held a raid and we were unable to continue past the 3rd boss in ev due to not being able to reset the instance, Having previously reset the raid 5 times to fix bugs and re-clear 20 minutes of trash each time. Everyone was just pissed and tired of wasting time getting nowhere. Imagine this nearly week after week of trying to accomplish SOMETHING end game. Also people would randomly die for no reason at all and then unable to res them. These bugs are just the tip of the iceberg. Right now is not the best time to find enjoyment in this department.


i'm losing my guild mates really fast due to the lack of engaging content. One is selling his account and others are just cancelling and they really wanted it to be something more than it currently is. Even myself as gm am having a hard time justifying a subscription due to the lack a variety of end game options. Its either 3 pvp maps or two VERY buggy and frustrating raids. I will say they are really easy if you can beat the bug bosses;)


All said though I like the direction they are taking the game in the future, Patch 1.2 in march. But until then I will play battlefield 3 on the side while organizing events in swtor. I love the Star Wars universe and this game does an AMAZING job with storytelling but has in my opinion failed miserably with end game. I really hope you have a better experience.

Edited by Skorched
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