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Glass Cannon melee dps in PVE


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Are glass cannon melee dps classes, like assassin/shadow and operative/scoundrel, desirable for pve dps? I can't imagine why anyone would take one when they can take beefy melee dps or ranged dps, especially since being a squishy melee dps provides no benefits (Bioware's design direction)
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Are glass cannon melee dps classes, like assassin/shadow and operative/scoundrel, desirable for pve dps? I can't imagine why anyone would take one when they can take beefy melee dps or ranged dps, especially since being a squishy melee dps provides no benefits (Bioware's design direction)


Id take one of those "glass cannon" classes that know's what they are doing over some random dps person any day. Read up more on the class, role one up. learn what they can do before you say "provides no benefits"

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