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Battlemaster Arsenal Looking to switch to Pyrotech (tips please)


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Hi all,


I am currently a successful arsenal spec bh. I have no issues killing, being top in warzones, all that good stuff.


But what really pisses me off is 1v1 situations. Lack of an interrupt is a huge problem because I am a stationary turret. I can 4-5 shot (tracerx3, heatseeker,rail) most people, but if they know what they are doing they can beat me with the GCD and interrupts.


I want to have more insta-cast skills, and I tried pyro once and failed at it.


Had some issues with heat mostly, after throwing out 3 attacks I was maxxed out.


I am a fully geared valor 62 with about 3/4 battlemaster gear and another 1/4th in champion. I went the eliminator set which is good for me in both arsenal/pyro spec.


Can you please help me with rotations and heat management? This is my problem area, and I have looked around the forum alot trying to find solutions, but lack of a search feature makes this very hard.


I am particularity looking for input from some of the "pro" pyrotech players. I am very into pvp, I dont care about raids at all, All I care about is PVP.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by anarchythreeotwo
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Read that already, thanks.. Still looking for more input.


More importantly, how the hell do you survive until the dots kill them lol. Against melee I have nothing to bridge the gap and get them away while my dots eat them up.


I honestly wasn't trying to be an *** by posting that. Tbh, I feel that that thread might be the most productive place to post as many skilled pyros check that thread and chime in regularly, it's stickied (so it won't drop off the front page) and your questions could help serve some other lurkers looking for tips in the future.


One trick I've found against melee is to get them to waste their gap closer and/ or their trinket by mezzing them with concussion, then electo-darting and jet boosting. Make sure you weave Rapid Shots to keep heat down and the Combustible DoT up. Make sure you use Rail Shot effectively, right after resets and when Combustible is up to maximize the benefits you get from talents. And lastly, look for burst combos to use as openers and finishers (usually save the casts for these times since you can get Thermal, Powershot and Rail to hit at the same time for big damage, esp. if they're burning.) Another good combo is Thermal, Fusion (with TSO and Power Surge) into Rail. These tricks work for me in both wzs and ow, but results may vary from user to user :cool:.


As far as kiting I try to stay in the 180 degree arc behind melee as well as LoSing.

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Nevermind, I just honestly needed to give Pyro another chance.


I had the mindset of spam tracermissle, then rail, then fist, then heatseeker when I last played. I gave it one warzone and quit.


I told myself I would play at least 5 warzones to give pyro a fair shake, needless to say, I am frigging loving it.


Still though, I consider myself a rookie and any additional tips are welcome :)

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Not to brag, but this is only my 6th WZ as a pyro :)


I didnt have heals or anything, just I can finally stop and think instead of spamming tracer x3.


I was very good at LOS as arsenal, but being stationary had its downfalls.. Now i can LOS everything, and no snares on me with powershield up == a ton more survivability lol.


Curious to see the dmg I can do on voidstar..



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Just teetering off Battlemaster myself.


Follow this guy and watch his recorded streams: http://www.twitch.tv/endeav


He's a Commando, but he plays the Pyrotech mirror (Assault) and he's quite good. Helped a lot when I first starting out as Pyrotech. Having played many matches against good teams, I can honestly say that Pyrotech beats Arsenal into the ground. You won't get chain-casts Tracer Missiles off against a team who knows what they are doing. Pyrotech is a powerful beast on the move.


The combination of Thermo. Det and Rail Shot when a target is being dwindled down by Incendiary Missile and Combustible Gas Cylinder is extremely deadly. The mobility of the spec is doubtless, being able to dish out its entire array of damage while still pursuing the ball carrier or advancing to the next door in Voidstar.

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They all tick separately as different debuffs (which is good against cleansers, although you would never use flame thrower anyways just because of how you want to keep distance between you and your target.


often times fights will go like this


incendiary -> thermal -> rail -> power surge + TSO fusion missile -> kite with rapid shots


this is how i usually fight EVERY operative after i break their opener and jet boost them away

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That's one of the things I don't like about pyro. A healer or dps with cleanse will spend way less resources to cancel your dmg compared to your heat cost to put them up. Of course this is not a big concern in pug WZs.


Also to everyone complaining about merc mobility - no matter of spec - make a convenient bind for cleanse, it clears all tech and physic debuffs roots / slows included. Except Inquisitors / Consulars, all slows are tech or physical, and you can cleanse them (as those 2 are force effects). So you can cleanse a sniper / operative slow and kite em, a JK / SW snare as well (but don't do it when they are in your face is just 1 global for them to re-apply it), as well trooper / bh knocback snare etc.

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