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Why play Rage in PvP as a Maruder?


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Highest single target burst damage, takes the least damage, best mobility, passive armor pen, best aoe, uninteruptable ravage, passive 30% force crit damage. I smells me a troll thread.

6k smash crits followed by 4k+ scream crits on 500+ expertise players aren't anything to giggle about, unless you're the one dishing them out. I've been rage since the first week this game went live and suddenly kids see a few rage videos and they jump on the "waaaah fotm noob spec" bandwagon just because it's the shared tree.

Burst > all in pvp.


Btw since I got my battlemaster wep I've tried the other two specs. Sure I still do great, but it just doesn't compare. Other trees need some love imo.

Edited by Kricys
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Lol @ the people saying rage is for baddies. In a premade vs premade setting, Rage/Focus Marauders/Sentinels puts out tremendous pressure on the enemy team's healers due to the nature of its heavy aoe damage. With coordinated DPS trains and switches, Rage is flat out an amazing asset to any well coordinated PvP group. People always say "lol rage smashes" but they somehow forget the 3.5k-4k+ Force Screams along with the ranged Force Crushes that go along with it.


For those of you that played WoW Arena season 9 around patch 4.1, you can probably compare Focus Marauders to Frost DKs: insane constant pressure while being relatively frail.

Edited by Exertim
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Is Why....













He's the only reason I even tried Rage., but he is full geared without all that nice gear other specs are better without nice gear but I do love Rage I have done more overall damage on Carnage and Ann but I have the most fun with Rage.

Edited by Ashliet
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I perform about equally as well in Rage or Annihilation. But, they focus on different things.


Annihilation is a much better healer-leghump-spec. Rage is a much better "focus fire everything" spec.


As Rage, you will suck dick trying to solo pressure a healer, compared to Anni. On the flipside, Anni will be poor at burning down tank+dps **********s. While it can be done, Rage would succeed in about half the time.

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I recently just switched from Annihilation to Rage, and have been happy thus far. One thing I like the most is Crush compared to Annihilate. Annihilate was great, but you needed to be close to the enemy and the move's animation took FOREVER, so a lot of the time you'd lose range or get CC'd before you could get the move off. With Crush it's more ranged and instant.


Haven't tried Carnage yet, but I imagine eventually I'll try respecing in that to see how it is.


As for people posting as if there's a 'correct response' to which spec you choose. . .There isn't. All 3 specs are good in different ways. Pick the one that fits your playstlye best and have fun.

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It has 0 survivability and is counter productive to your skillset.


Why use it over carnage or anniliation, i would really like to know.


Please don't say its for the weak smash crits >_>


Because other people are successful with it. Learn through imitation.

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I perform about equally as well in Rage or Annihilation. But, they focus on different things.


Annihilation is a much better healer-leghump-spec. Rage is a much better "focus fire everything" spec.


As Rage, you will suck dick trying to solo pressure a healer, compared to Anni. On the flipside, Anni will be poor at burning down tank+dps **********s. While it can be done, Rage would succeed in about half the time.


Easymode has the answer here......


Agree 100%

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