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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are you charging a monthly fee ?


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This game is so bugged, Why are we paying a monthly fee to BETA test!


The list is well documented by the thousands of bug and qq threads... I cant tell you how many flaws there are with the game right now but there are alot.


I am not going to list all the issues or any because i feel the tittle of the thread says it all.


So I said along time ago when I heard of people paying to play betas that I would never do that ... so sub is cancled! pls let us know when the game isnt SO flawed!


At least Final Fantasy 14 stepted up and admited that they launched too soon!


( feel free to flame all you want, Although you know what I say is true! I wont return to read! )


Take care!

Edited by nuall
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I am paying a monthly fee to play a game I enjoy.


Why are you?


If you don't feel the fee is justified, don't pay it.


Need to be careful of that. Some people want the game to do well, but dont enjoy it as it is. You cant tell the number, but it is best of more people play then less.

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Because there are some fools out there who enjoy paying money to beta-test. It's the sole reason they release half-assed games like this instead of first making sure they work correctly..


Seriously this isn't worth $15/month... WoW can get away with charging $15/month and this game doesn't come close to that standard..

Edited by Taurusaud
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It is well documented that people who say they won't return to read responses actually do.


OK I made that up.


But since you won't bother listing reasons why you shouldn't pay why bother posting this? Is it cathartic or something?



Oh I forgot, you're not reading this. Well I hope you get better soon.

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Any bets on whether or not he does return to read?


I like the game, and as long as I like it, and am having fun, I will play it.


For those that think this launch was buggy, be grateful you were not around for pretty much any other MMORPG launch ever, save for maybe RIFT, DAOC...and well, that's about it.


The bugs in this game are so minimal, at least to me, bugs are barely worth mentioning, and they actually are stomping some out.


Yes, the game launched minus features most MMOs launched with, the thing is, this was not a secret. I knew before head start that they were not there (esp guild functionality and UI customization) and people still bought it.


Have some patience, or not. I guess we lose some folks, but I have actually noticed a hushing of trolls. Not sure whether that is due to some iron fisted forum moderation or just the fact that maybe they really *did* move along...but I love this game, warts and all, and expect it to be around for a good while.

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Need to be careful of that. Some people want the game to do well, but dont enjoy it as it is. You cant tell the number, but it is best of more people play then less.


The trouble is, many of those people should not be playing MMOs at launch, they don't have the patience for it. MMOs are NEVER perfect at launch, anybody who has been around a few launches knows this. Some people can deal with it, some can't. Those that can't should just give it a few months before playing IMO.

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WoW had more bugs than this at launch and it had a monthly fee.


That's a complete lie. WoW had bugs at launch but not nearly the amount of this game. Just compare the two 1.1 patch notes. Most of WoW's was adding new content, most of this games was fixi... well you get the idea...

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I am paying a monthly fee to play a game I enjoy.


Why are you?


If you don't feel the fee is justified, don't pay it.


He must have paid the fee...why is he still here. Hasn't everyone's free month expired by now?

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That's a complete lie. WoW had bugs at launch but not nearly the amount of this game. Just compare the two 1.1 patch notes. Most of WoW's was adding new content, most of this games was fixi... well you get the idea...


1.1 was Wow release. Try to get your facts straight.

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That's a complete lie. WoW had bugs at launch but not nearly the amount of this game. Just compare the two 1.1 patch notes. Most of WoW's was adding new content, most of this games was fixi... well you get the idea...


Because WoW left the bugs for much longer than TOR.


WoW had, I **** you not, entire servers that could not log on without getting instantly booted off. It had bugs worse than that, MONTHS after release. Ever hear of the Zul Gurub Blood Plague? Entire servers were wiped out, not because of disconnecting, but because people managed to bring a disease that spread into the capital cities and killed everybody on the server.


TOR has people that become green for a little bit and companions that can't get up when they fall down.

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This game is so bugged, Why are we paying a monthly fee to BETA test!


The list is well documented by the thousands of bug and qq threads... I cant tell you how many flaws there are with the game right now but there are alot.


I am not going to list all the issues or any because i feel the tittle of the thread says it all.


So I said along time ago when I heard of people paying to play betas that I would never do that ... so sub is cancled! pls let us know when the game isnt SO flawed!


At least Final Fantasy 14 stepted up and admited that they launched too soon!


( feel free to flame all you want, Although you know what I say is true! I wont return to read! )


Take care!


If your sub is canceled how are you posting? If you are still on your first month then you probably subscribed late in the game. That means you did not get into early access and most likely were not in the beta. The game is much better then it was in the beta.

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