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BioWare: The Red Herring?


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I see it often, so do you:


This game has too many bugs - burn BioWare!

This game was released too early - I want BioWare's hide!

BioWare did this, that and the other thing - off with their head!

Blah, blah, blah, terrible, bad, negative - BioWare!


Understandable to a degree, but isn't EA the entity that should really be blamed? Isn't EA the biggest bug in this game, a bug that will never be patched out? If this game falls flat on its face, who should carry the burden of that reality? BioWare, EA, the community, who? For example, Let's release the game just a few days before Christmas! By any means necessary! Was that BioWare or EA? Or, Let's subject the community, in game and on the forum, to exorbitant and strict moderation and bannings. Is it BioWare doing that?

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I see it often, so do you:


This game has too many bugs - burn BioWare!

This game was released too early - I want BioWare's hide!

BioWare did this, that and the other thing - off with their head!

Blah, blah, blah, terrible, bad, negative - BioWare!


Understandable to a degree, but isn't EA the entity that should really be blamed? Isn't EA the biggest bug in this game, a bug that will never be patched out? If this game falls flat on its face, who should carry the burden of that reality? BioWare, EA, the community, who? For example, Let's release the game just a few days before Christmas! By any means necessary! Was that BioWare or EA? Or, Let's subject the community, in game and on the forum, to exorbitant and strict moderation and bannings. Is it BioWare doing that?


It's always good to remember that without funding, there simply would not be a game and while it's sad that these days many games are released half done, the developpers / studio is usually not to blame. There was an investment and those who made it want their money... If something is to blame, I would say it's the idea of capitalism that drives western market behavior.

Edited by C-Bee
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Because, OP, many people aren't too bright. See the first two responses in the thread. It's like when certain people say "hey those 'people' are stealing our jobs" failing to realize the problem isn't the people "stealing" the jobs but the folks giving them away.


It wouldn't be hard to imagine EA killing this game given their track record. Watch this.....

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No the problem is exactly $$$ and it also has to do with a goal to finish the game on a reasonable time scale. You know it is a business and one that is suppose to make money. I know a lot people have a hatred towards EA and other large gaming software companies, it's like they came to those peoples house and ate their dog or something. I don't get it. Really it all has to do with making a profit while createing something unique.


Please let the unreasonable hatred go concerning software gaming companies, I am sure you will continue to live your life if you let go of that. smh..

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Because, OP, many people aren't too bright. See the first two responses in the thread. It's like when certain people say "hey those 'people' are stealing our jobs" failing to realize the problem isn't the people "stealing" the jobs but the folks giving them away.


It wouldn't be hard to imagine EA killing this game given their track record. Watch this.....


What track record, has EA killed a lot of titles and/or ruined the name of other studios?

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Please let the unreasonable hatred go concerning software gaming companies, I am sure you will continue to live your life if you let go of that. smh..



Me too. It's not about "hatred of EA" it has more to do with why is blame for the perceived failings of this game almost always aimed at directly BioWare. EA's name is right there as well. Why are people always like BioWare fails, blah? If anyone is subject to hate with respect to this game it's BioWare and not EA.


EDIT - For example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216998


"Good game BioWare" Is it BioWare doing these things, and setting these rules, or is it really EA doing it directly or telling BioWare to do so?

Edited by Shortwave
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I see it often, so do you:


This game has too many bugs - burn BioWare!

This game was released too early - I want BioWare's hide!

BioWare did this, that and the other thing - off with their head!

Blah, blah, blah, terrible, bad, negative - BioWare!


Understandable to a degree, but isn't EA the entity that should really be blamed? Isn't EA the biggest bug in this game, a bug that will never be patched out? If this game falls flat on its face, who should carry the burden of that reality? BioWare, EA, the community, who? For example, Let's release the game just a few days before Christmas! By any means necessary! Was that BioWare or EA? Or, Let's subject the community, in game and on the forum, to exorbitant and strict moderation and bannings. Is it BioWare doing that?


No, EA gave BW money to create a game. BW worked for 7 years on said game, which unless you are Blizzard is an astronomical amount of time in development. EA decided that they needed the massive amount of money back they had BW to make this game so it was probably a matter of "pay up or pay back."


However, and make no mistake, BW is responsible for everything included or excluded in the game.

- They worked on one of the most recognised franchises on the planet.

- They had several prior MMOs to look at and learn from their mistakes and successes.

- They had the biggest budget ever used on MMO development.

- The chance to make the engine do whatever they wanted since they rebuilt it from the core and out.


And what is the released result?

A lot of worse off versions of a limited set of things that didn't work in other games either.


The only real praise I can give BW is that with only 200-300 million dollars they managed to create a working timemachine, because I sure felt like I was back in 2004 when playing TOR.

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Me too. It's not about "hatred of EA" it has more to do with why is blame for the perceived failings of this game almost always aimed at directly BioWare. EA's name is right there as well. Why are people always like BioWare fails, blah? If anyone is subject to hate with respect to this game it's BioWare and not EA.


EDIT - For example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216998


"Good game BioWare" Is it BioWare doing these things, and setting these rules, or is it really EA doing it directly or telling BioWare to do so?


I don't care for blaming one entity or the other, not sure that the time has come to point fingers yet, but I will say this:


I was really looking forward to The Secret World. I was thinking, yeah, ok, it's Funcom, but they're working with EA, so it's going to be alright.


Now? Not really thinking that way anymore.



Cake is a lie; there is only pie.

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Me too. It's not about "hatred of EA" it has more to do with why is blame for the perceived failings of this game almost always aimed at directly BioWare. EA's name is right there as well. Why are people always like BioWare fails, blah? If anyone is subject to hate with respect to this game it's BioWare and not EA.


EDIT - For example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216998


"Good game BioWare" Is it BioWare doing these things, and setting these rules, or is it really EA doing it directly or telling BioWare to do so?


Because EA gave Bioware a due date that they failed to deliver upon? I'm sure the good doctors are spinning in their hammocks. This game sure doesn't have Bioware quality. =(

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Because EA gave Bioware a due date that they failed to deliver upon? I'm sure the good doctors are spinning in their hammocks. This game sure doesn't have Bioware quality. =(


(I'm not bashing this game.)

If BioWare told EA SWTOR wasn't ready, shouldn't EA have listened? Why would EA be like "No! Now, now, now. Deadlines are deadlines." Such an unwavering stand could hurt you in the end it seems.

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