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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vanguard dps vs. Guardian dps.


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Assault? I thought tactics was the tree for PVE dps?

Probably, but my observations is because of Ion reseting HIB and endlessly spamming it, you do more damage, especially in PvP. I get wrecked by powertechs in pvp that are AS. They have good, sustainable damage and then they burst you with railshot/HIB and assault plastique. It's fairly sustainable in pve too.


I know a good guardian will do buttloads of damage in PvE. I play commando but my guilds dps guardian will match me on the EV duel fight. We're the two highest DPS so we take out the marauders (or whichever is the high HP guys) and kill them at the same time (though I'd kill faster if I could use full auto). You're going to be doing a ton of button pressing and keybinding to play guardian effectively. Troopers are quite a bit easier to maintain a DPS rotation on.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Probably, but my observations is because of Ion reseting HIB and endlessly spamming it, you do more damage, especially in PvP. I get wrecked by powertechs in pvp that are AS. They have good, sustainable damage and then they burst you with railshot/HIB and assault plastique. It's fairly sustainable in pve too.


I know a good guardian will do buttloads of damage in PvE. I play commando but my guilds dps guardian will match me on the EV duel fight. We're the two highest DPS so we take out the marauders (or whichever is the high HP guys) and kill them at the same time (though I'd kill faster if I could use full auto). You're going to be doing a ton of button pressing and keybinding to play guardian effectively. Troopers are quite a bit easier to maintain a DPS rotation on.


Hm Ok. I will have to look at assault vs tactics then. I have a guardian at 50 and you're right the rotation does get a big tricky. I find myself enjoying a trooper more.

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Guardian's have DPS? I haven't noticed that on my Juggernaut despite him having Valor Rank 55 and full Champion gear. Juggernauts AKA The Emperor's Fluffy Kittens can't do damage, tank or even PvP. On Illum when I had a jump on a trooper (after the changes to the warzone) I got 4 or 5 shot by the Vanguard (yes he had a normal rifle) while he shrugged off the gimped 3.5k smash and laughed in my face before wiping me out of existence.


Now I'm a happy trooper killing Sith Warriors when I can. I don't even care if they get close. Just laugh and heal some pitiful damage since I decided to go commando. Everyone's happy. Except for the Sith and Jedi.

Edited by ZetsumeiKira
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Guardian's have DPS? I haven't noticed that on my Juggernaut despite him having Valor Rank 55 and full Champion gear. Juggernauts AKA The Emperor's Fluffy Kittens can't dp damage, tank or even PvP. On Illum when I had a jump on vanguard (after the changes to the warzone) I got 4 or 5 shot by a vanguard while he shrugged off the gimped 3.5k smash and laughed in my face before wiping me out of existence.


No I'm a happy trooper killing Sith Warriors when I can. I don't even care if they get close. Just laugh and heal some pitiful damage.


You should probably not spec like a monkey then. Guardians do a ton of damage, especially if they're focus-bomb spec. The highest damage (consistent too) player on my server is a guardian. He focus bombs people for over 4k, was hitting 8 and 9k before 1.1 when you could adrenal stack.

Edited by LordKivlov
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You should probably not spec like a monkey then. Guardians do a ton of damage, especially if they're focus-bomb spec. The highest damage (consistent too) player on my server is a guardian. He focus bombs people for over 4k, was hitting 8 and 9k before 1.1 when you could adrenal stack.


Oh oh you mean this spec?




Can you make a better one? No? Then get out! And try to rub 2 brain cells together if you have any.

Edited by ZetsumeiKira
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  • 5 months later...
So you have the godmode spec for guardians, yet you're still claiming you can't do damage? You must be doing something sorely wrong.


im sorry but guardians cant do crap damage. once they get shockwave(or whatever the hell its called for guardians) stacked to 4 they can get in 1 good smash crit...then they gotta wait till they can get the stack again...their damage aside from that is laughable. and the other spec, vengeance or whatever its called can do decent enough damage if played really well.


in the end, vanguards are superior in every way. higher natural defenses. higher(way way higher) damage. can do range if need be(which allows some kiting). great aoe to go along with better single target damage. due to better damage, better threat gen. they arent forced to use an oversized glow stick. overall, they are just plain better in every way, except for guardians have better cds. but without those cds they are nothing. and even with them, i think i would put my money on a vanguard without his.

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