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Huttball sux


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Huttball is my favorite, by far.


It's the only one that feels different than warzones from other games, and it can be incredibly fun when you have people who know what they are doing in there.


The one that sucks is Voidstar. That one gets boring very quickly.

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Looking for an argument?


Not really. I'm just curious how you came to your conclusion that all "reall pvpers" will hate Hutball. In my opinion PVP is actually pretty broad and supports a wide variety of gamestyles. So what's your definition of "real PVP"?

Edited by Dystopic
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Not really. I'm just curious how you came to your conclusion that all "reall pvpers" will hate Hutball. In my opinion PVP is actually pretty broad and supports a wide variety of gamestyles. So what's your definition of "real PVP"?


Your opinion is wrong as all those who like huttball are wrong. The mode is ********. I will repeat, I guarantee no one who has any idea about pvp will be playing this mode once we can choose our arena

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real pvpers the one who get the ball kill everybody and score.... oh wait I bet is hard to do that in huttball then the game sux because it is not easy... mate coordination is the key young padwan, have faith and trust your team mates


Amusing I am sure. Huttball sux bad

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I have heard that world of warcraft is for "real Pvpers" you will soon be able to be a panda as well;)


Wouldn't know, never played the shower or poop. Like I said I will bet you here and now in one month people will be so sick of huttball that no one will be playing it, any takers?

Edited by BoDiE
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Your opinion is wrong as all those who like huttball are wrong. The mode is ********. I will repeat, I guarantee no one who has any idea about pvp will be playing this mode once we can choose our arena


n00b fail troll is a fail n00b troll.


your a troll because you assume your correct, however I agree that there should be an option to pick what you want to play.


Clearly the OP is trolling, as real pvpers know that instanced/arena pvp isn't real pvp. In fact the only real pvp is world pvp.


I believe this also, I think of zoned/instance pvp as just for fun..out in the field is where it gets real.

Edited by TheTropheus
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Your opinion is wrong as all those who like huttball are wrong. The mode is ********. I will repeat, I guarantee no one who has any idea about pvp will be playing this mode once we can choose our arena


An opinion can not be "wrong". It is a person's point of view.

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