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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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there are three facts about arena PvP:


- you can't hide behind your gear in arena. In fact you can't hide at all. You either kill your enemy or get mauled yourself. ad victorem spolias.

- you will always (in theory) be matched against opponents of equal skill.


most importantly:


If you are a good player, everybody will know it. Be a bad player, everybody will know it.



It's pretty clear why the average mmo player does not like arena.




The true way to see who has talent is to put them all in the same gear in a match.


If people have the same exact gear they the only winner is talent and nothing else.


Arena people live by the motto of out gear the other guy. So you get those with no life at all outside of Arena that rule Arena all the time. They are not that much better they are just better geared.


Want proof? Make all of them wear exactly the same gear then look at who wins.


My main problem with what Arena does is destroy the PVE side of the game. Why WoW is dead is the direct result of my character being nerfed for sake of Arena and destroyed PVE.

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The true way to see who has talent is to put them all in the same gear in a match.


If people have the same exact gear they the only winner is talent and nothing else.


Arena people live by the motto of out gear the other guy. So you get those with no life at all outside of Arena that rule Arena all the time. They are not that much better they are just better geared.


Want proof? Make all of them wear exactly the same gear then look at who wins.


My main problem with what Arena does is destroy the PVE side of the game. Why WoW is dead is the direct result of my character being nerfed for sake of Arena and destroyed PVE.



Most people will tell you that, while WoW was close, they still got it wrong. WoW implementation of Arena and gameplay / gear overall is not the only way it can be implemented. In direct terms of Arena, there's many more ways.



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The true way to see who has talent is to put them all in the same gear in a match.


If people have the same exact gear they the only winner is talent and nothing else.


Arena people live by the motto of out gear the other guy. So you get those with no life at all outside of Arena that rule Arena all the time. They are not that much better they are just better geared.


Want proof? Make all of them wear exactly the same gear then look at who wins.


My main problem with what Arena does is destroy the PVE side of the game. Why WoW is dead is the direct result of my character being nerfed for sake of Arena and destroyed PVE.


They do wear the same gear. Your post basically gives away that you have zero experience with the subject. The overpowered gear all comes from PVE raiding and is by no means a guarantee that you will do well at all.

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The true way to see who has talent is to put them all in the same gear in a match.


If people have the same exact gear they the only winner is talent and nothing else.


Arena people live by the motto of out gear the other guy. So you get those with no life at all outside of Arena that rule Arena all the time. They are not that much better they are just better geared.


Want proof? Make all of them wear exactly the same gear then look at who wins.


My main problem with what Arena does is destroy the PVE side of the game. Why WoW is dead is the direct result of my character being nerfed for sake of Arena and destroyed PVE.


This is just not true. The same players who lead the brackets in bg9 were leading the ladders in the tournament realm, where gear is equal.


You bads just refuse to accept the fact that you're bad. You have self image problems.

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They do wear the same gear. Your post basically gives away that you have zero experience with the subject. The overpowered gear all comes from PVE raiding and is by no means a guarantee that you will do well at all.


LOL PVE gear was rendered useless in PVP Arena by adding a stat like Resolve. You lie.

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This is just not true. The same players who lead the brackets in bg9 were leading the ladders in the tournament realm, where gear is equal.


You bads just refuse to accept the fact that you're bad. You have self image problems.


If you want to love Arena then go back to WoW and continue to ruin the PVE side of that game.


They have already stated that "Arena was the worst idea ever implemented for WoW!"


So you suggest the same idiotic idea for SWTOR?


Go throw rocks in your own cars engine please. Go back to WoW.

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The true way to see who has talent is to put them all in the same gear in a match.


If people have the same exact gear they the only winner is talent and nothing else.


Arena people live by the motto of out gear the other guy. So you get those with no life at all outside of Arena that rule Arena all the time. They are not that much better they are just better geared.


Want proof? Make all of them wear exactly the same gear then look at who wins.


My main problem with what Arena does is destroy the PVE side of the game. Why WoW is dead is the direct result of my character being nerfed for sake of Arena and destroyed PVE.






The very SECOND you put arena in is the same SECOND the arena players will start crying for the game to be balanced around them.

Edited by Tekeda
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Do you mean resilience? You really have no idea what you're talking about huh?


Right so just because I do not Arena much means I should love Arena?


What kind of logic are you using?


Yea I did Arena but it still ruined the game. This is just a fact you refuse to accept as you love it.

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Arena has inflated rewards that force people into the arena mini-game, even if they don't want to. If arena only offered titles and mounts etc., I would not have a problem with it, but if they give arena players gear advantages, it should never see the light of day.


Ranked warzones will do the same thing. And they should. Scrubs shouldn't be able to grind their way to max pvp gear, they should have to earn it.

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Right so just because I do not Arena much means I should love Arena?


What kind of logic are you using?


Yea I did Arena but it still ruined the game. This is just a fact you refuse to accept as you love it.


If you don't arena much you probably shouldn't be judging them should you panda? It never ruined wow, it helped it flourish at its peak. Get your facts strait.

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Ive dabbled in WOW arena with a druid/lock combo.... :) ..


IF THEY ADD ARENAS, why not just have BETTING/GAMBLING for credits be the reward? Possibly teams can challenge and wager eachother, with NO GEAR rewards. This will eliminate any "extra" grind, while giving the top teams notoriety and some extra ching!


Really what would the argument be with this? Other than crybaby arena teams saying they want more... this is the MMO lifestyle though.

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LOL PVE gear was rendered useless in PVP Arena by adding a stat like Resolve. You lie.


Resolve isn't a stat.


Resilience was a stat.


Despite that, BiS Trinkets were always PvE. Some of them were game-breakingly good. (Deathbringers Will, the huge-mana-regen trink from ToC, for example. been a while names somewhat escape me).


PvE weapons were always superior because of on hit procs or on-use abilities.


Some classes didnt need to really wear resilience (certain specs of druid, warriors) at all.

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I'll just re-post this:


"There is two reasons for this;


1. People came from WoW, and think that arenas destroyed the balance simply because the developers were high when they made every single PvP change in that game.


2. Most people simply are not good enough to compete at a high level in arenas, so instead of that they want to just have WZ's (BG's) because their personal skill in there is not as noticeable as it is in arenas, where you mainly see who's good and who isnt.


People can try and argue against this, but its simply just fact.

An arena system with good developers wont hurt the overall game at all, it will just increase the PvP enjoyment for everyone who wants to play at a competitive level.


I have personally unsubbed for now since I have everything that PvP can offer in terms of gear/rank, just waiting for arenas to come before i resub."

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Resolve isn't a stat.


Resilience was a stat.


Despite that, BiS Trinkets were always PvE. Some of them were game-breakingly good. (Deathbringers Will, the huge-mana-regen trink from ToC, for example. been a while names somewhat escape me).


PvE weapons were always superior because of on hit procs or on-use abilities.


Some classes didnt need to really wear resilience (certain specs of druid, warriors) at all.


Im sorry but please explain in high level PVP how resiliance wasnt needed by any class? (including Druid which i played at a low-medium level) High armor was meager compared to resiliance... Bear form was good vs melee/physical dmg resiliance helped more overall by alot.

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Pointing out that wow had 1 awful season of 2v2 when DK's were intially released doesn't prove your point. Also, your friend must have not been that horrible. Perhaps his ratings were low because he was carry his crappy friend (you). Even playing the most OP comp in the history of wow, you still have to beat the other OP comps to get gladiator, so whatever.


1st ) i was having a break at that season


2nd ) i boosted him to duelist on my sl/sl lock on his druid, while i had rank 1 5v5. No matter how good u are, ppl watch ur rating and instant judge. Some more idiotic, just jump to conclusions without even knowing eachother. You made perfect example.


3rd ) You just proved my point when i said that ppl want arena so they can boost their e-peen, to think that they have accomplished something in their fail lives. And by doing that they call everyone that is better or worse than them a "scrub".


4th ) I wont bother to reply to you again, my time is way to precious to be wasted upon you.


EDIT : Like someone else earleir replied to you post : Go back to wow and you arena perfect world and be sure, none here shall miss u.

Edited by Qishari
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Im sorry but please explain in high level PVP how resiliance wasnt needed by any class? (including Druid which i played at a low-medium level) High armor was meager compared to resiliance... Bear form was good vs melee/physical dmg resiliance helped more overall by alot.


well, it's a matter of preference, bracket, comp, etc.


You need a lot more resilience as a disc priest then you do as a rogue. This is simply because rogues had a lot of utility between Cloak of Shadows, Vanish, Shadowstep, Sprint, Evasion, and that other one I'm forgetting that lowered physical damage. In most cases, rogues were better off stacking pve gear/stats to maximize damage output, since most people ignored them completely.

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1st ) i was having a break at that season


2nd ) i boosted him to duelist on my sl/sl lock on his druid, while i had rank 1 5v5. No matter how good u are, ppl watch ur rating and instant judge. Some more idiotic, just jump to conclusions without even knowing eachother. You made perfect example.


3rd ) You just proved my point when i said that ppl want arena so they can boost their e-peen, to think that they have accomplished something in their fail lives. And by doing that they call everyone that is better or worse than them a "scrub".


4th ) I wont bother to reply to you again, my time is way to precious to be wasted upon you.


EDIT : Like someone else earleir replied to you post : Go back to wow and you arena perfect world and be sure, none here shall miss u.




So tired of pandas talking about how they hate arena and used to be a R1 player. OK BUDDY!



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well, it's a matter of preference, bracket, comp, etc.


You need a lot more resilience as a disc priest then you do as a rogue. This is simply because rogues had a lot of utility between Cloak of Shadows, Vanish, Shadowstep, Sprint, Evasion, and that other one I'm forgetting that lowered physical damage. In most cases, rogues were better off stacking pve gear/stats to maximize damage output, since most people ignored them completely.


This is simply not true, every rogue playing at top 10 ratings were pretty much full-on stacked with PvP gear simply because of how quickly they got bursted without it.


PvE stacking in arenas ONLY worked on lower ratings, no class could use more then 3-4 PvE parts max without gimping themselves too much.

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Adding arena will ruin the game. You can all spin it any way you want but if it is added class balance will solely revolve around arena which will affect ALL other areas of the game. It doesn't matter what benefits you list, that alone is more than enough reason to NOT put it in game. There is no point in adding what has been proven to be a failed concept in another game that will do nothing but tick off everyone else that DOESN'T play arena.
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... you never got sat because of your class choice in Arena and yet you claim to have played competitively? You're just bald-faced lying. Class comp was the FIRST stage of picking an Arena team.

Actually it wasn't when you had friends, granted some comps I played where strong (oh and no I rarely played healer comps for more than a day or two) for example, Shadowpriest rogue was always fairly strong in the upper quadrant of decent, but then I'd roll out some enhance Rogue, or enhance mage, or maybe some ret paladin warrior hunter, or oh my lord it would take me forever to relay every comp I played in all those years :).

and as I said varying success. sometimes I'd be up around 2200/2300 missing Gladiator as a strong dps comp, like Mage rogue warlock, othertimes i'd be sat around 1800/1900 not really moving so much playing enhance shadowpriest prot pally, the comp never got me down, the struggle was fun.


Then dont play with bads?

Even if all my friends are on and willing to subject themselves, I'm still only 50% playing with people I want too. and the other half drags my soul away in a game or two.


The reason i like objective based games is because they reward more than just kill-gaming. I can send my 'sin and my 'op in to harass a node or prevent a node cap against an entire team. Theyll die. A lot. We'll win.

And that's all fine and dandy, I never once said I thought your reasons for liking objective based combat was wrong, if you like that all well in good, whats wrong with me having my preference.


"I didn't play healer comps" let me translate: "I never really played Arena". Playing without a healer is like taking a butterknife to a fight with Navy SEALs.

I already went over this, suffice to say I found healer vs healer comps gave too much of a net for mistakes to be made.


Difference is, im not ignorant of your point of view. I just understand how it's flawed. 2 time gladiator in the first 4 seasons, before the mindless deathmatch made me want to quit WoW entirely.
I never said it wasn't flawed. One team did have a advantage as the gates opened, but it didn't define the end result.



Because it wont happen. The moment it is added, and there AREN'T reasons to do it beyond bragging rights, this forum will be flooded with QQ posts about how their "elite deathmatch skills" should be more rewarded, how people who dont agree with them dont matter. The moment it is added, and all PvP isnt suddenly b alanced around the chosen "Arena" size, the QQ will never cease.
They said they're adding rated warzones so the same thing is going to be happening anyway, just from that instead.


Honestly, from your comments, you're the kind of guy who goes 45-0/400-500k in a losing Warzone and is harping on the rest of the team about losing, because obviously they suck - nevermind the fact that you were so focused on kills and your score that you didn't do your job.
I've lost many warzones, I had High warlord, and champion on two other characters back in Vanilla. and yeah doing premade vs premade was reasonably fun for a while, but I never looked back after arena, oh and I've never complained at anyone on my team for losing, because I don't take it seriously, just like I've never complained about losing an arena match, at the end of the day it's a game, why upset people randomly over pixels, when you can just sign up again and try harder?


I'd never want a selfish dog like you on me team, Arena or otherwise, because you're more worried about the good of you over the good of the team.

You seem like a very serious, slightly angry man. Let go once in a while.

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