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Enough with the Operatives


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Yes, this is yet another QQ post but I would love for it to "provide constructive feedback." Im playing in a WZ. All of the sudden i am laying on the floor, half my health is gone and is progressively falling. As i am getting up, I die. Okthxhlpfixbye. How can i fight back, assume we are equal level, but not 50. Is it easier at 50, does that sweet sweet frenzy help out at all? (rhetorical question) I do like my marauder but after the story line, I doubt ill be able to stay with him, every moment is frustrating in pvp if there is the same operative killing you.
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Use unleash and break the CC, other than that you're relying on teammates.


It's annoying to get killed like that, but when you think about how squishy operatives are and the fact that that's their highest damaging attack, it's not that bad. I don't know all the details, but they probably have to wait at least a minute or two for all the CD they pop to be back up.


If you catch an operative while those abilities are on CD it's a free kill, the only reason they hit you so hard is that they usually pick off people away from the group, if you had a healer or anyone with CC nearby at the time, they could either heal you, or CC them and break the combo. If that combo gets broken so does their dps, they're relying on you to be in the CC long enough to use all their abilities and run away before your teammates horribly **** them.

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What the above posters are saying is spot on. Operatives hit like a Mack truck but if you survive their initial burst onslaught or find them with everything on CD it's pretty much a free kill.


My Operative was tearing through the pre 50 brackets,racking up kills and damage, but could be countered by a well played SW/JK. Post 50, expertise and their gear and my gear make a huge difference in how hard I hit them or not.


Call me crazy but I still prefer PvP as my Mara.

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Yup as already mentioned operatives are very soft, more so than a Marauder. They rely on that opener to give them an edge in the fight, if you panic and try mash random buttons you'll die more often than not.


However once you get passed that opener they don't really have much else to worry about, they can't stun you because you'll have full resolve and thier only other hard hitting abilitiy backstab/back blast has a 9 sec cd and requires them to be behind you. I actually duel most of my guild mates on a regualr basis with my operative so they learn how react and what to do. None of them struggle now, infact our marauders and juggs are almost impossible to kill now seeing as they now know how to deal with scoundrels/operatives.


Though a word of warning, once operatives and scoundrels are nerfed into nothing, you guys will be next. Afterall your the second least played class and require a huge amount of skill to play, but when people see youtube videos of people doing 7k smashes full buffed up they'll start complaining like they already are about all the leaps. I can already forsee the argument 'my sorc got hit by a tank for 6k, nerf them now'

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I can already forsee the argument 'my sorc got hit by a tank for 6k, nerf them now'


To which I would ask, "Why didn't you just shield/heal yourself?", but it is kinda sad that an AOE crit can hit harder than a 100% armor penetrating critical scream.

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To which I would ask, "Why didn't you just shield/heal yourself?", but it is kinda sad that an AOE crit can hit harder than a 100% armor penetrating critical scream.


Yeah pretty much but people don't consider the little things, far as they are concerned some annoying sith warrior has just interrupted thier face rolling of 3 buttons. I've already seen arguments on my server where a jugg landed 2 x 5ks and a 6k crit smash on some bunched up sorcs and they whinned about it all game.


What they didnt realise is they failed to maintain their bubbles, he was using red buff + relic + stim and he knew how to play his class. All they see is big numbers and assume a tank shouldn't be hitting harder than them.

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Yup as already mentioned operatives are very soft, more so than a Marauder. They rely on that opener to give them an edge in the fight, if you panic and try mash random buttons you'll die more often than not.


However once you get passed that opener they don't really have much else to worry about, they can't stun you because you'll have full resolve and thier only other hard hitting abilitiy backstab/back blast has a 9 sec cd and requires them to be behind you. I actually duel most of my guild mates on a regualr basis with my operative so they learn how react and what to do. None of them struggle now, infact our marauders and juggs are almost impossible to kill now seeing as they now know how to deal with scoundrels/operatives.


Though a word of warning, once operatives and scoundrels are nerfed into nothing, you guys will be next. Afterall your the second least played class and require a huge amount of skill to play, but when people see youtube videos of people doing 7k smashes full buffed up they'll start complaining like they already are about all the leaps. I can already forsee the argument 'my sorc got hit by a tank for 6k, nerf them now'


If Resolve worked right this solution would be viable. Even the Devs have admitted that resolve is having issues.


Also to be clear, I don't think there is a Mara ANYWHERE in the world that can do a smash against an expertise geared 50 for over 3.5k, let alone 7k, and 3.5k is really pushing the realm of reality.

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Check 1.1.1 Acidblade noobs are getting nerfed to the ground.




Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


Well deserved nerf.

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If Resolve worked right this solution would be viable. Even the Devs have admitted that resolve is having issues.


Also to be clear, I don't think there is a Mara ANYWHERE in the world that can do a smash against an expertise geared 50 for over 3.5k, let alone 7k, and 3.5k is really pushing the realm of reality.


Thats the problem I think, its the fresh 50's or those that think raid gear is fine for pvp that will complain. Also assuming the Mara has champ gear aswell I would have thought it was still possible to hit 5k+, do they not get similiar talents to jugg that buff up the smash damage?

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Check 1.1.1 Acidblade noobs are getting nerfed to the ground.




Well deserved nerf.

This is hurting PVE operatives severely though, as they already have to fight for DPS spots in raids. Maybe if they made it a pvp only nerf it would have been better, similar to the Cinder Burst mage ability in Rift.
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This is hurting PVE operatives severely though, as they already have to fight for DPS spots in raids. Maybe if they made it a pvp only nerf it would have been better, similar to the Cinder Burst mage ability in Rift.


They need to tweak expertise a little more & fix the healer lockouts.

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Thats the problem I think, its the fresh 50's or those that think raid gear is fine for pvp that will complain. Also assuming the Mara has champ gear aswell I would have thought it was still possible to hit 5k+, do they not get similiar talents to jugg that buff up the smash damage?


Well I have over 400 expertise in almost all purples, my blues are slotted with purples and I have never seen a smash hit post 1.1 for over 3.5k and even that is extremely rare. Now my crit magnitude is like 70% so when I crit, I get a 70% increase in DPS before Expertise is taken into account.


Regarding Smash DPS specifically, Rage maras get decent Smashes, but there is a bit of setup required before the Smash crits.

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This is hurting PVE operatives severely though, as they already have to fight for DPS spots in raids. Maybe if they made it a pvp only nerf it would have been better, similar to the Cinder Burst mage ability in Rift.


Seriously, because I find as a Mara, it is harder to find raid slots than Ops. I see Ops in almost every raid on my server.

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