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Sentinel in ILUM


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Not sure about other servers, but ilum on my server seems to have empire just outside the base, creating a large empire "front" and the usually smaller republic "front" just inside our base. As melee, i can not get to the other side without dieing extremly quickly, which resorts to me just waiting for the odd vanguard to pull some individual close enough for the melee to attack.


This is rather frustrating and boring as a melee class (i guess the other melee classes have similar experiances) but for sentinels (and marauders) who have no 30m range attack that is usuable without focus, i literally have no way of getting involved in the fighting, other than force leap and aoe like crazy before i die.


I have started to use rebuke and enter the AOE from the enemy sorc/merc and watch my rebuke tick, my max is about 120 i think!


What do you guys do? just kamikazee?


Just to clarify

I don't expect to be killing people from 30m away, and i don't truly expect anything to change. Just a post to see other sentinel's views and experiances in ilum. And warzone wise, i'm pretty happy with my sentinel (fully champ, 652 expertise)

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Some of the sith seem to jump in or get too close, or be pulled in, I leap on them. Or if I see a low healthed imp in their pack I'll jump on them and finish them off and pop an aoe. Force camo with the 4 second immunity is very helpful, gank and retreat. Definitely doing worse than ranged though.
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