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Bugged boss in false emp

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Learn the fight...I'll give you a hint, the ship comes closer


I will give you a hint, The **** is bugged. People like you are whats wrong with 90 percent of all game community s. As for the original post yes I never had an issue with the boss's ship until after 1.1 You can kill the boss through the damage of t hie ship but it is extremely difficult. Not sure why the ship doesn't go down anymore. my group shot the ship many more times then needed to down it. Shows it on fire but it never actually dies.

Edited by kcinnicholas
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I will give you a hint, The **** is bugged. People like you are whats wrong with 90 percent of all game community s. As for the original post yes I never had an issue with the boss's ship until after 1.1 You can kill the boss through the damage of t hie ship but it is extremely difficult. Not sure why the ship doesn't go down anymore. my group shot the ship many more times then needed to down it. Shows it on fire but it never actually dies.


It is bugged. several people in this forum fron as community members and i am personaly convinced they are Bioware employees they defend the borken mechanics to the end.

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Still buggy, after 3 rounds of turret shot boss ship bugs. Tried waiting for the ship to shoot first then fire back. Still got bug. So tomorrow we will try resetting instance.


UPDATE:: Finally beat it. I'm being honesty that we beat him. guess I should of taken a screenshot.

Edited by Ennvyx
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it bugs out occasionally if the first time the ship returns it isn't killed immediately


seems if you fire that center turret and the missile lock doesn't break, it can't be broken by any of the turrets for the rest of the encounter, leading to a guaranteed wipe


our group beats it by having all 4 people run to the middle turret and all activating it as soon as the ship comes back, it seems to get the perfect timing and avoids the issue


normal mode we could run to the other turrets and destroy the ship from those, but that doesn't work for whatever reason on hard mode since 1.1

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