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HUTTBALL ... Exploit / cheating / Fairplay ??? which is it ??


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BW CSR already said its not an exploit, so end of story. Instead of QQing, L2P. There are ways of beating this trick, its discussed before as well in the previous threads on this issue.


And nope, im not going to search those threads for you. If you are interested, you can dig it out yourself, its just a few pages back.


This. They can only do it within 30 metres, have some of your team run in front of you and CChim if you can seehim stood there. If you see a BH waiting, stop before you get in range and tell someone in ops to run in front and cc him.

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Nowhere in the rules of huttball did it say you need to be standing across the line. The dumbest part about this is that if a teammate pulls you across the line and they are standing at the wall, you get the score before you land not when you reach them.


This is a bug in that it should be a score. You can kill people all day long with this method and THAT is what the GM and he said it wasn't an exploit. The fact is, it is a bug in that it doesn't count a score for crossing the line.

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BW CSR already said its not an exploit, so end of story. Instead of QQing, L2P. There are ways of beating this trick, its discussed before as well in the previous threads on this issue.


And nope, im not going to search those threads for you. If you are interested, you can dig it out yourself, its just a few pages back.


there will be no way to defeat 3 a team with 3 dedicated pullers in the spawn and chain killing themselves before the timer runs out that kicks them form zone ... you will not be able to score on any team that does this period becuase they will always have 2 pullers up top awith cc breaks and they will always get the ball carrier before they cross the endzone


so if the devs really did sau this is okay get ready to see teams never score on each other ever ... all it take sis three pullers camping own spawn and running to fire to die and respawn before timer kicks them from zone and be on a rotation of doing so the other 5 can randomly try to score one point for the auto win ... so when everyone figures this out .. and all games end in ties ... will the DEVS still go with this is okay to do ???

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No... I'm sorry but 'Touchdown: When any part of the ball, legally in possession of a player inbounds, breaks the plane of the opponent's goal line, provided it is not a touchback. '


If you are in mid air, you are no in bounds. You need to have a part of your body on the floor to be in complete control and classed as in bounds.


I say again. If you sprint to the end zone, and before getting there, fly through it without touching the floor and land outside of the pitch, it's not a touchdown.


I'm quoting from the rule book.


This guy is correct about football. In football if you leap over someone(the leaping over someone JUST happened like 3 weeks ago or a month ago) to score and land out of bounds but crosses the goal line, you don't get a score.


Huttball does not have such rules however. Huttball's only stated rule is cross the line with the ball to score.

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there will be no way to defeat 3 a team with 3 dedicated pullers in the spawn and chain killing themselves before the timer runs out that kicks them form zone ... you will not be able to score on any team that does this period becuase they will always have 2 pullers up top awith cc breaks and they will always get the ball carrier before they cross the endzone


so if the devs really did sau this is okay get ready to see teams never score on each other ever ... all it take sis three pullers camping own spawn and running to fire to die and respawn before timer kicks them from zone and be on a rotation of doing so the other 5 can randomly try to score one point for the auto win ... so when everyone figures this out .. and all games end in ties ... will the DEVS still go with this is okay to do ???


The devs said it was okay ages ago. Still haven't seen this being done by any more than one person at a time. Like I said, get someone to run ahead and stun him. Get a person to run ahead and pull him off the shelf.

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No... I'm sorry but 'Touchdown: When any part of the ball, legally in possession of a player inbounds, breaks the plane of the opponent's goal line, provided it is not a touchback. '


If you are in mid air, you are no in bounds. You need to have a part of your body on the floor to be in complete control and classed as in bounds.


I say again. If you sprint to the end zone, and before getting there, fly through it without touching the floor and land outside of the pitch, it's not a touchdown.


I'm quoting from the rule book.




learn the rules of football and how to comprehend what your reading lol


the OP is 100$ correct about the rules you are wrong


a ball carrier already has possesion and if he could jump from the one yard lin and never touch the endzone but land past it it would still be a score



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BW CSR already said its not an exploit, so end of story. Instead of QQing, L2P. There are ways of beating this trick, its discussed before as well in the previous threads on this issue.


And nope, im not going to search those threads for you. If you are interested, you can dig it out yourself, its just a few pages back.


Apparently you don't get the difference between "Not an exploit" and that it's still a bug in that you crossed the line. They stated it's not an exploit to pull someone up to their death. They never said that the score should not count. So while you are in fact correct with your chanting of your mantra "It's not an exploit mmmmmmmm It's not an exploit mmmmmmm" it still never changes the fact that they never said anywhere that it was or wasn't a bug that you don't count the score for crossing the line.

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learn the rules of football and how to comprehend what your reading lol


the OP is 100$ correct about the rules you are wrong


a ball carrier already has possesion and if he could jump from the one yard lin and never touch the endzone but land past it it would still be a score




Someone who doesn't know the rules of a game: Check


Said person then insulting people with his lack of knowledge: Check


GREAT POST /end sarcasm


Show me in writing in NFL where it says that you don't have to land inbounds upon crossing the goal line. If you cross the line but your feet land out of bounds to the left before touching inbounds in the goal area, you don't get a score in professional football.

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This guy is correct about football. In football if you leap over someone(the leaping over someone JUST happened like 3 weeks ago or a month ago) to score and land out of bounds but crosses the goal line, you don't get a score.


Huttball does not have such rules however. Huttball's only stated rule is cross the line with the ball to score.


Thank you. I knew I was right on that. :D


Regards the second point, is there a detailed Huttball rules book anywhere? For example it doesn't say a lot of things that happen. It doesn't mean it doesn't have to do it because it doesn't say it, it's most likely that Huttball is modelled on NFL than Rugby as someone proposed before which is why similar rules may apply.

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learn the rules of football and how to comprehend what your reading lol


the OP is 100$ correct about the rules you are wrong


a ball carrier already has possesion and if he could jump from the one yard lin and never touch the endzone but land past it it would still be a score




So I take it you missed the part in the definition of 'touchdown' taken from NFL.com's rulebook, that a touchdown only counts if you are classed as 'in bounds'


How are you in bounds again? Oh yeah... by touching the floor inside the field. Yeah I thought so.

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That's actually wrong. Consider NFL, arguably the biggest sport in the US where the developers in this game reside. Both feet have to touch the floor of the end zone for it to count as a touchdown. You can't hurdle the entire end zone and land outside the map and score a touchdown. That's not what happens. That's what I believe Huttball is modeled on. It isn't modeled on football because there is no 'goal' with a net or goalkeeper involved so you can't compare it to that sport. Considering the game was devloped in America it's more likely modelled on NFL than Rugby.


Also in rugby you have to touch the ball down in the try zone (endzone) to score so the same applies.


To your point about noone scoring because of BH in the spawn area, run it in at the corners, no way thats in range of the grappling hook.

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Thank you. I knew I was right on that. :D


Regards the second point, is there a detailed Huttball rules book anywhere? For example it doesn't say a lot of things that happen. It doesn't mean it doesn't have to do it because it doesn't say it, it's most likely that Huttball is modelled on NFL than Rugby as someone proposed before which is why similar rules may apply.


Doesn't need a rulebook since he defines all the rules except who wins in the event of a tie.

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Someone who doesn't know the rules of a game: Check


Said person then insulting people with his lack of knowledge: Check


GREAT POST /end sarcasm


Show me in writing in NFL where it says that you don't have to land inbounds upon crossing the goal line. If you cross the line but your feet land out of bounds to the left before touching inbounds in the goal area, you don't get a score in professional football.




are you serious


on a running play on any level of football the ball has to cross the plan in possion of the ball carrior not the player - THE BALL


not any part of the player


when you see a football game and a player takes a handoff and has possion the leaps over all the lineman and crosses the PLANE ... it is a touchdown the moment he crosses the plane with possion in the air as soon as the ball hits the plane ... it is a touchdown before he lands in the nedzone ... it is a touchday while he is in air after leaping over the line ...


you need to brusg up on your football :)


now dropping back to pass the ball the RECIEVER if he is in endzone has to catch and possess and have his feet in the endzone with possession but a RUNNER with possession DOES NOT


again learn the rules if your going to be a smart little S%$^ to someone and make yourself look stupid

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are you serious


on a running play on any level of football the ball has to cross the plan in possion of the ball carrior not the player - THE BALL


not any part of the player


when you see a football game and a player takes a handoff and has possion the leaps over all the lineman and crosses the PLANE ... it is a touchdown the moment he crosses the plane with possion in the air as soon as the ball hits the plane ... it is a touchdown before he lands in the nedzone ... it is a touchday while he is in air after leaping over the line ...


you need to brusg up on your football :)


now dropping back to pass the ball the RECIEVER if he is in endzone has to catch and possess and have his feet in the endzone with possession but a RUNNER with possession DOES NOT


again learn the rules if your going to be a smart little S%$^ to someone and make yourself look stupid


You need to go and read the rule book, word for word. Take note of the word 'in bounds' Show me a Youtube vid where an NFL player has ran diaganolly towards the End Zone, dived before crossign the plane only to miss and land out of bounds to the side of the pitch, for his team to register a touchdown.


Also in rugby you have to touch the ball down in the try zone (endzone) to score so the same applies.


To your point about noone scoring because of BH in the spawn area, run it in at the corners, no way thats in range of the grappling hook.


Yes, I played a lot of Rugby for my school growing up, but Huttball is less likely to be modelled on Rugby than it is on NFL where the rules are different. On facing a BH up there, I am completely with you, there are so many ways to counter his 30m range. Either run it into the corners, or have someoen go ahead and cc him/pull him off the ledge.

Edited by Zetara
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Someone who doesn't know the rules of a game: Check


Said person then insulting people with his lack of knowledge: Check


GREAT POST /end sarcasm


Show me in writing in NFL where it says that you don't have to land inbounds upon crossing the goal line. If you cross the line but your feet land out of bounds to the left before touching inbounds in the goal area, you don't get a score in professional football.


I am a Woman and even I know th eOP is correct on what is and is not a touchdown. A runner has only to have possesion of the ball and as soon as any part of ball crosses the plane of the endzone it is a touchdown PERIOD end of story whether the runner jumped before crossing or not its a touchdown in the air if he has possesion and the ball crosses


Why do you think a player can jump side ways out of bounds at goal line in the corner but stick his hand across the edge corner of the endzone for a score .. only the ball has to cross in players passesion



lol the OP is 100% correct

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This guy is correct about football. In football if you leap over someone(the leaping over someone JUST happened like 3 weeks ago or a month ago) to score and land out of bounds but crosses the goal line, you don't get a score.


Huttball does not have such rules however. Huttball's only stated rule is cross the line with the ball to score.


completely wrong .. part of it is true but not all of it


OP is 100% correct the ball has to cross plane in possesion of player and its score doesnt matter if he is in air or he just stands there and holds the ball and sticks it over the goaline plane and leaves his body on the other side .. or is hit out ouf bounds on the sides but holds ball over corner as he falls out of bounds ,...


some of you guys need to learn the rules of football before you become experts lol


the OP is correct

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I don't think any of you guys have even seen a football let alone watched an NFL game. A few Super Bowls back a player was tackled outside of the Endzone but his arms were stretched out and ONLY the ball was across the line.


Guess what? It was a touchdown.


How about all of the touchdowns where a running back jumps over the blocks and the line of scrimage into the endzone. It's always a freaking touchdown. ALWAYS.

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completely wrong .. part of it is true but not all of it


OP is 100% correct the ball has to cross plane in possesion of player and its score doesnt matter if he is in air or he just stands there and holds the ball and sticks it over the goaline plane and leaves his body on the other side .. or is hit out ouf bounds on the sides but holds ball over corner as he falls out of bounds ,...


some of you guys need to learn the rules of football before you become experts lol


the OP is correct


I don't think you can learn the rules any further than taking them from the actual rulebook. :)

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I don't think any of you guys have even seen a football let alone watched an NFL game. A few Super Bowls back a player was tackled outside of the Endzone but his arms were stretched out and ONLY the ball was across the line.


Guess what? It was a touchdown.


Because he was 'in bounds' because he was within the field of play albeit outside of the zone but still in bounds, whilst the ball was inside the end zone. Read the damn official rule book. It specifically states 'whilst you are in bounds'


You are not in bounds if you jump from outside the end zone, through the end zone and then land outside the field of play. You are out of bounds.

Edited by Zetara
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