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The 4 buffs i would like to this class.


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Overall I'm pretty happy with sentinel...most my frustration isn't the class so much as ability stutter/delay, but when they fix that, it will solve most my issues. But there are 4 i think minor buffs that would help the class.


These first 2 are combat tree specific, as i feel this tree should do slightly better single target damage than it does.


1) Precision slash. The ability is nice, i actually liked it a lot when i was combat, but the duration of the buff feels just a tad short (very short if you get cc'd at all) and i think this could use a buff from lasting 6 seconds to 8-9 seconds.


*edit* or preferably change to last for the next 4 attacks



2) Blade Rush. 31 talent pt ability in combat, yet its base damage is actually weaker than slash. I know it procs ataru form, but even with that i feel for being the top tier ability and compared to the other 2 trees abilities isn't quite on par. Again just a slight buff, increase the base damage by just 100-200 more.


next 1 is focus tree


3) Zealous leap. The damage is fine, but the animation seems slow and clunky. Even with the target only 10m away, by the time i reach them, and finish the animation which kinda roots me for .5 of a second to that spot they WERE at, the target has now ran another 10m away.

On top of that, 10m is so short a range, i can't even use this ability to leap to an enemy just 1 platform above me, unless i jump cast the ability and they have to be standing right on the ledge. So the buff i would like to see to this ability is first, speed up the animation of it. second increase the range to 15m. and third add a .5 sec root.


Last one is a buff to sents in general


4) Crippling throw should do 30% heal reduction for sentinels. Maybe make it a passive ability when someone selects being a sentinel at level 10, or put it in a tier 1 talent in any of the trees. Like merge it with defensive forms or something that most people get anyways. But 20% doesn't even seem to phase a target who just has 1 healer healing him, let alone 2. Also this would make sentinels way more appreciated by every class, as we all know in other games people want the class with the best heal debuff. I would much rather have this than force push/pull or anything like that.

Edited by KilllerRock
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On Precision Slash:


I think it would be better if the 100% armor penetration was not active for a specific period of time but for a specific amount of strikes. Right know it gets countered too easily since there is just too much rooting, knockbacking and stunning in the warzones. I use Precision Slash before Master Strike (3 strikes) and Blade Storm (1 strike). Precision Slash should grant a 100% armor penetration for the next four strikes without any temporal limitation.

Edited by Ibuki
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even with 30% healing debuff from trauma and then 20% from our attack, healing is too good. It needs to be like 40%.


I remember in wow when warriors got MS up on you it was a you're probably going to die thing because it was hard for the healer to push through that damage.

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Precison Slash would suck if it were based on # of attacks. Currently its 6 seconds on a 15 second cooldown, so its a few second short of being up for 50% of the entire fight.


If it were by number of attacks youd get LESS use out of it, since in Ataru every attack is followed by 1 offhand swing, and up to 2 Ataru procs (since each saber can proc them). So youd loose the buff within 1-2 attacks due to attack procs eating up all your armor ignore making it harder to time with the big hits you want it for.

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1. Ability Delay gets fixed.

2. Ability Delay gets fixed.

3. Ability Delay gets fixed.

4. Ability Delay gets fixed.


It's a bit of a cheat, but that's really the one reason I didn't resub. I never felt underpowered as a Sent, except when I'm getting ganked by an Operative and I push Saber Ward 6 times, only to have it not go off, then try to Zealous Strike... only to have it not go off, and be dead before dealing a single point of damage to said Op, looking like the biggest noob in history.


Once I get confirmation that I can actually use my abilities reliably in PvP, I'll be back.

Edited by McVade
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lol, ya i have moments where im on a roll and things are working decently and i feel like im playing top notch.


Then next WZ i have zealous strike not go off after 5 attempts and my dmg shield not activate after 4 clicks and then i die in a 1v1 after only getting 1 attack off, and just thinking "wow...hes going to think i'm the worst player/easiest kill ever..."

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