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How's the Assassin?


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Most threads I read about in this section seem to do with the sorcerer. What about the Assassin, not so poular a choice? I love the whole stealth thing, already have an operative but kind of wanted to be a force user also.


So how is it? Particularly the deception tree.



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When I started playing this game a month ago, I have seen a lot of Assassins lingering in Korriban. When I did Black Talon (maybe I did it at least 4 times), I saw a lot of Assassins in the group. Even on General chat, lots of Assassin trying to look for a group.


But now me at level 37, I rarely see an Assassin on my flashpoint group. I think I saw one on my Heroic group in Taris. And he is like me, who knows how to stealth and how to mind trap elites... and who knows when to Force Cloak during wipes. And thats it, never seen another assassin in my groups.


I think many gave up their assassins as I have seen a lot of complaints from this forum. They are complaining how sucky this class is when compared to other classes. I understand them since Khem Val, the first companion who is a tank is a hard combination with Assassins. Most people want is to have a companion who heals them. And Assassins's healer companion comes late... Talos the healer companion is at level 40 though I got mine at level 36. I really undertand how easy to play a class with a healer companion.


But to me, a healer companion is boring. Takes forever to kill mobs. Unlike my Ashara - a jedi dps companion with my Assassin tank/dps toon, I love the combination. I can kill whatever Talos-me combination can kill with my Ashara-me combination. The only problem when using Ashara is it has a downtime every after battle since I have to heal myself with Seethe.


For me, Assassins are not for novice. Healer companion easy mode comes late with the Assassins.

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I have a Powertech 50, an Operative 50, a Marauder 50 and a Gunslinger 41. My Assassin is now 43, and is full Darkness.


I really haven't had any issues with the class in PvE, certainly not like I did with the Marauder or Operative; several quests were pretty much unbeatable with the Marauder/Operative/Gunslinger without getting someone to help.


The Assassin isn't quite as easy to level as the Powertech, but so far it's really not a problem.


Maybe things will change at 50, but thus far I'm not seeing the problems that so many other people seem to have; maybe it's because I've played a number of other classes so I've seen that the grass isn't necessarily as green on the other side as many people tend to think.

Edited by AnubisXy
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As an aside, I've just been using my ship droid since level 16. That's all the healing I've needed /shrug


Oh yeah, that droid can heal. I forgot. Ever since that droid told me that he cant fight, I disregarded him as my companion. I think you cant even equip him with weapons. That's a LOL companion to me. He's doing my crafting skills though while my other companions go with me on the quest.


Val Khem is fine with me. Adronikos is also good. Ashara is my favorite. Talos is ok but I find him easymode.

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My first character was an assassin and the PVE is pretty rough when you level solo. I recommend sticking with khem until you get talos and then switch. For elite mobs with Khem use your taunt along with khems to spread the damage out and you really shouldn't have a problem.


As far as the deception tree goes, I found it really fun for pvp and pve. It's basically a melee dps tree that is reliant on big critical damage with a really easy rotation of 4-5 buttons.

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