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time to bring in advanced class re-specs


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yes ..i play a scoundrel, and yes, im not happy bout the nerf, so if you are going to go around nerfing classes with a nerfhammer then at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class we have spent time lvling to a more viable spec, cos if this is the way bioware is going to deal with imbalances in pvp/pve then watch out other classes...you will be next.
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yes ..i play a scoundrel, and yes, im not happy bout the nerf, so if you are going to go around nerfing classes with a nerfhammer then at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class we have spent time lvling to a more viable spec, cos if this is the way bioware is going to deal with imbalances in pvp/pve then watch out other classes...you will be next.


Did you level a scoundrel on the PTS?


I mean just reading the patch notes made you want to reroll immediately?

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who said anything about re-rolling..lol..im a sawbones stupids...im just saying if bioware is going to nerfbat ppl like this (and if u think a class opener which is a lvl 6 talent being nerf to the same time as the GCD good) then at least give ppl the chance to re-spec out of it cos right now if scrapper specced smugglers are unhappy then what choice they got...healer? remember this ppl...cos your class may be next.
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Yes, i should be able to respec my Paladin to a Warrior when they nerf Paladins. After all... ow wait a minute, wrong forum.


Carry on.


*** are you on about? did i say re-spec to another class? l2 read please before your brain runs out of your nose tho inactivity

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Even though I wouldn't really mind the "re-rolling class", I personally believe it is not the right moment for it, server imbalances and other problems should be top-priority... not THIS.


Nah this was one of the things ruining PvP and they were right to fix it asap. That said it was probably a simple fix to make in terms of what the programmers actually needed to do to implement it, and they are doing other stuff at the same time.

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*** are you on about? did i say re-spec to another class? l2 read please before your brain runs out of your nose tho inactivity


You do know that the devs (and most players) have said AC can really be thought of as meaning actual class right? Your AC choice is permanent because technically it's a totally different class. Why should you be allowed to just switch classes because you're spec is getting nerfed and you don't want to try the other 2 at your disposal?



Edit: So disagreeing with you isn't good sense? Right. Don't make absurd comments like that, it doesn't help you at all.

Edited by nschlan
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Advanced classes in this game are so vastly different in playstyle that they are not like playing the same class.


A Scoundrel will play much differently than a Gunslinger. A Guardian will play differently than a Sentinel.




I know that you'll complain that you don't want to play the whole class story all over again, but if you've played MMOs in the past, you no doubt played through the game several times in a row. Why was it not such a big deal then?

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ah...i see my mistake ..trying to talk sense on a mmo forum..oh well..might as well go roll a sith sorc on imperial side and join the faceroll


Probably because you didn't speak any kind of sense. Let's recap your nonsense shall we.


*** are you on about? did i say re-spec to another class? l2 read please before your brain runs out of your nose tho inactivity


Ya actually you did, in your very first post in this thread. Here lets look at it again.


at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class


Pretty damned sure it says right there "repec" out of advanced "class".


I mean unless the words respec and class whave different meaning when you use them as opposed to when the entire rest of the world uses them. In which case maybe you should know *** you are talking about before you open your mouth.


Get over yourself, they are balancing the class and you go an get all uppity, cuz oh noes i'm not going to be overpowered anymore. Get over it every class goes thru balance cycles. If you are one of those FotM club guys go reroll, but do us all a favor and **** about it cuz we don't care.

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yes ..i play a scoundrel, and yes, im not happy bout the nerf, so if you are going to go around nerfing classes with a nerfhammer then at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class we have spent time lvling to a more viable spec, cos if this is the way bioware is going to deal with imbalances in pvp/pve then watch out other classes...you will be next.


You should respec out of this game, brochacho. If you want to play a different CLASS, go roll a different CLASS.

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yes ..i play a scoundrel, and yes, im not happy bout the nerf, so if you are going to go around nerfing classes with a nerfhammer then at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class we have spent time lvling to a more viable spec, cos if this is the way bioware is going to deal with imbalances in pvp/pve then watch out other classes...you will be next.


I assume your one of the many scoundrels wanting to re-spec to GS now that the hammer has fallen. I've got a GS and scoundrel , and let me tell you, the scoundrel post nerf is so much eaiser n rolling a GS... Please, save yourself the time and tribulation and re-roll. Unless you suffer from special- snowflake disease, going from scoundrel to GS is like going from bad to worse.

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On a practical level, Advanced Class respecs are almost certainly going to be a significant pain to accomplish. I suspect that doing a 'base class' respec wouldn't be much more complex.


As such, while they may come eventually, I'd be very surprised if it's any time soon and frankly amazed if they were a high priority item for the team.


The general approach seems to be to encourage alts rather than allow class changes.

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