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Worst launch ever.


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If you choose a narrow definition of 'launch' you're right. However, large numbers of players have paid for the 'privilege' of playing 'Early', it was part of the product they bought, a feature in the advertising of said product.


So yes, from many points of view is HAS launched.

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They did not... I reinterate DID NOT.... pay for Early Access, they payed a pre-order hold charge and BW has the OPTION of letting you in early. It is a privledge NOT a right, as long as you can get in the game the announced day of launch, you really have no complaint. The pre-order hold charge comes off of the finaly price af the game so they are paying the same price for the game as the person that buys it a month after launch barring price reductions, sales, and E-bay. So quit your QQ count yourself lucky if you have early access and enjoy the game when you get in.
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Once the servers go live permanent the game has launched, early acces is all part of the launch and yes it is the worst launch ever, it's so bad I am actually laughing.



I can't get enough of it really, I hope the whiners stay true to their word and cancel. When I took my breaks from swtor yesterday I would come on the forums. Seriously no better entertainment lol I hope they cancel because yesterday was a great experience. General chat was helpful and lacked any form of a troll or whiner.

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If you choose a narrow definition of 'launch' you're right. However, large numbers of players have paid for the 'privilege' of playing 'Early', it was part of the product they bought, a feature in the advertising of said product.


So yes, from many points of view is HAS launched.



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Once the servers go live permanent the game has launched, early acces is all part of the launch and yes it is the worst launch ever, it's so bad I am actually laughing.


I got in my friends didn't this is still the smoothest launch I've ever been apart of. You do realize when wow launched they had servers that went down for 2 days at a time right?. They then spent tons of money and time trying to placate there customers because they were being billed for the time the servers were down. They had to give away weeks of free play time and multiple levels of rested exp, just to not lose mass subscriptions.


Also, the argument staggered launch ruins world firsts, doesn't mean anything cause when WoW launched servers being down for days also ruined world firsts for many people. (And yes world firsts have been around since EQ and before, it was not some amazing new thing wow created, it simply was when most of you 10 yr old Generation ME kids noticed them is all.)

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I got in my friends didn't this is still the smoothest launch I've ever been apart of. You do realize when wow launched they had servers that went down for 2 days at a time right?. They then spent tons of money and time trying to placate there customers because they were being billed for the time the servers were down. They had to give away weeks of free play time and multiple levels of rested exp, just to not lose mass subscriptions.


Also, the argument staggered launch ruins world firsts, doesn't mean anything cause when WoW launched servers being down for days also ruined world firsts for many people. (And yes world firsts have been around since EQ and before, it was not some amazing new thing wow created, it simply was when most of you 10 yr old Generation ME kids noticed them is all.)


Rift was much better than this.

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I got in my friends didn't this is still the smoothest launch I've ever been apart of. You do realize when wow launched they had servers that went down for 2 days at a time right?. They then spent tons of money and time trying to placate there customers because they were being billed for the time the servers were down. They had to give away weeks of free play time and multiple levels of rested exp, just to not lose mass subscriptions.


Also, the argument staggered launch ruins world firsts, doesn't mean anything cause when WoW launched servers being down for days also ruined world firsts for many people. (And yes world firsts have been around since EQ and before, it was not some amazing new thing wow created, it simply was when most of you 10 yr old Generation ME kids noticed them is all.)


It's a smooth launch because they are trickling people in. Wait till the 20th when EVERYONE will be on and ques will be the norm.

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Bioware are saying the game has launched, however someone on the forums is claiming it hasn't.... who to believe umm, err.... decision, so, hard......



This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game. We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game. Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be With You!



Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Co-Founders, BioWare

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If you choose a narrow definition of 'launch' you're right. However, large numbers of players have paid for the 'privilege' of playing 'Early', it was part of the product they bought, a feature in the advertising of said product.


So yes, from many points of view is HAS launched.


No you paid to make sure a copy was held for you. It was stated pretty clearly in the pre order faq that you were not paying for EA.

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If you choose a narrow definition of 'launch' you're right. However, large numbers of players have paid for the 'privilege' of playing 'Early', it was part of the product they bought, a feature in the advertising of said product.


So yes, from many points of view is HAS launched.



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everyone needs to stop complaining and whining. They reached october today in preorders, so most likely EVERYONE who preordered will get in tommorow and if not then on Friday which is still 4 days early access to the game! They said MAY get up to 5 early. They were nice enough to push pack the start to 7 days so they could get everyone in faster. Think if they wouldv'e started letting people in tommorow, then many people would only get 1 to 2 days of access, no you get 4 to 5.
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