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WM/HM Raiding Marauder's Rage Guide


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Deadly Saber does 451 Internal damage over 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.


12 second CD.


451 x 3 = 1353 Internal damage


1353 Internal / 6 seconds = 225.5


1353 Internal / 3 Rage = 451 D/R


1353 Internal / 12 second CD = 112.75





And you missed the option to:


451 x 3 x 2 = 2706


2706/3 rage = 902

or 225 dmg per cd, so deadly saber is clearly victorious if used to its full potential.


I admit though the skillcap to fully maximize it might not be for everyone. Given empowerment the dmg/rage ratio is even better, but then again skillcap is high and margin of error small, although doing an error is still not fatal for your overall dps.

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You have it right. Smash is 9sec cd. You will get 3 good rotations of huge crits with almost no waiting between them before you find yourself without something to prep an autocrit.


And then for the next minute(50seconds), its a buffed smash every 18 seconds. Then an extra one from force choke, then every 18seconds again.


So, between 4 and 5 smashes a minute, compared to between 7 and 8 annihilates a minute.



edit: kiba is right, comparing individual skills like this isn't really helpful, but I was just addressing the point OP brought up.

Edited by Sayc
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  • 2 weeks later...
I really like this guide for rage, it pointed out a few key points that I did not notice before in PvE. But from my experience, a annihilation marauder that has mastered his spec against a mastered Rage marauder, Annihilation comes out on top every time. But then again this cannot be made a fact until some kind of parser comes out. Obviously Carnage needs a huge rework due to the amount of low damage it puts out. If anyone says it "does" do a lot of damage doesn't even know how to actually play a marauder.



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I'm going to have to agree with Kibaken here.


Rage spec is absolute trash outside of doing useless AoE damage in WZs.


From reading all your posts you don't seem to have a firm grasp on theorycraft or the basis for DPS. You're essentially looking at which spec has the most "big hits" and then assuming that that means higher DPS. You say that we can't "really know without DPS meters" but that's entirely false. In-game testing and basic theorycraft can get us fairly accurate numbers.


Rage spec is gimmicky at best and absolute trash at worst. It's useful if you want to show off big scoreboard damage numbers even though the mass majority of that damage will have resulted in no kills and no help to your team.


Most of your guide has absolutely no basis on fact. While I can definitely appreciate the fact that you spent a lot of time to try and help others do well but the result is a guide that misleads others and causes them to do worse than they would have had they not read your guide. The fact that the "rotation" you included is basically only the first 10 seconds of a fight make it clear that you don't know what you're talking about with regards to PvE.


You even go as far as saying Marauders are offtanks... You do realize stuff like that destroys your credibility right?


Carnage pulls far ahead of Rage in terms of DPS. Annihilation's numbers make Rage spec Marauders look like a joke(People that like to spec 1/3 in each tree come to mind).


If you'd like to prove me wrong then please go right ahead and post a DPS test where you do well with Rage.



Edited by Tumri
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QUOTE:Relentless Fury: Because it only gives 10 rage at the end, not really worth it. I find I do not have a hard time building fury, and in circumstances when you need it quickly having 10 of 30 simply doesn't matter enough. Skip it.


Wrong each person you give Predation to returns 10 fury a piece...You can have Predation up an entire match pretty easily.

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