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What is Good and evil?


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Why Does the Sith empire get the evil label and why does the Republic get the good label.


Furthermore, why should the gifted be hindered at the expense of the weak?


Why should the weak be protected? Should they?


Why do people feel justified about a moral compass that is clearly flawed.


Should the Jedi take responsibility for every war that has happened in the history of its existence?


Did the Sith really deserve to be outcasted for disagreeing with the status quo?


Are any of these religious factions truly correct? Should they or do they deserve to pass judgement on the galaxy all in the name of the Force?


Suppose that one of these factions were wiped out. Would there be real peace in the galaxy after a devastating conflict on a horrifying scale?


If the Republic was broken and the Jedi were the only ones who could maintain its stability could they be trusted to maintain the freedoms and liberties of the people they claim to protect.


Or on the flip side If the sith Won would the future of the galaxy be any better?


With this in mind, should Individuals dictate the masses or should the masses dictate the lives of the individuals who are better than them but won't admit it?


Would the galaxy be better off without either of these groups? Would the galaxy be better off without those who could use the force?


What is your ideal view of the Galaxy? What do you think is the best way for it to function. If it is even possible.

Edited by Matais
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In my honest opinion? I prefer the dark side and sith lore but I personally think the force is being a douche and is using the jedi and sith to balance it self out when needed. I personally think that the galaxy would be a better place without the jedi and sith. Cause at the end of the day majority of conflicts come to down to light vs dark and the people caught in the middle get the brunt of the damage from their religious wars. Edited by lokdron
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In my honest opinion? I prefer the dark side and sith lore but I personally think the force is being a douche and is using the jedi and sith to balance it self out when needed. I personally think that the galaxy would be a better place without the jedi and sith. Cause at the end of the day majority of conflicts come to down to light vs dark and the people caught in the middle get the brunt of the damage from their religious wars.


i appreciate your opinion. Great start so far. I agree with you.


IMO, if any of these groups were the only one on the spectrum of these fanatics then the galaxy would be rushed into feudalism within years.

Edited by Matais
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I think it just depends on what you prefer, If you like Democracy and more "freedoms" then in the Star Wars Universe the Republic and its Jedi Protectors are for you. On the other hand if you like restrictions (alot) I.E. a Dictatorship, then the Sith Empire is for you. IMO It all depends what you favor, personally I like more freedoms but I enjoy playing the Sith. (Weird right?) That however is just my thoughts, I would like to hear more on the subject however.
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I think it just depends on what you prefer, If you like Democracy and more "freedoms" then in the Star Wars Universe the Republic and its Jedi Protectors are for you. On the other hand if you like restrictions (alot) I.E. a Dictatorship, then the Sith Empire is for you. IMO It all depends what you favor, personally I like more freedoms but I enjoy playing the Sith. (Weird right?) That however is just my thoughts, I would like to hear more on the subject however.


this topic require much more to be taken into account than that.


Freedom for who? the weak? if so then why should talented people be forced to protect them?


On the flip side is it really fair to have a few people control the masses?


This was intended as a question to people reading it and then afterward they could answer honestly.


My opinion isn't what matters here.

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