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Grapple in Huttball


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Well I haven't gotten any hate mail yet, however they surely must be feeling it cause I kill about 3-5 carriers each game in the acid pit, for a quick turnover.


I also love using it to save people guard/pull then taunt the guy as team mate runs away on 100 health.

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Yes this is happening from the DPS players most, those that hit you for 3k when you started picking tank gear and figured out you need to take the dps :confused: for PvP.


An all-time high happened yesterday when in general chat someone was naming me a cheater and handed in a fake report on me (some person topping the charts at 400k damage in a single game and only that low because I pulled him from camping at spawn into the safezone and also into fire pits etc.), naturally I've filed a harassment form against this person in return. Got to love the internet drama.


On forums and in the games people talk about how “unmanly” it is to pull people into the fire. “They need to learn how to PvP,” are outcries which would translate too: “stand at range while I shoot you with lightning and you only press ‘1’.”


As a guild if we join as a group of 4 we sometimes get comments such as: “filthy premades” and other rubbish thrown at us and at launch we played very well winning roughly 95% of the games we played and people yelled names at us. For every bad comment so far you also build up nice rivals and allies that appreciate challenges and it adds extra enjoyment meeting them in PvP matches.


I do however draw the line when they pick out names and start calling you a cheater in general chat it tarnishes ones good name on a server. I told the slanderer it was public harassment and privately tried to convo him to get any misunderstanding out of the way, but he was very rude and I can’t imagine I addressed him with ‘sir’ and tried the polite route. Luckily I’ve got a great guild, but also befriended many players outside of my guild that can give me a call if they need a tank.


(Need a tank with great tank gear for PvE on The Progenitor? Contact: Gam’Alturo’Nix <Nuruodo did not fit =( , available when I'm not employed by my guild> ).


Not that I am an angel I often type advices in chat on how to play and a lot of the players trying out PvP appreciate that (no longer possible with 50 brackets), but I can lose my patience when people keep repeating the same mistake (I do apologise).

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On forums and in the games people talk about how “unmanly” it is to pull people into the fire. “They need to learn how to PvP,” are outcries which would translate too: “stand at range while I shoot you with lightning and you only press ‘1’.”



My response to these people.


L2P. Positioning is just as important, if not moreso, then using abilities properly.


Case in point,



Grapple into fire/acid is especially fun when you have No Escape. Even if the opponent has a CC break up, it'll usually take a second or two before they figure out they're rooted. :)

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I play on a medium pop server so you more or less have seen most of the 50s in the WZs by now. Fortunately most of them are good sports and the few PMs I've gotten about this were praises of me being consistent with it and how they want me to go easy on them :p.
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In the 3 cannon area if you pull them up they will die instantly too, they just do it with delay. Big whooping explode after 10 sec. or so.


Anyways the bad talking people are just a very vocal minority as is always the case. Just how I like to complain very vocally that the last 10 bags only gave me commendations and for the 3rd time an offhand drop, valor 53 I will be 60 before ever completing one set =*(

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No hatemail or other reaction for Acid/Fire.


For pulling to the insta-kill ledge...




...I got a hearty laugh and an invite to the premade of the person whom I grappled.


You guys must be doing it wrong.


See i got the hate mail (well whisper) for that... but yeah getting pulled, knockbacked and stunned/rooted in the fire and acid is really just par for the course in huttball. If your going in and not expecting that to happen at some point your delusional

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About half the time I do this it doesn't work. The other half of the time I get it and it's so beautiful... every time I execute it perfectly I thank Bioware for making a tank class which I love to PVP with.


I care not what people think... when done correctly and efficiently it just emphasizes the point that we're bad@ss.


Srsly though, it's just using our abilities to best we can and most of all the people complaining are just those who know they don't have the proper situation awareness to either NOT get Grappled or how to react.


Bounty Hunters... UNITE. We shall continue to rock.

Edited by Pinnick
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I abuse grapple gratuitously. Besides the old chestnut of waiting for them to get the ball then yanking the carrier directly into green stuff for a quick kill + turnover, you can also use it to take someone with you if you're obviously going to die. Just leap into green stuff, grapple someone that's irritating you, and laugh as they cry. And this is to say nothing of going fishing for spawn campers.


I haven't gotten hate mail but it's pretty obvious it gets under their skin when they spend the rest of the match trying to get me into the toxic waste or fire (and usually failing).


But I've got to imagine the most rage inducing moment is when I catch someone ALMOST about to get to the heal items at each side of the map, at very low health...and jet charge into them for an instant kill. I would rage.

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3/10 times I try to grapple the enemy ball carrier up to the safe-ledge they don't die, resulting in a pretty easy score. I'm not sure what makes it fail, it's not so easy to test.


There score "line" is around 2 meters high or something like that. If you pull them from too close they score, if you get them from further back so they're higher the whole way, it kills them without the score.



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Meh, a lot of people consider it a dirty tactic but honestly half of Huttball isn't damage its CC/KB/Snares.


Grapple is great for 'Tackling' the ball carrier or anyone else and/or just getting them out of the picture for a time.


Jet Boost is great for the same [defensively protecting the ball carrier or just breaking up a cluster on a walkway] as is the Jedi/Sith equivalent (sniper only good for defense unless they camp a choke point).


People will complain about it because they equate success=stats not winning/losing or teamwork.


If PvP could be determined statistically what would be the point of the players? Window dressing?

Edited by SysOpPsyche
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I do however draw the line when they pick out names and start calling you a cheater in general chat it tarnishes ones good name on a server. I told the slanderer it was public harassment and privately tried to convo him to get any misunderstanding out of the way, but he was very rude and I can’t imagine I addressed him with ‘sir’ and tried the polite route. Luckily I’ve got a great guild, but also befriended many players outside of my guild that can give me a call if they need a tank.


Dont stress. Nobody with a brain trusts anything anyone says in general!


edit: In the end whomever wins is the best/luckiest. heck even the announcer encourages cheating!

Edited by glenbruton
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Getting pulled into Acid and Fire is fair game and whoever QQs about that just have to put up with it. I have grappled people into the finish line to save a goal. Clever use of game mechanics yes but it's still very dirty. That was probably made so people can't charge up and camp you at spawn but grappling them into a glitchy death is extremely frustrating when on the receiving end.
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Most of the time the ball carrier just throws the ball to one of his teammates after I grappled him in acid.


He still dies but no turn over. But have had much success in Alderaan using grapple. Pulling away a sage from a tower while a knight charges me and pays no attention to the fact that no one is now guarding their turret. While a stealth class comes in and ninjas it.

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