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Anhi spec


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This spec is based off of making heavy use of 3 main skills that you want to use on cd whenever possible: Annihilate, Deadly Saber, and Rupture.


Deadly Saber causes your next 3 melee attacks to apply a stacking bleed to your target. You want to get this up ASAP, so I usually use it first thing after charging in. Use on cd.


Annihilate is our big burst damage skill and it gives you a special stacking buff that can reduce its own cooldown to 7.5 seconds from 12. The buff only lasts 15 seconds, so it is important to use annihilate whenever possible to refresh your buff stack. This attack costs a lot of rage though, so make sure you have enough to use it.


Rupture you probably already know, but it has a much higher uptime in an Anni spec due to Viscous Slash and Annihilate both having a chance at resetting its cooldown. Be careful not to clip a previous rupture dot if it does proc though.


Most Anni specs also have the minimum charge range reduced to 0, so you can use it as an extra rage builder in your rotation to make sure you always have enough rage to feed your annihilate ability. Since anni spec charge is a 12 second cd and deadly saber is also 12 seconds, I usually use these skills together.


Quick PVP note: Always use Crippling Slash to keep your enemies snared. It has no cooldown, lasts for 12 seconds, and only cost 2 rage. No reason not to! :p

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Quick PVP note: Always use Crippling Slash to keep your enemies snared. It has no cooldown, lasts for 12 seconds, and only cost 2 rage. No reason not to! :p


no reason to you should have the talent that gives rupture a snare and that thing is always up on the target and it's enough. crippling slash becomes useless with this talent.

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Mind telling me what you are taking points out of to give the rupture snare? Rupture snare is also half the duration, and 20% less snare.


i'm 33/7/1.


and yeah it may be half the duration but you can keep it up 100% of the time with the talent that gives your vicious slash 33% and annihilate 66% chance to reset the CD. As annihilation you should be keeping bleeds on the target ALL the time and the only way to do this is with rupture.

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i'm 33/7/1.


and yeah it may be half the duration but you can keep it up 100% of the time with the talent that gives your vicious slash 33% and annihilate 66% chance to reset the CD. As annihilation you should be keeping bleeds on the target ALL the time and the only way to do this is with rupture.


That is not the only way to do that, you're screwing your class' potential... Know your class before you advise others how to play it.

Edited by CoreIX
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You can't keep rupture up 100% of the time, nor would you want to. Clipping the dot makes you lose a lot of dmg and the talent that resets the CD on rupture has a 6 sec CD itself, which is the length of the rupture dot.


yes i know it is, you don't use rupture again till the dot falls off, you reapply after, and ok whatever you might have a few abilities without rupture up but it's usually ok because you just had 12 seconds of slow on the person so by then your jump is back up and should have been.


That is not the only way to do that, you're screwing your class' potential... Know your class before you advise others how to play it.


I am? how so? Why spend 4 rage to apply a dot and apply a snare when you can do both for 2 rage and it works just fine? I have 0 problem being kited.

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cuz it becomes the rage from rapture + the normal snare...so it's even more rage spent

i love the snare from rapture rly, i don't use that other snare anymore


Dunno, I get slowed with 50% slow and when enemy slowly walks away from me with 30% slow...

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