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Massive boost for pvp elitism


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I usually play on a pvp server when it comes to mmo's but this will be the first time I wont as this staggering to let people in early gives a massive unfair advantage to the elitists who got in early- the poor new ppl will get hammered non stop by these high lvls when we get in- what a LOL.
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I usually play on a pvp server when it comes to mmo's but this will be the first time I wont as this staggering to let people in early gives a massive unfair advantage to the elitists who got in early- the poor new ppl will get hammered non stop by these high lvls when we get in- what a LOL.

So out of curiosity, what would you suggest someone do who didn't preorder the game at all? Or didn't find out about it until next week, if such a thing were possible? Or played for a few weeks on a PvE server, and then decided to try PvP?


How can PvP servers possibly survive AT ALL when nobody can join them after the first day?

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Learn to play better, or ask for help. This is a MMO after all. People are expecting that this extra two days will make hordes of 50s just roaming the open plains.


Or if playing with people who had a head start is so hard for you, play on a server that gets released at retail Launch.

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The starter zones aren't not accessable to the otherside...and neither is the planet after that. Your fine up until like what lvl 25? By then you should of gotten in a guild or made friends and even so you can use terrain and mobs to your advantage.
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I wouldn't worry about it.


I know about 5 people in my guild just looking for gankers in the lowbie areas. I am sure there will be more than enough people out looking. Nobody likes Red players, especially the people I play with.

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I usually play on a pvp server when it comes to mmo's but this will be the first time I wont as this staggering to let people in early gives a massive unfair advantage to the elitists who got in early- the poor new ppl will get hammered non stop by these high lvls when we get in- what a LOL.


How is this any different than when a game has been out for any amount of time? CMN tbh.

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What difference is there than a bunch of new players joining a year down the road when there will be far more level capped players in the pvp server. It happens all the time on any pvp server. Figured the pvpers would expect this...
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I usually play on a pvp server when it comes to mmo's but this will be the first time I wont as this staggering to let people in early gives a massive unfair advantage to the elitists who got in early- the poor new ppl will get hammered non stop by these high lvls when we get in- what a LOL.


They will try to hammer us in WZ but with boosted stats they won't be able to, with that being said I'm probably not going to PvP until I'm 15+ because at 10 you're really lacking in a lot of abilities, but in open PvP zones after capital cities well, then we'll have to probably ask for some help to deal with the pathetic griefers but I don't care I'll enjoy watching them get smacked around. In any case doesn't matter griefers will always attack lower lvls because they lack something in real life, which I won't comment on or I'd get an infraction so better left unsaid.

Edited by Yowfatto
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To be honest if you are a top level pvp player then someone having a 5 month advantage on you wouldnt make a diffrence, never mind 5 days. Look at WoW ... people who signed up in the pre-TBC era get owned every day by people who signed up during WOTLK, thats the nature of the beast.


Todays top level kit is more than likely going to be replaced by better stuff that is aquired with token types that dont exist right now in a PVP season that has not even been announced yet... that is the nature of MMO-PVP...

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So out of curiosity, what would you suggest someone do who didn't preorder the game at all? Or didn't find out about it until next week, if such a thing were possible? Or played for a few weeks on a PvE server, and then decided to try PvP?


How can PvP servers possibly survive AT ALL when nobody can join them after the first day?


He's just mad because he's usually the one griefing lowbies imo.

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I usually play on a pvp server when it comes to mmo's but this will be the first time I wont as this staggering to let people in early gives a massive unfair advantage to the elitists who got in early- the poor new ppl will get hammered non stop by these high lvls when we get in- what a LOL.


youre bad. maybe back to skyrim where there is noone for you to get pwnt by and you can rule your solo game

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Um.. For one, the soonest you will see any open world PvP is tatooine. For two, in WZ you get buffed to the power of a 50. For three, the elitist butt-holes usually level to cap exponentially faster than the average player regardless of who starts first.
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