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Operative Nerf is too much


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assassin's openers stuns for 2 seconds hits for 500-600 cost 30 energy has a cd of 30 seconds & 1.5 sec stun with sick damage isnt enought for u?


First of all I am a Sniper and not Operative, so calm your rage.


Secondly, Spike does not fill off resolve completely... my point was that Jarring Strike talent for operatives became an awkward choice now - you commit 2 talent points to basically buff your target with almost free full resolve bar. It does not take a genius to figure out that something is very wrong with this talent now.

Edited by Gaidax
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First of all I am Sniper and not Operative, so calm your rage.


Secondly, Spike does not fill off resolve completely... my point was that Jarring Strike talent for operatives became an awkward choice now - you commit 2 talent points to basically buff your target with almost free full resolve bar. It does not take a genius to figure out that something is very wrong with this talent now.


since u r a sniper this change doesnt affect u.

assassin's opener allows for a 1 strike in stun & currently there is no reason to use it at all becouse there is virtually no damage on that except of stopping some1 from interrupting flag cap becouse u can just use that 1 strike from stealth instead & not waste additional 30 energy & fill his resolve bar by half

Edited by Sikihiro
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So now your fighting people also with expertise you qq sigh your max hit is 5.6k probably the biggest any class can hit!


Ps all the war zone buffs stims adrenals bla bla no longer stack.

Edited by Saben-
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Operative Burst damage was OP. No question.





Without a significant increase in sustained pvp damage, AND a MUCH improved ability to reach and stay on targets, operatives will be absolutely hamstrung in PvP as a result.



Being weak in other ways doesn't mean that the burst should remain, however if they don't buff operatives SIGNIFICANTLY in other ways to compensate, the class representation will go from low to insignificant. Currently, if the operative does not KILL someone in said burst, they will not kill them at all.


I guess we always need more Darths though; have you thought about renting out the Colosseum to hold Dark Council meetings in?


Good scoundrels/operatives can still kill outside of their initial burst.

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since u r a sniper this change doesnt affect u.

our opener allows for a 1 strike in stun & currently there is no reason to use it at all becouse there is virtually no damage on that except of stopping some1 from interrupting flag cap becouse u can just use that 1 strike from stealth instead & not waste additional 30 energy & fill his resolve bar by half


Again... "I" can't use 1 strike from stealth, because I am not an Operative - I am a Sniper, I thought sig was obvious enough... You keep assuming that I am some sort of Operative trembling in rage because of nerf, well I am not... So drop this "u can blabla" please.



I am just stating the obvious - completely filling out a resolve bar for 1.5 seconds of knockdown is just stupid, especially since Operative can't "chose" to not use it, unlike spike...


He either takes the talent and effectively gimps himself or does not take that talent, which brings me to the whole point - Ops waste 2 talent points that effectively do more harm than good to themselves.

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Well at last the clueless QQers got what they wanted. The spec without any utility or gap closing abilities gets the only thing nerfed that made it stand out.

Lets face it no rational argument was going to change the fact, that people rage about getting hit hard while cced. Not that they shouldn't have run around alone, not that they should keep their anti cc ready for spots like that and not fire it just because it's ready, or that they could pop medpacks after they are out of stun.


Looking forward to what the spec will eventually if ever receive to make up for the fact that you are pretty much gimped when out of stealth.

At least now we know Bioware isn't afraid to swing the nerf bat hard.

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Again... "I" can't use 1 strike from stealth, because I am not an Operative - I am a Sniper, I thought sig was obvious enough... You keep assuming that I am some sort of Operative trembling in rage because of nerf, well I am not... So drop this "u can blabla" please.



I am just stating the obvious - completely filling out a resolve bar for 1.5 seconds of knockdown is just stupid, especially since Operative can't "chose" to not use it, unlike spike...


He either takes the talent and effectively gimps himself or does not take that talent, which brings me to the whole point - Ops waste 2 talent points that effectively do more harm than good to themselves.


This is correct. Don't let the foolish tell you otherwise. I swear, I have been simply amazed by how many people are on these forums that cannot understand simple logic, this night alone.

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Ah so many baddies in this thread that think they still won't be stomped by any average Scoundrel/Operative out there. You know why... because you guys are TERRIBLE and you will always lose because you are losers.


These nerfs really hurt Scoundrels/Op's vs good players though... ones that already didn't die to the burst.


Baddies you just keep on QQ'ing because you will still die in 3 hits to Scoundrels/OP's. We all know you will.


It's not the games fault your terrible baddies is it.


Tldr. These nerfs mean I cannot destroy highly skilled players in the best gear in the game in under four seconds. Game is now broken I'm unsubbing.



Don't worry, I'm sure there is an army of bads out there willing to help set up call centres to help smugglers and operatives struggling to cope in the new post nerf world a veritable convoy of whaaaaambulances.

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Tldr. These nerfs mean I cannot destroy highly skilled players in the best gear in the game in under four seconds. Game is now broken I'm unsubbing.


Couldn't do it before either because good players actually knew how to deal with Ops.

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A 20% nerf to our opener is basicly 1k to 1.2k off out crits...... ZOMG THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!1!!!1!


We wern't insta gibbing folks wihtout crit strings and those insta gibs sure as **** wern't pushed one way or the other by 1k. The damage reduction by 20% on one ability won't hurt us at all.... They simply put it in so the morons can gloat a bit.


The change in how we play is going to come from the knockdown change. Honestly this needed to change, because we could almost kill them before they had a chance to react. I havn't actually played with these changes but I am willing to bet I have 2 free points to spend elsewhere beacause using this is just a free full resolve bar.


This hasn't hit live yet, these thread freaking out are just as stupid as all the nubs screaming that every class but theirs is OP.

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This is why we can't have nice things. This game actually had some nice PvP balance, just had to wait for ability delay to get fixed.. but no, the QQ'ers had to ruin it.



its obvious to any good player scoundrels werent broken, i survive their burst easily every time.. and they are the easiest class to kite... Its sad.

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I just got killed 15 times by the same guy. Yonsoo - operative. 6400 and 5300 back to back crits, not including other damage. I didnt come out of stun and was dead immediately, with 15,000 hp. YOU GUYS NEED A NERF, PERIOD. Edited by Boops
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Nah, They are fixed now, Not like you guys striked at full health, I always seemed to get stabbed / shot in the back when I was 1/4th health fighting another person.


(So tip, wait for your hits to count before you start trying to hit a 100% full health Tank. It's a team game.)


If you really wanna take down a full person, go find yourself another op/scoundrel friend. Sure 2vs1 will bring some one down, just as fast. =p

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This is a typical final statistic for average match with good operatives after 1.1.




L2P whiners.


Chuundar <3


On topic: I dont think opereatives are useless now, however the nerfs where too harsh.


In my whole ~60 Valor Ranks of pvp i didnt get instaggibed once, and they always had about as much utility as a sniper in huttball..

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No one like when their class gets the nerf. Everyone knew the nerf was coming to this class in some form(s). There are other classes that will probably see some tweaking.


Bounty Hunter and Tracer Missile spam. I have a Merc and I purposely will seek out a spammer and end their day with that ********. I promise you it is not one of my primary abilities I use. Although I'm probably missing out with the heat signature stuff. I tried seeing if any other skills add the bonus from Tracer Missile and none do that I saw. Probably one of the main reasons you see that ability.


Warriors Force Leap by passing the resolve meter is a bit frustrating, and that they can essentially root you every 15 secs or whatever the cooldown is for the ability makes the resolve bar redundant in some situations. If you're lucky enough to survive the CC coming in to fill your resolve bar and try to escape it sucks that someone is able to by pass that purposeful mechanic, nullifying the short time you have of CC immunity.


Sorc/Sage and their bubbles. Bubbles are pains in the asses no matter the class. Some benifit greatly from the use of them and deservingly so. Sometimes however when you have bubbles that make you pretty immune to damage while being able to faceheel on someone to full health without them every stopping the dps is a little much sometimes. Could be fail dps could be bad mechanics. I've seen it done and have had it occur to myself also. Yes, yes interupt and all that good stuff.. Resolve bar anyone? oh wait.. thats sorta broke too..


You should be real with yourself tho when you know your class might, just maybe need a little tweaking in the nerf department. To try and pretend there is absolutely nothing wrong with a certain mechanic when it most aparently is. Only leads people to believe you are just out to protect your litte easy-win buttons..

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I dunno about you guys... but the ability to heal a quarter of my health is pretty decent utility. Ops/scoundrels needed a nerf- we all know it. They may have gone overboard- but let's face it, a decent scoundrel could still roll anyone who wasn't great even without stealth- this just makes it so they have to be smart to take out good players.


The Ops that'll leave are the FOTM players who'll be playing sorc next month, then marauder when sorc get nerfed, then mercs, etc...


The Ops that stay and are good will still destroy- they just will have to figure out how to manage killing someone who isn't stunned the whole time.

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I'm not disappointed that they nerfed Operatives/Scoundrels. I'm disappointed that they failed to address the other imbalances in PvP before nerfing Operatives. Namely:


- Stims/relics/consumables that can be stacked for huge +damage modifiers.

- Poor implementation of mitigation (shields, defense rating, and armor do not mitigate enough -and enough different types- of damage.)

- Expertise granting too large a bonus to player performance.


These issues should have been addressed before nerfing individual classes. I'm not saying Operatives/Scoundrels didn't need a nerf, but it was impossible to tell to what degree their damage needed to be scaled back, without first fixing the many other problems with PvP.



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