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According to the description, it says it interrupts the action and prevents the target from performing it again for 4 seconds. I can't count how many times I've successfully interrupted a PvP target, but they cycle the ability over and over.


Is the disruption for 4 seconds PvE only?

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Disruption works well fine in PvP and PvE.

Now if it lands or doesn't that's a different matter.


As for the tooltip, it interrupts the ABILITY being cast and forbids that SAME ability from being cast a gain within 4 seconds.

So the person you interrupted can only cast the same ability again in 4 seconds and during those 4 seconds he can cast anything else, whether its healing, damaging, channeling or whatever else.




EDIT: If I recall correctly there are 1-2 classes who can use a cooldown to become immune to interrupts, unless I'm mistaken.

Someone mentioned it while I was leveling, never noticed it though.

Edited by Midee
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I have seen many instances with healers casting the same heal that I just disrupted immediately after the interrupt. It is very frustrating to almost have a healer dead, but have him cast the heal you just interrupted right away and survive. This definitely needs to be looked into.
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Disruption works well fine in PvP and PvE.

Now if it lands or doesn't that's a different matter.


As for the tooltip, it interrupts the ABILITY being cast and forbids that SAME ability from being cast a gain within 4 seconds.

So the person you interrupted can only cast the same ability again in 4 seconds and during those 4 seconds he can cast anything else, whether its healing, damaging, channeling or whatever else.




EDIT: If I recall correctly there are 1-2 classes who can use a cooldown to become immune to interrupts, unless I'm mistaken.

Someone mentioned it while I was leveling, never noticed it though.


Reread what I wrote...The same ability cycling over and over...

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they also may have had their resolve bar full,and it may interfere with it,on both cases,if you sucessfully interrupted someone you'd see a samll icon on their debuff bar,called (confusion or distraction not sure) its like the grav round ability icon for troopers and its tooltip say,cant use an ability,and have 4s duration
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