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Warzone wins not counting towrds daily/weekly


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Today my first 5 warzone wins did not count toward my daily quest.


I started beta testing this game more than a year ago, in November of 2010. From the first time I saw a pvp console offering the daily warzone quests it has been bugged in this way.


Don't hold your breath for a quick resolution.

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Today my first 5 warzone wins did not count toward my daily quest.


I started beta testing this game more than a year ago, in November of 2010. From the first time I saw a pvp console offering the daily warzone quests it has been bugged in this way.


Don't hold your breath for a quick resolution.


this deserves the largest font available:



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I'm pretty sick of this. Is it happening to anyone else?


I had this happen to me several times some time ago, and I am not sure if this actually fixes it or not, but it has at least reduced the times the wins dont count to my quest.


Basicly untrack your weekly/daily whatnot, this did it for me at least and havent really had it bug since then. It might be just a fluke from my side, but its worth a shot i assume.

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I must admit I'm getting pretty sick of this as well. I have had this happen to me at least once a day. It isn't limited to any one Warzone either. It has happened to me in each and every Warzone at various times. The Republic win so few matches as is, to have them not count towards our daily/weekly PVP quests is a real kick in the junk. :(
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who cares.


we do, now get the **** out troll.


Happened to me today again, won 1 of each in a row and still stuck at 2/3 and 5/9, daily AND weekly respectively... fix this, isnt it enough you ****ed up Ilum? There is that much stuff a player can do at 50 and most are broken/dead... Pls make this game enjoyable again as it was from lvl 1 to 49, and b4 more trolls appear, no, making alts is not the solution so screw you and go play wow.

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Yep, this is very very annoying, I don't enjoy having to take all day to complete a WZ daily. Unless I'm in a guild premade we lose about 75% of the time, add in the people who randomly quit at the first sign of danger and then it's a real fun day. Took me 5 hours to get my 3 wins to count the other day, there also needs to be something adding to penalize people who quit. When someone quits that makes me and other players get dragged into a game mid match, sometimes in void star they are planting on the 3rd door and you zone in late at the very start and the match is over before you even get in. Also when we are winning then the other team starts to bail out cancelling the game so again you lose out on daily credit because of selfish *****s on top of in game bugs.
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Just happened to me now.


My first night in PVP. Hit 50 and thought I'd try it. Totally out matched by everyone else but hey I figured I'd get there. So 9 games later I get my second win so I'm thinking just one more for my daily but no, of course it doesn't count.


Am starting to think that it is utterly pointless to try and PVP in this game and I should just head over to a PVE server, run the story lines for all the toons that I want to and then cancel.

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