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Can I Kick Everyone From My Guild - Once Its Registered?


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When Registering a guild you need 5k and 4 other applicants correct?


Once the guild is registered can I remove the other 4 applicants that signed the Charter with me?



bank toons incomming! soon we will have guild banks, so this will be awesome!!

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People form guilds for all different kinds of reasons.


In World of Warcraft, I was once part of a guild that was really nothing more than a social chatline. It was originally formed by a small group of players who got really tired of being spammed with invitations to join guilds, so they decided to make their own guild solely so they'd have one less form of spam to deal with.


As has been mentioned, if BioWare introduces guild banks, then we will inevitably see players forming guilds just to get additional storage space for their characters.


And some players just like the idea of having a guild for all of their own characters.



To the OP :


It's okay to do that, I think, but as a courtesy, you should make sure to let the players signing your Charter know that they won't actually be in the guild itself after it forms.

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Why would you want to?


As the post "bank toons" mentions implicitely, here's the explicit version:


-Once guild banks are implemented

-Create guild with toon + 3 friends

-Kick 3 friends out

-Toon now has cargohold + guild bank for storage.


Player's alts can use bank toon to store stuff

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