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Denied access to Flashpoint because I was a Sentinel.


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i mean i have seen some bad sent's but when i ask them what spec they are they either say "combat" or "im a two (or three) tree hybrid spec". I am a watchman sent and i am beast in PVE. in addition to the ridiculous dps, i bring the self/party heals with my burn crits and zen. I have been in groups where everyone died and i had to finish off champions at only half health by myself and have been able to do it. So if someone says they don't want a sent make sure you tell them you are watchman and can bring good dps plus help the healer out.
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It did happen to me also, and i also made a thread about it.



Now i'm just thinking, how many are not coming here to make one.


And the worst part is, i don't know if they are actually wrong. Because some bosses really are harder for melee, because we are constantly being knocked back, or because they have shields that hurts if you attack as melee, because they can't be interrupted.


There is a very long list to why Range DPS is better than melee DPS, "IF" they do the same damage.


And the Inspiration working only to 4 players in ops is a stupid idea.

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Don´t worry with that, being rejected don´t mean you´re a bad player or sentinels are bad, it´s not your fault, some people don´t know how this game works, that´s all.

Don´t forget the name who rejected you, one day you will slap him with his/her own words..;)

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What most people fail to realize about watchman/anni spec players is simply this. You get blood thirst every 5 minutes on top of being able to self heal for 18% every time berserk is up, or 36% if frenzy is up as well. On top of being able to immune yourself from AOE dmg every 45 seconds from force camo. On top of intimidating roar locking adds down certian bosses spawn, (gharj in EV anyone?). Continuing on undying rage the oh noes im at 10% life save me button. Combine all that with rakata reusable medpacks and you become a force to be reckoned with surviability wise. For bosses lets see what else can we do oh thats right obsfucate is amazing on all fights. Oh that boss has a frenzy mechanic that pops every 1 minute that lasts for 10-12 seconds oh wait lemme mitigate alot of that for our tanks and healers. So to the OP cackle and laugh at all the people who think your underpowered.
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Yeah, this has been happening a lot as of late.


People are denying Sentinels access to groups because of a plethora of reasons the three of these being:


1. Another class does the job equal to or better and has extra tools (like good CC) to boot.


This means pretty much every other DPS class.


2. One or more bosses in the Op / Flash Point possesses abilities that totally incapacitate melee and thus they want ranged only DPS.


This includes, but is not limited to things like the droid from Hard Mode Essles which pops an anti-melee shield (IE a damaging aura that hurts people in melee range only) but allows ranged fighters to continue to spam it.


3. The Op / Flash Point has a lot of trash mobs in it and the Sentinel lacks significant AoE abilities (unlike the Trooper and Consular) to take out spawns more quickly.


Many Flash Points have masses of mobs that a combination of mortar or quake can easily dispatch. A Sentinel takes longer and is less effective at dealing with such things.


Side note:

I told BioWare that this would be an issue when Zoeller was talking about it back in pre-launch. Now, as with all of my predictions, this one too has come to pass.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Name and server please! :D

yes, name and server please. everyone is entitled to the opportunity to avoid idiots like that.

I actualy forget the name since I basicaly just thought the guy was a dick so I went and did a stream of pvp. Server was Swiftsure/Republic Side and he was a Jedi Sage I think.


I am a Watchman spec (Which I didnt like until I got the rotation down, thanks many members of the forums here for great insight) I have decent gear and am a Biochemist out of practicality. This is my 6th character and the one im having the most fun with since its fun to play and the story is good, unlike certain other classes who suck to play and have boring stories or are fun to play but are boring storywise etc.


I agree theres a technical curve to the class to pay attention to what your doing, unlike the one button wonders. But its highly rewarding, does great damage and has great utility and survivabilty as long as your not completly incompotent. Though I see few other Sentinels at lower levels on my server and they are REALLY bad when I do see them. Since I hit 25 I havent really seen many between 25-30+.


Reminds me of the vanilla wow warlocks, lots at low levels then they taper off and then vanish around lvl 40+ so theres very few and far between.




Bioware what did I do to you? You keep making more and more content that caters to ranged classes and punish melee more and more. No wonder I feel OP as my Balance Sage with only 5 keys to ever worry about and a high damage unlimited spam attack at range.

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Bioware what did I do to you? You keep making more and more content that caters to ranged classes and punish melee more and more. No wonder I feel OP as my Balance Sage with only 5 keys to ever worry about and a high damage unlimited spam attack at range.


BioWare has taken no steps to making melee more favorable than ranged combatants in any fight but has taken many steps toward making ranged more favorable than melee in a number of encounters.

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could you tell me the lottery numbers for tonight? :p




My *predictions* are based mostly on psychology and typical player behavior.


If Class A and Class B both do the same damage, and damage is their primary role, but class B's damage can be neutralized easier (via things like a damage aura) and requires a higher degree of skill to apply while at the same time being less impacted by things like knock back (themselves or their opponent) then it only makes sense that elitist players would gravitate toward Class A over Class B.


This is the same logic that BioWare used when they claimed if Class A and Class B were the same role but Class B was better at the role, IE did more damage, then everyone would play Class B.

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Fix for all Jedi Sentinel grouping problems:


When we hit Inspiration on a boss fight, characters grow a little bigger and this sound plays:



Guarantee, that change goes in, we start seeing: "LF1M Hard Mode Taral V, Sentinel plz"

Edited by McVade
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could I trouble you for some proof?


Just go test it yourself with your friends. Spec Watchman purely for PvE, then decide on an elite mob you'll all take down.


Kill it three times each of you and note the time it took and you'll see Sentinel pulling ahead by a few seconds each time.


Then on top of that, consider Inspiration.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I'm on Swiftsure as well, and trust me there are plenty of misinformed folks on this server.


Some tips:


1.) Turn off general chat.


2.) Find a few guilds who will pick you up and know what they're doing. They'll know exactly what a sentinel brings to the table and won't have any issues taking you along.


3.) profit.

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