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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force Leap and Huttball.


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I played a sith marauder in a couple of warzones. All a merc has to to is constantly back up and stay outside of that 4 meter range. It kind of makes you mad that he won't stay still, but all you really have to do is keep your distance. A jedi sage can just use force run.
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I played a sith marauder in a couple of warzones. All a merc has to to is constantly back up and stay outside of that 4 meter range. It kind of makes you mad that he won't stay still, but all you really have to do is keep your distance. A jedi sage can just use force run.


Tell an Arsenal specc'd Merc he doesn't stay still long enough for a melee or anyone else for that matter to wreck his world, and I think you will get a very different perspective on your statement. It is a big reason why I personally switched from Arsenal to Pyro, and am doing much better in WZ's because of it. Mobility is King in Swtor WZ's. Dot's also help a ton in Voidstar and Civil War matches.


On a side note don't marauders have an ability that flings their lightsaber at a target, or a stun of some sort? I haven't played that class past lvl 12 so I don't know all that much about it yet.


To the topic at hand. Yes working as intended. Both sides have players that can utilize the same exact abilities. The side that uses those abilities better as a team is the side that wins and deserves to win.


Have fun ;)!

Edited by Dalindran
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I dont even know how to properly respond to this.


Lets take away the only use a warrior has in Huttball, I mean, they are really just there to be fodder for the real classes that get knockbacks and CCs.


Warriors can be probably the most annoying class in the game. Also, force leap/force charge (along with 'pull' abilities) have to be the most rigged advantage I've seen in HUTTBALL.

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Warriors can be probably the most annoying class in the game. Also, force leap/force charge (along with 'pull' abilities) have to be the most rigged advantage I've seen in HUTTBALL.


Yeah I sure do love having the ball and being force pushed off the cat walks, I mean theres no way anyone should be able to counter that right ?

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Warriors can be probably the most annoying class in the game. Also, force leap/force charge (along with 'pull' abilities) have to be the most rigged advantage I've seen in HUTTBALL.



warriors only have force charge, no knockbacks, no pulling abilities, no force rush.

Every class has their own benefits, playing a warrior i can tell you that we dont have more than you do.

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warriors only have force charge, no knockbacks, no pulling abilities, no force rush.

Every class has their own benefits, playing a warrior i can tell you that we dont have more than you do.


I thought they got force push?


But other than that, yeah.


Tanks tend to make the best ball handlers. It's a role that involved being the primary target - why is it surprising to some people that tanks fill the role well?

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I dont even know how to properly respond to this.


Lets take away the only use a warrior has in Huttball, I mean, they are really just there to be fodder for the real classes that get knockbacks and CCs.


We have both a knock back and CC. Not to mention if geared correctly perfectly capeable of out damaging everyone.

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warriors only have force charge, no knockbacks, no pulling abilities, no force rush.

Every class has their own benefits, playing a warrior i can tell you that we dont have more than you do.


Playing a warrior I can tell you that they do have a major advantage. For instance on a commando/merc, sniper/gunslinger, ops/scoundrals all are useless in comparison. Yea sure you can use a knockback however this is easily negated by, you guessed it, force charge.


Also juggernauts get intervene, when used on a stealthed player sitting on the goal ledge it becomes an iWin button.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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no skill involved in pulling urself into the goal area all the time should be made more skill, and actually have to pass the ball rather than the player..


lame game mechinic. about as good as the bolster system.


Clicking the pass ball ability requires more skill than clicking the force leap ability?


Well sure, you have to ground target the pass too, but it's far from rocket science.

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Clicking the pass ball ability requires more skill than clicking the force leap ability?


Well sure, you have to ground target the pass too, but it's far from rocket science.


There also needs to be coordination between 2 people. Which is much harder. Many times I have passed the ball only to have the person I was passing to run away from where I passed it (some people must think big circles on the ground = bad mojo or something)


When you have charge all you have to do is just target some sap not paying attention on the goal ledge and you win.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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There also needs to be coordination between 2 people. Which is much harder. Many times I have passed the ball only to have the person I was passing to run away from where I passed it (some people must think big circles on the ground = bad mojo or something)


When you have charge all you have to do is just target some sap not paying attention on the goal ledge and you win.


So the ability to click in front of someone (the most basic ability to lead your target) is what makes it so much more skillful?


Sorry, still don't see it.

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So the ability to click in front of someone (the most basic ability to lead your target) is what makes it so much more skillful?


Sorry, still don't see it.


Here let me put this in simple terms for simple people. When you are a sith warrior, you can pass to FRIENDLIES or you can charge an ENEMY. Your ability to bypass obstacles has now doubled over someone who cannot charge. Also Enemies tend to spawn closer to the goal line, making charging enemies better than passing.


Understand now?

Edited by DarthDartheous
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Playing a warrior I can tell you that they do have a major advantage. For instance on a commando/merc, sniper/gunslinger, ops/scoundrals all are useless in comparison. Yea sure you can use a knockback however this is easily negated by, you guessed it, force charge.


Also juggernauts get intervene, when used on a stealthed player sitting on the goal ledge it becomes an iWin button.



Useless? In what way? They all have more stuns than I do? My anti stun has a long CD. My force charge has a 15 seconds CD, I cannot force charge shielding players? Gunslingers go invis and stay on the enemy ball line waiting for passes from the enemy pit? How in gods name is that useless?


You play vs my premade and you'll see how useless they are. I wont be making the goals, they will.


Im no jaggernaut, cant speak for their class. But for my own, no I do not have any advantage when it comes to pvp, its the straight opposite.




EDIT : @ force push question

We do, but only if we spec a certain skill tree. Ive never tried it and never will for pvp :p

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Here let me put this in simple terms for simple people. When you are a sith warrior, you can pass to FRIENDLIES or you can charge an ENEMY. Your ability to bypass obstacles has now doubled over someone who cannot charge.


Understand now?


How does that relate to whether passing requires more skill?


I am fully aware that juggs can leap or pass (or run), explaining that to me doesn't explain why you believe one option requires more skill than the other.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Here let me put this in simple terms for simple people. When you are a sith warrior, you can pass to FRIENDLIES or you can charge an ENEMY. Your ability to bypass obstacles has now doubled over someone who cannot charge. Also Enemies tend to spawn closer to the goal line, making charging enemies better than passing.


Understand now?



and what about the ability to drag players into fire / away from the ball?


What about the ability to force leap over fire / acid?


How about the ability to stand invis on the enemy goal?



Just sounds like alot of QQing cus you cant finish dailies if you ask me.

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How does that relate to whether passing requires more skill?


I am fully aware that juggs can leap or pass (or run), explaining that to me doesn't explain why you believe one option requires more skill than the other.


I really don't care if it requires more skill or not, that is not the point of the thread.



and what about the ability to drag players into fire / away from the ball?

Still not as powerful as charge, and I never said powertech/vanguard


What about the ability to force leap over fire / acid? Thats a mirror class ability.... same thing as force charge.


How about the ability to stand invis on the enemy goal? You cannot pass to stealthed players. However you can use intervene, which is a Juggernaut ability



Edited by DarthDartheous
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This is what makes Huttball pointless for some classes.


If you do not have: A leap, an enemy pull, a friendly player pull or a speed burst ... GG ... go home.


The difference for my agent going from Huttball (completely uselessness) to the other two (amazing contribution) is mind blowing.


Huttball is a sport. It is like heading out to play basketball against 6'10" pro players but you aren't allowed to jump.

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So the ability to click in front of someone (the most basic ability to lead your target) is what makes it so much more skillful?


Sorry, still don't see it.


Yes, it's far more difficult than tab targeting to someone in front of you and leaping with a keyboard key.


Please don't even attempt to argue otherwise.

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