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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Merc's Crap List..


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The title of this thread says it all. Crap abilities / talents...


1. No interrupt ability, every class in game (excluding trooper equivilant) has an interrupt. Well this is not crap...we just get crapped on!


2. Kolto Shell = crap, healing scales bad, its not really worth having, espically considering its 5th tier ability in BG tree.


3. Merc healers have no resurrect ability, making a heal spec Merc sub par for raid groups.


4. Kolto Missile = blows, it only heals 3 people??! *** at the very LEAST it should heal 4 a whole group worth..


5. Degauss "energy shield removes movement imparing effects when activated". This only breaks Snare. It is pretty much worthless considering most of your "movement imparing effects" are knock dows, and shock/stunns.


6. Secondary weapon...WHY EVEN HAVE ONE?! Damage from primary 1,500-2000 damage...secondary 300-650...W T F?!! DPS?! yea...what abilities even use both guns? Powershot...and Unload...both of which COULD USE A BOOST in DPS anyways... Unload is only good if you go arsenal and spec extra damage and crit chance. crap crap crap CRAAAP!!


7. Kolto Vents....can you say... C R A P? 7% hot over 10 seconds...on a 2 min cooldown? OoooOoooOOoo...thats worth being a 5th tier ability right?? NOOOOOT



Please feel free to add more to this list, this is just what I can think of that frustrates me at the moment.

Edited by ShaggNasty
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5. Degauss "energy shield removes movement imparing effects when activated". This only breaks Snare. It is pretty much worthless considering most of your "movement imparing effects" are knock dows, and shock/stunns.


This is working as intended. Movement impairing effects are slows and roots. Stun, knockdowns and mez are "loss of character control" or CCs. That's what Determination is for.

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No interrupt is pretty crappy, and a balance needs to be struck between the utility of healing class types. Other than that, not sure I'd call the rest crap.


-Combat parsing will help determine the benefit or detriment of dual wield.

-Power Shot is great. It's a free ability and the mainstay of many Bodyguards. The way it works with SCG+Muzzle Fluting+alacrity means you can pop off many of them for free during a cooldown period.

-Unload is fine. It needs to have a proc effect to become optimal, but both damage trees provide one. Its dual wield benefit is yet to be determined.

-Kolto Vents is 7%, your global is 15%, you receive what, 6% increased healing on top of it all if arsenal? No matter your spec, you're very easy to heal in groups with your respectable hp buffer+mitigation + (poss.) healing efficiency.

-Pyros get movement immunity with their shield talent. Bodyguards get interrupt immunity. Arsenals get an additional stacking shield with the use of their mainstay damage abilities. Sure, it might look like Pyros get shafted, but you also get to use your shield and globals more often--and have the most effective access to slows yourself.

Edited by SheepishOne
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level 46 skill is useless, not sure why more people are not upset about this. You get a level 46 skill that has high damage, with a long cooldown and its not even useable in any meaningful function in the game.
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wait...... what? o.O is this a thread about how healing as a merc is bad? or is it about mercs getting shafted? cuz theres like multiple stuff going on here.


first off, no interrupt? thats fine, theres 3 other classes to do it, in a raid situation that just means 1 less load off our backs to deal with. in pvp, well then that just sucks for you, but we do have a stun which can be used just like an interrupt (except its on the global cooldown but then again so is the imperial agent's) but unlike an interrupt using the stun actually stuns the target thus they cant do anything at all giving you free pot shots.


the idea of complaining about unload not getting a buff in the body guard tree? I dont get it, didnt you go down body guard cuz you wanted to heal? if you wanted to do damage you should have picked the other 2 trees. body guard is about protecting and healing not dishing out tons of damage. if your thinking of solo then gear up your companion and heal his butt while they wreak havoc. these companions can do so much damage if you gear them decently and dont forget they have no resource at all so they can go on forever


kolto missles, yea they probably should make it 4 instead of 3, but I can see why they did this. mostly cuz for raid/operational fights. if I learned anything from other mmos, you'll never have more than 3 tanks on a boss, and well you can heal 3 people. if you look at bounty hunter's kit, you'll noticed we're built for single target healing, meaning we're a main tank healer. thats what we do best, and what we should be assigned to.


kolto shell is a reactive heal, its great, you buff your tank with it then it'll buffer some damage they take, thus requires you to heal less with very little effort on your part. in other mmos, this was a great feature to those healers who have it, except they didnt get as many charges as this, so be grateful you have so many


as for the dual weilding, its no different than getting a generator, its just something to fill your offhand slot, in the future patches, and when they increase the level cap im sure they'll add to it.

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level 46 skill is useless, not sure why more people are not upset about this. You get a level 46 skill that has high damage, with a long cooldown and its not even useable in any meaningful function in the game.


level 46 skill? *** are you talking about? a name would be a lot more helpful and also there is no damage ability that is unlocked at level 46, only carbonize which is a powertech ability is unlocked at that level, soooooooooooooo yea

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